Fuck rap! Hail metal


New Member
Rap and all alikes hip hop freestyle w.e the fuck you wanna call that monotone garbage and overplayed and rehashed lyrics and beats its crap! How many more songs can come out about killing abd getting money while fucking bitches with big bootys! My god and whats even more white ppl wiggers and blasting rap jesus!

Hail metal and all subgenres of it. Fucking ppl who have musical talent and write their own lyrics and music. Doesnt promote violence. Even they so called "satan bands" are mostly all very religious christians and catholics and what not. Christian metal is great

So back to thread title. All h8rs ..l.. off


New Member

My fav band :


Some more

Femal fronted metal being my fav. Black metal. Symphonic metal. Gothic metal. Yummmm


New Member
Lol i love dethklok. Some other deathmetal bands i like are

Dying fetis. White chapel. Job for a cowboy. Suicide silence...


Well-Known Member

This makes me lol every time I see it.


Active Member
hmm im not the biggest metak fan and definattely dont like MOST of the rap out rite now but you gotta pick through the weeds to find the flowers haha i just thought of that, someone tell me if its from something i have a habit of doing that i listen to a large variety allota old school hip hop, 90s music, reggae, oldschool techno , breakbeats, drum n bass, trip hop is one of my new faves as well as jazz, http://youtu.be/rZFb_yhndn0


Active Member
check out that and also dead prez if you know who that is there are the kinda enlightened rap i like to hear as well as blackstarr and mos def dont lose faith in the mcee, if you like dark shit i got you covered im a big music junkie lol , http://youtu.be/r4AMeDh5DFM, http://youtu.be/0s1KMCPJlRE listen to my music time is money i think you will like the last one the most if you dont listen to them i will strangle you sorry its just i demand people to at least try out what im showing but really im jokin hahahah hahaha