FUCK ME am i fucked!!!!!!!!

ok so i have 3 plants they will be 3 weeks old in 3 days (so there 18 days old )ones about 4 1/2" tall
and the other 2 are bout 6 inches tall, the one im concerned with is one of the 6" ones i was starting lst today accedently broke the mian stem ( just cracked it i dident completly snap it off once i heard the snap i dident move it and just pinned it bent closed i heard it will fix itself is that true i will update with pics in the morning any help on this.......


Active Member
leave it alone if its not to bad it will heal ive broken a few in my day youll be ok
just breath ad count to 10 lol


Active Member
Yes it will fix itself in most cases as long as the break stays closed and is not moving around a bunch. I've done it a few times...it gets really interesting when you have a half ounce cola of bud that breaks during flowering...then my friend you will shit your pants!


Active Member
Yes it will fix itself in most cases as long as the break stays closed and is not moving around a bunch. I've done it a few times...it gets really interesting when you have a half ounce cola of bud that breaks during flowering...then my friend you will shit your pants!
Shit indeed.
lol thanxs that helps mw calm down im not sure wat strain they are or anything i will upload pics of my grow and plants tommarow

The Don