Fuck the goverment!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I am actually happy i've lived through these times. Because in 40 yrs my kids are gonna ask me about when i was younger and i can tell them about how i lived through the worst presidency of any country ever! I can tell them about how we invaded countries at will because our president lied to us. i can also tell them about the double standard (waterboarding) that we use to live with and how america use to think we were better than the rest of the world.

and just a quick note on the dem nominees. they are both elitists. clinton was on the YALE law review on the board of editors that helped prosecute watergate. and obama was the frist black president of the Harvard law review.

and if either continue to pursue pot smokers they are hippocrites. obama admitted it. and clinton has dozens of people that would go as far to testify that they saw her use marijuana in one form or another. for god sakes she graduated college in '69. hopefully they allow democracy to work in a democratic country


Well-Known Member
barack hussien obama ,..sounds to me like barack= bagdad & iraq put together,,, hussien , we all know that dead asshole ,, & obama ,, kindda sounds like osamma to me ,,, so why in the fuck are we as americans letting this muslim fuck try to rule our world ,, as for hillary clinton,... fuck her too
Fuck off you. :evil: You're calling a man Muslim because his name sounds *similar* to some stereotypically Muslim names? So what if his dad was a Muslim and influenced his naming. His dad walked out on him and his mother. Don't judge so much. Have you even looked at his stance on major issues?


Well-Known Member
simmer down kiddies....

we will never be able to unite and tell the gov to fuck off with the bureaucratic bull shit if we name call each other... if we want something to change we have to be civil with each other and leave the bull shit name calling to ignorant people.


Well-Known Member
Why not Obama president, Ron Paul VP...

Why not..........

I believe a lot Ron Paul has to stay, but there's no way in hell he`ll get elected. And guarentee a lot of Ron Paul supporters choose Obama as their second pick.

John Mcain is screwed just because of Bush. And Hilary please, she's a power hungry bitch. Shes already got the "honesty" part of the presidency. Sniper fire in Bosnia, pretty much shitting on Stan Lee. The list goes on look up her lies. How could anyone vote for her, she straight up lies to us all and says she mispoke.. Please

Obama Paul 08 Finally Democrats and Republicans might actually get shit done in office.


Well-Known Member
i wonder what would happen if 60% of the population actually voted for ron paul, regardless :D

i believe in a lot of his ideology and i feel like a lot of informed people believe in him too over the others..

fucking media sucks!!!


Well-Known Member
barack hussien obama ,..sounds to me like barack= bagdad & iraq put together,,, hussien , we all know that dead asshole ,, & obama ,, kindda sounds like osamma to me ,,, so why in the fuck are we as americans letting this muslim fuck try to rule our world ,, as for hillary clinton,... fuck her too
Wow your sound like an ignorant dumb redneck asshole. "His name sounds like a terrorist....so HES A TERROIST!" If you don't agree with me about how dumb you sound missmandy, then you stepped up your dumbness one more step. The guy is a Christian and from what i understand, that is a little different from the Muslim religion.


Well-Known Member
I've never seen a Clinton,Mccain,or Obama sign round here. When I drive down the street I see tons of Ron Paul signs soooo exactly why can't he win? Everybody I know says they're gonna vote for Ron Paul. Clinton, Obama, and Mccain are all cfr members the cfr controls the media and they're trying to control everything so by voting for anybody but Dr. Ron Paul you are making sure that you will never legally be able to grow pot. Is it council of foreign relations or is it Corporate Fascist Regime.


Well-Known Member
The media is controlled by the cfr we can act like sheeple and believe what it tells us or we can be logical thinking humans and vote for who we think is right.


Active Member
Dr. Paul will never be able to win because he is incapable of "dumbing down" his points to where the majority of Americans can understand wtf he is talking about. Dont get me wrong I love the man and he is extremley smart but if noone understands him then he should just stay on course in congress.

As for Obama, very smart and on track but if he gets nominated then it will be like bringing a cat to a dog fight and McCains big dogs will chew him up

Hillary has a much more experience in being dirty and useing cheap tricks to bring down an opponent, lets face it all American politics revolve around who can talk shit the best.

and McCain will lead us into Nuclear war.

just my thoughts....ok now really let me have it guys


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul seems pretty straight forward to me. Not like how every other candidate flip flops on all the issues.


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul seems pretty straight forward to me. Not like how every other candidate flip flops on all the issues.

actually i would rather vote for him than anyone else!!!! i will not put my vote to go to someone who i dont agree upon as much as i do RON PAUL!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul can't win the same way Bush beat Gore. Your vote really doesn't mean anything it's all about the electoral votes. I seen a comment where they are trying to get people to become Mccain delegates and then right in Ron Paul.


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul 2008! I am a supporter but a realist and know that the media is fooling enough sheeple to pretty much black ball him.


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul can't win the same way Bush beat Gore. Your vote really doesn't mean anything it's all about the electoral votes. I seen a comment where they are trying to get people to become Mccain delegates and then right in Ron Paul.
well, if enough ppl voted for ron paul there would be no way around making him president....

you would have to figure it this way.... say if mccane YouTube - McCain for President of the United States/ Mexico ?
was to become president and no one voted for him, we the people would soon enough go around and figure out that no one voted for this fucker. we would thusly come together and tell the gov to go fuck their selves and maybe throw out all the big shoots out of important positions and put people in that have integrity.....