Has having good bud on hand gotten you laid?


Well-Known Member
Well, I can eat 1, and then about an hour or 2 later, I can have a second one.

My 6 foot 4 work colleague passed out like a 2 year old off of one, and he said he was 12/10 on the "high scale". He was tripping balls.

I think I have a high tolerance for edibles. Maybe....

Anywho - 4 oz of shake in 1 lb of butter. Plus I added the crystals from my grinder.



Well-Known Member
I think there are weed club whores. Over here there could be a weed hierarchy regarding using it to pull women. Lots of girls like a free smoke but I don't know any who'd fuck for it, sorry.

Coke on the other hand......


Well-Known Member
A lot have people have got me stoned. And I've gotten A LOT of people stoned.

Sex did not come out of every stoned give-a-way.

I've been ripped off!!!


I gave "the ab machine" (as one of me buddies called him) a cookie after work yesterday and he was so high he passed the fuck out for an hour or so. And couldn't drive for another 5 hours.

I had a second cookie. And received NO sex. I guess I could have taken my payment by force - he was pretty incapacitated. Hahahaha

I'm only rapie on the Internet. Not for REALSIES.
If it were you and i, alone at home, blasted to the moon, better believe the 5 minuits of silence will lead to something! i see what you're saying though, no i have not gotten laid on every occasion i was being sarcastically funny lol. But seriously though, once you two sit on the same bed, blasted as fuck, its all over...