Ganja Queen, has anyone seen it?


Well-Known Member
hey has anybody seen the documentary Ganja Queen? its about a lady named Shapelle Corby an Austrailian native who was wrongfully sentenced to 20 years for trafficing almost 10 pounds of marijuana. its some crazy shit. im pissed off i didnt follow the case when it happend. but thoes who havent seen seen the case its on HBO and more about Shapelle heres a link


Well-Known Member
I like the way you say "wrongfully accused". She was caught taking weed into a country where the laws are massively harsh. How is that wrongfully accused? You do realize that if your caught with heroin in the same country you can get the death penalty? Has happened many times before... 10 pounds, hardly a queen...

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
yeah ive seen it, crazy fuckin documentary....whether she did it or not...who knows. It could have been someone working at the airport corruptly put the weed in her she said, but they did have a lot of evidence against her...and it didnt help that they were in a country were you can get death for weed lol but its an interesting documentary


Well-Known Member
Sorry I havent seen the documentary but it was a big story here in Australia. I highly doubt the baggage handlers put that much weed in her boogie board bag. Her old man is a bikie and the people they used to live next door to had a huge grow op. She was just trying to cop out, not surprising I would blamed everyone else too


Active Member
I've seen bits of it. I don't know if she was the one that was set up to take the fall or if it was just her turn to carry, but their family was most definatly trafficing.