Grape Stomper x OG and a Blue Himalaya 600w Tent Grow


Well-Known Member
Day 12
Nothing really to note today, they grew some. I'm going to start taking as close up of pics as I can of the tops so you can see the development of the buds. You can also see a lot of low hanging branches off to the sides. I fixed some of those up after I took the pictures by tying them to the main stems. The main stems are very strong right now which will prevent me from doing any more supercropping to them.

All in all everything is going great. They will probably be getting another feeding either tomorrow or the next day. They will be getting full strength nutes, 2ml grow, 10ml bloom, 4ml protekt, 2ml magpro. This will be the max amount of nutes they will receive so if they bear through it fine that will be good news. I realize I ramble a lot in my posts and I will work on continuing to do this because that's how I roll. Also, I have to make a better drainage system for the pots because they are leaking everywhere. I have no money right now so I will need to be crafty.



Well-Known Member
I for one love reading your updates bro keep 'em coming ;-), I'm now on day 7 flowering mine and seeing yours lets me see what I'm gonna be in for. Love the pic's too :mrgreen: coming along fast.


Well-Known Member
Day 14
hit them with the nutes when I woke up. Came home from work and they look beautiful. They are getting nice and pistily, can't wait to see where they are next week. You can kinda see how I tied up some of the branches that were hanging low so they light is hitting a little more equally. They grew about 2 inches since last watering, they are pushing 2 foot tall right now, I'm guessing they will get probably another 6 to 12 inches taller. Some pictures, I'm counting about 30 good tops so hopefully everything turns out great and I get a nice yield.



Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, I also vaped a little of the Blue him today. It wasn't quite dry enough yet to smoke so i let it sit in the vape and rolled it around to get it dry than i crushed it up, did it a lil more, than I grinded it and vaped it. With the 48 hr flush in the hempy 2lt I made, it took out almost all of the nute taste. It tastes fantastic also.

Early Smoke Report
Strain: Blue Himalaya Auto from short stuff seeds
lineage: Nepalese kush, a blueberry hybrid and auto flowering plant (couldn't find much on the blueberry hybrid or the autoflowering plant they used)
Bag appeal:6/10 -kinda airy and not real crystaly
Taste:9/10 - tastes like sour blue berries, a light skunk taste, and a small amount of earthy undertones
Head high:4/10 - a slight paranoia kept up on me, something that I rarely get. Not a lot of of racy thoughts
Body high: 8/10 - Kept me in my chair, very relaxing. Every time I turn my head a feel like the world around me is slowed down. Nice for right after work and takes away all the aches and pain from my back.
Overall:7/10 - Very nice indica, extremely relaxing easy going high. great for watching a movie or some lite reading. Great for later in the day.


Well-Known Member
Day 17
Today was half nute plus molasses day. They enjoyed it. Also put in a new fan to help with some air circulation and help strengthen the plants and whatever else fans do. All a had was alittle dinky fan. Now I'm using the dinky one to blow up the ladies skirts and the big one to recreate a nice breeze, not unlike nature. I have the exhale bag ontop of the big fan so hopefully the c02 will fall into the fan and be blown across the leaves. I'm not really sure how well the exhale bag is working because i don't have a c02 meter. I'm assuming it is doing its job but have nothing to compare it to. The room smells a little different now. Can't quite put my finger on it but it kind of smells flowery. I'm guessing this smell will mature and evolve into a much more complex sour, grapey, piney, lemony smell, being Grape Stomper and OG. I will also be building an odor neutralize so I can hopefully stop using the carbon filter. The carbon filter seems to be limiting the inline fan a little too much thus not air cooling the light as effectively as it could. I hope it is okay I link to a site not affiliated with RIU. Oder Neutralizer. This should help a lot since a lot of the oder is not being kept within the room. With this and a couple air fresheners throughout my house I can hopefully start inviting people back over and not have to keep going to there houses. Also the leaves seem to be turning slightly yellow on one of the ladies. I'm guessing it is a nitrogen deficiency so I'm keeping the nitrogen a little higher for now until they are further into flowering.

K, pic time.


Well-Known Member
I'm honestly beggining to think that all that skunk smell was coming from the Blue Himalaya. It just got done drying 2 days ago and now it's in the curing jar. I can now barely smell any blueberry, it has a much more prominent skunk smell to it. I'm thinking I didn't realize it before because I became accustomed to the smell in my home and didn't really notice it as much. Now that it has been curing the smell is no longer lingering within my house so when I open the jar it's akin to being sprayed by a skunk that may or may not have just gotten done eating blueberries. The smell coming from the grow room right now is more floral and earthy, not much skunk at all.


Well-Known Member
Watered them tonight with some extra grow nutes at 4ml grow to 8ml bloom. They were starting to get yellow so hopefully doing this will bring the green back. I'm guessing it's just a little touchy with the Nitrogen and it's really only one of the three that is getting touchy. I want to be giving the plants enough nitrogen but dont want to overdue it and not be giving enough p during flower so I will probably not put the Grow nutes any higher. In about two weeks I want the grow to be back down to 1 or 2ml for every 10ml of bloom so I give them what they need to get big buds. At this point I think it would be safe for some of the lower fan leaves. I'll get some pics up tomorrow, they are getting hairy, mmmm.


Well-Known Member
Day 21- Week Three
I've been quite sick so this will be a short update. The nutes seemed to bring some green back but some of the lower fan leaves are still yellow and dying off. This is probably from the low N and the low light getting to these leaves. There is still quite a lot of green fan leaves and I think this loss will be fine. Heres some pictures.
so how many males did u get cuz i did 5 seeds
in a closet nd mine all turned out female nd i had light leaks and all sorts
just makes me think it mite not be us growing our ladies into males
i think its these seed banks just made me think?


Well-Known Member
so how many males did u get cuz i did 5 seeds
in a closet nd mine all turned out female nd i had light leaks and all sorts
just makes me think it mite not be us growing our ladies into males
i think its these seed banks just made me think?
I ended up with two males, three females. Congrats on the four ladies.


Well-Known Member
lol my ratios were worse, I got just 3 ladies to run & 7 males binned from a 10 pack of beans. But wow they're 3 great girls!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I still have 4 seeds yet to pop, hope I get a lady out of them so if I like this strain I could do some breeding or cloning. Wish I could clone now but don't have the time/funds to start.


Well-Known Member
Day 23
Well the leaves are still quite yellow on the one plant. I found a new setting on my camera so it can be seen better. I'm pretty sure it's N def but should it really be making no progress when I just watered with some high N. Any ideas?



Well-Known Member
I'd use a lower rate of the flower booster additives your using in your feeds as they contain more potassium & phosphorous which will cause leaves to yellow in high doses. Flush 'em through with water and tomorrow feed again on lower additive more base nute ratio. Nitrogen diff' wont fix overnight it'll take a few more days so be paitent and don't overdose on the nitrogen in flower either mate it can be a grave mistake at this stage. You don't want them reverting back to veg. My OG#18Skunk's from my last run went yellow early due to me overfeeding and letting the ph drop ~ That is another thing that could be causing the yellowing too mate, check your ph both in the res and the run off.