Has growing changed the way you look at anything?!

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
i respect old people more, now i know why they love there gardens so much. i used to think my gran was mad always pulling the weeds and clipping the roses. but now ive grown something i understand what they are trying to do, even if i do think growing something you cant smoke is a waste of time, lol!
growing is never a wast of time.I learned that young doing Landscaping and gardening as a kid.


Active Member
i learned that if i grow this plant. i can smoke it and feel silly....

no seriously though although its only my first grow im completely infatuated with these plants, its almost creepy or unhealthy.... anyone else jsut stare at their plants for 10-20 mins at a time? WTF?

thnx to all who have helped me on here though and happy growing to all!


Active Member
when i drive down the rode or ride my bike i constantly look at the side of the road thinking I could hide a plant there


Active Member
teaches you all those life lessons you were meant to learn when you were young and they told you pot was bad....

patience, problem solving, responsibility, keeping secrets, being energy conscience...and moderation, don't smoke the whole stash until it's replaced :wall:
im sure glad m not the only one hat stands thee 20 min at a time.20 times a day lol my problem is growingto the end had some pretty plants with petty bud but them dayz when i run out of bud my poor buds dont stand a chance lol


i realized im not a supporter of any laws based on fear
Very well said. It's sad to think that the majority of society are controlled by fear without even being conscientious about it :(

But for me, growing weed has taught me how to be patient with every aspect in life that deserves patience, however just like a weed plant, if it doesn't seem to grow properly it doesn't deserve patience and thats when I just pull the fucking thing out! haha and smoking weed has just made me a better person in general. I was a very heavy alcoholic and smoked a lot of cigarretes.. If it weren't for weed, I would probably be long gone by now.
Peace <3