Growing Outside in BIG Numbers


Well-Known Member
I second what he said, except I disagree with one part: you don't HAVE to start them inside, it's just a much better system. You could just germinate the seeds and then plant them strategically and then look after them. With that method you will probably lose many though in the first 2 weeks, so be careful. And yes, you really are better off growing 20 good plants instead of 60 shitty plants. I don't care if you have 8 friends; as long as you're all beginners, it's true. I'm doing a similar grow with a friend this summer, so I know the temptation to go's a bad idea though.

i find this reply of no use at all, its out dooors, jus plant ya seeeds and ur off, no addded anythign neeeded really un less u wanna booost em, but 60 plants wud be too many i think but i wud also jus go for it anyway

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
Go ahead and plant 60, because by the time everything's said and done, you're probably only going to wind up with no more than 20 female plants anyway. Maybe not even that many. I mean, you could conceivably wind up with 30 healthy females at harvest time, but seriously, if it's your first grow, you'll be lucky if 1 out of every 3 plants make it to harvest. 15 out of 60 is probably a more realistic expectation.

Scatter 'em around. That doesn't mean one plant every few hundred square yards; plant them in clusters. Groups of 6 or so (several yards apart), which will probably turn out to be groups of 3 or 4 (maybe even 2 or 3) by mid- to late summer. Unless you know the property extremely well, drop 150 bucks on a basic GPS unit, so you can find your clusters. Believe me, between the time you plant them and the time they hit 3 or 4 feet, those babies will be a lot harder to find then you expect, if you've got that many scattered around. With 60 plants you're guaranteed to miss a few, and it'll be just your luck that a couple of them will be males. And read the "Outdoor Growing" forum religiously; there's a veritable encyclopedia of good advice in there for the first-time grower. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
lol GPS ur mad mate, i jus grow em all in same spot, ? 2x2 holes all next to each other? probly ill get caught jus do what he says lol