Fuck the goverment!!!!!!


New Member
keep marijuana illegal. Its better for me like that. But then god ask why the greed??

Check it out your not a dealer. but you just grew a couple of plants. turns out they are the bomb. Loaded in trichs....

But you want to give your friend some because he also suffers from pain..

So all the hard work you put in.. Would be worth nothing .. Because if it was legal it would be worth nothing..

That quote is Only half true.. Because to you its a pile of diamonds..Just shining..

Then you ask yourself did I really just pull this off again???


Well-Known Member
First off, I didn't write this, Kingkush did a few posts ago. I just thought it came off like song by K-os or something. I kinda edited so it would be in an easier context to read/sing it. It might use a bit of spicing up lyric wise, but I think its true to the intent of the post.

Green-Thumbed Villains

Keep marijuana illegal!

Its better for me like that. But then, God ask, "why the greed?"

Check it out, your not a dealer.

Just grew a couple of plants, turns out they're the bomb.

Loaded in trichs....
Loaded in trichs....
Loaded in trichs....

Give your friend some, because he also suffers... Pain...

"So all the hard work you put in, Would be worth nothin'

Just because if it were legal it would be worth nothin'."

That quote is only half true, 'cause she's a pile of diamonds to you...

Just shining... All day and night long...

Then you ask yourself, did I really just pull this off again?

Disclaimer: Yo, I just did this for jokes nobody sue me for plagiarism.


Well-Known Member
Fuck off you. :evil: You're calling a man Muslim because his name sounds *similar* to some stereotypically Muslim names? So what if his dad was a Muslim and influenced his naming. His dad walked out on him and his mother. Don't judge so much. Have you even looked at his stance on major issues?
yepp i sure did ,, hes a nigger , from a diff country , ,, look what bush said , just to get into office ,,, now that hes in office ,, EVERYTHING IS FUCKED ,, so let me guess u are going to trust some dumb honkey , & BTW he is a fukin muslim ,, no im not callin him that cause his name sounds like it ,, i am callin him that because he IS A FUCKING MUSLIM ,


Well-Known Member
Wow your sound like an ignorant dumb redneck asshole. "His name sounds like a terrorist....so HES A TERROIST!" If you don't agree with me about how dumb you sound missmandy, then you stepped up your dumbness one more step. The guy is a Christian and from what i understand, that is a little different from the Muslim religion.
who cares what he is now ,, he was raised muslim ,, born in a muslim country ,, he talks shit so dumbass fukin ppl like you belive him & then vote him into office ,, then after hes elected them arab fucks will have more privledges then we do IN OUR OWN FUKIN COUNRTY ,,, well they almost do have more right now , this is what i think ... if you were NOT born in the USA then you should NOT be HERE,.. unless u serve in the military for a 4 year term... then u may become a citizen ... ,, they all think ,, O im an american ,, ok HOW..?? just cause you were born here does not make you an american ,, i am white , & if i was born in china would that make me chinese, hell no .... ,, my solution.... get all the arabs out of the usa EVERY FUKIN ONE ( i mean ur in the USA land of the free , so why the fuck do they still wear that fukin cape gown thing at the public beach in the water) , so get rid of them all ,,, florida had a gator problem ,, new orleans is below sea level & we have a huge illegal immagrant issue crossing from mexico ,,, soooo dig a big ass moat ( ditch) along the whole mexican border , use all that dirt to raise new orleans above sea level,, fill the moat with all the florida gators ,, that solves the mexican problem ,,, now for the arabs ,, go home so BUSH can have u killed


Active Member
born in a muslim country? who? Obama? hmmmm I was under the impression you had to be born here to be president lol


New Member
born in a muslim country? who? Obama? hmmmm I was under the impression you had to be born here to be president lol
Last time I checked, Honolulu Hawaii was part of the USA. It would be big news if it sudenly went muslim. I guess ignorant people just don't want to check facts before they post some bullshit like Barak was born in a muslim country. Barak was born in America, period. Get over your ignorant self.


Well-Known Member
Wow, that diatribe was definitely enough to earn you an ignore.

*I deleted my own speech here, no sense knocking on Mandy while throwing my own arguments back at him*


Well-Known Member
How about a new batch of plain old citizens? Career politicians are part of what fucked the whole thing up.


Well-Known Member
We need to just chop all their heads off and start over with a new batch of politicians.
for sure!!!! and put ron paul in for president!!!!!! shit, id be that guys personal body guard :D

the only problem is getting them fockers out of there, i wouldnt have any clue..... choping off their heads would work though:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I would like to see Ron Paul win but it won't happen and i'm not an Obama fan either. it looks to me like McCain is gonna win because the democrats lack a decent candidate. i'd vote for Hillary just because she's at least been the woman behind the man. I really hate the idea of Bush continuing to reign thru his Puppet McCain. lets face facts we are all royaly Fucked.


Well-Known Member
i'd vote for Hillary just because she's at least been the woman behind the man.
You mean that man that signed CALEA?

And the same man that...
We’re only left to wonder where Clinton was during the past eight years, as state and federal marijuana arrests continued to climb, as did the number of prisoners doing time for nonviolent drug offenses. Or where the president might have been in 1996, when both Attorney General Janet Reno and drug czar Barry McCaffrey threatened doctors in Arizona and California with license removal and jail if they dared prescribe medical marijuana in accordance with new state laws there.
Reason Magazine - Bill Clinton's Exit Interviews

That guy? Her husband? I'm still voting for Ron Paul.


New Member
Well, there goes a couple of wasted votes. Those two votes may be the ones needed to keep McCain out, ya never know. If McCain wins by two votes, I'm holding you two responsible.


New Member
With Frick and Frack running on the Demobat side, and Mr. Happy running on the Republican side, I'm just gonna write in Ron Paul on my ballot in November.
