Fuck Floyd Mayweather


Active Member
Smokey is right mayweather is scared of the pac man.
well based on talent/skill/prime guys like pacman or cotto are the best in my opinion. pacman is small but his record speaks for itself...and he hasnt taken the easy way out...thats for sure...a lot of tough mexican fighters on his resume...

cotto is another good pick...he can punch...AND (this is important) he can box...he understands the need for being elusive...a lot of fighters floyd ends up fighting just tend to focus on the offense part of the fight...not the defense and countering. things cotto has gotten a lot better with over recent fights...his only losses are to some of the better fighters of the sport...

either of these two are probably the guys to give mayweather the best fight.

guys 35+ who have big names from their PAST arent going to beat him...he's in far too good of shape for the older guys to keep up...and thats what keeps happening...mosley and de la hoya both showed promise (especially de la hoya) but gassed out down the stretch...mosley was just simply too slow...he really looked his age...oscar was in the fight (on paper) the whole way down the stretch. he lost by a round basically.

im sure prime de la hoya would have beaten him...a prime mosley would have dropped floyd...

so he's not unbeatable...he's just one of the very elite of the sport. he has his flaws (to those worried about floyd never losing)

you'll get your day im sure...