Headaches....they suck cock n balls


Well-Known Member
Ive been going through the headache nightmare for about 4 yrs now. I get what my dr calls thunderclap headaches. They come on out of nowhere and can last 3-4days. I am in so much pain most of the time my eyes water and i throw up all the time. After countless tests,scans and xrays i was told i have a chiari malfunction. Basically too much brain matter growth relative to skull growth. So when the body sends blood to the brain there is no room for water n air to move out of the way. Caught bubbles equals tons of pain.
I havent tried shrooms in 15 yrs but i know sure as shit that percs and mj dont help it at all.

Ive been curious about trying one of those shroom kits i see online. Anyone tried those?
Those suck. Some call them cluster headaches or eyeball headaches. I have been through mos of the headache meds. I was even on opiates for a while, which actually make headaches worse.

I watched the special on using mushrooms for them. I was considering trying g them for it. My headaches just kind of went away.

For all headache sufferers there are a few things gs to try.
Exercise to keep healthy and to reduce stress. Walking outside is great for it.

Eat a well balanced diet. Foods high in fat, sugar, grease, and spices are hard on the stomach. I used to suffer from acid reflux. I lost weight and got my stomach in check. I noticed some of my worst headaches were when my stomach was already bothering me.

Avoid caffeine. I know it sucks but it really helps.
Avoid alcohol. It worsen headaches.
Drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated can ease headaches. It is also good for flushing toxins from the body.

Get a good nights rest. If you haven't done it, drop some money on a name brand mattress. You spend a third of your life on it don't skimp. Also tap a nap if needed. Studies show that people that take naps live longer than ones that don't.

Quit smoking cigarettes. Its hard, I know. I quit just shy of two years ago. Your body will thank you.

If all else fails, drop all pharmaceuticals. Don't do this with dangerous meds like anticonvulsants. Most drugs have horrible side effects and cause rebound pain. The best I have ever felt was dropping pharms.

I got out of the military, got married, had kids, and gained weight. I ended up with high blood pressure, taking three different pill for it. Problem after health problem popped up and a new pill prescribed.

I know this may seem like a rant, I don't mean it to be.
I reversed the bad habits in my life and it made a HUGE difference in my life.

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
Those suck. Some call them cluster headaches or eyeball headaches. I have been through mos of the headache meds. I was even on opiates for a while, which actually make headaches worse.

I watched the special on using mushrooms for them. I was considering trying g them for it. My headaches just kind of went away.

For all headache sufferers there are a few things gs to try.
Exercise to keep healthy and to reduce stress. Walking outside is great for it.

Eat a well balanced diet. Foods high in fat, sugar, grease, and spices are hard on the stomach. I used to suffer from acid reflux. I lost weight and got my stomach in check. I noticed some of my worst headaches were when my stomach was already bothering me.

Avoid caffeine. I know it sucks but it really helps.
Avoid alcohol. It worsen headaches.
Drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated can ease headaches. It is also good for flushing toxins from the body.

Get a good nights rest. If you haven't done it, drop some money on a name brand mattress. You spend a third of your life on it don't skimp. Also tap a nap if needed. Studies show that people that take naps live longer than ones that don't.

Quit smoking cigarettes. Its hard, I know. I quit just shy of two years ago. Your body will thank you.

If all else fails, drop all pharmaceuticals. Don't do this with dangerous meds like anticonvulsants. Most drugs have horrible side effects and cause rebound pain. The best I have ever felt was dropping pharms.

I got out of the military, got married, had kids, and gained weight. I ended up with high blood pressure, taking three different pill for it. Problem after health problem popped up and a new pill prescribed.

I know this may seem like a rant, I don't mean it to be.
I reversed the bad habits in my life and it made a HUGE difference in my life.
I think you just became my new primary care physician


Well-Known Member
I think you just became my new primary care physician
My wife got sick one day and we went to the er. It turned out to be a gall stone the size of a quarter.

The reason I mention it is because of what a Dr said. This Dr approached a patient and they argued a little. " I can't cure anything, all I can do is treat the symptoms. " was the doctors last statement and he walked off. That has really stuck with me.

Can't cure nothing? Wtf is that? Seriously? You mean to tell me with the combination of school and interning you have 10-15 years of training, more if you are a specialist, and you are not able to cure anything.

Maybe I'm jaded. Several of my family members have almost died because of doctors. It sickens me.


Well-Known Member
I have episodic cluster headaches. They happen about every other year, and last 6 to 8 weeks. Theyre called suicide headaches for a reason. I can't drink any kind of booze during that time. 1/2 a beer will trigger one. They usually occur later at night, behind my left eye, to the left temple and down the left side of my head. I've tried all the drugs. The only thing that works for me is oxygen. My neuro doc prescribes it. Start inhaling as soon as you feel it coming on, and it can abort the headache.


Well-Known Member
I've been getting this headache, like a pressure spike behind my right eye for a few years now..just randomly, i attribute it to the accident..my eye is a little f'ed. But yeah, the pain, everything in the outside world just STOPS! Luckily it never lasts more than 10-15 seconds, I can't imagine what migraine sufferers go through. My father used to get debilitating headaches, to the point he was throwing up, crying , would spend says in bed, under the sheets, pillow over his head , which was wrapped in ice packs. He spent time in the VA hospitals for it, they attributed it to his time in Vietnam, they almost killed him with the drugs they were giving him. He went to a family DR and ended up having high blood pressure, but it was on the high side of "safe", so the VA never considered it, but the family DR. figured out that every now and then it would spike and boom! headache. He also wanted my father to sue the VA for the combination of drugs, said it should have killed him. check your blood pressure next time it happens and keep track of it see if there is a correlation.