GD Spider Mites Showed Up out of Nowhere, 4 wks Flowering


Well-Known Member
I know, I know, another spider mite thread, and I have read through the threads, but this one is different....:lol:

My first ever grow, and it is Outdoor. Today I noticed spider mites on a lot of leaves. It is getting cold and rainy here (upper 60's/55 at night) and I have read they prefer heat and humidity and are fairly rare outdoors anyway, so kind of odd.

My ladies are 4-5 wks into flowering and looking pretty good, other than the mites on the leaves. What do I do? Will they likely die off because of the weather? should i use alchohol/water/soap? Is it too late for Neem? And there are SO many leaves. How do I spray them all and then clean them afterwards without hurting the buds?




Active Member
Spray 50-50 water-90% rubbing alcohol. Up, down, all around. Stalk and ground. Couple times week to keep on top of it. Been dealing with them for a month + now (because I let it go.. and they eventually come back). They seem to come back in my yard with everything else growing and no I dont treat outside the mj. Dont hurt plants or flowers. No residual anything to smoke later. Dont turn pistles brown but sure n da fu ck kills the mites instantly. Spray early morning or an hour before sun sets. Drys off good n quick. I dont soak da buds.. just because of rot fear, but leaves wet is OK. Get a good hand sprayer bottle that throws a good mist. No worries.

ps Neems stinks, but works. I quit that early flower. And they came back anyway so...


Active Member
I gotta little bottle some some shit from wal mart seems to worked fine for me... Can't think of the name but it's in a green mister bottle... Works great...