Free at last...


Well-Known Member
Baby steps to population control? After all population growth is probably the Number one problem our earth faces.


Well-Known Member
Are they really trying to say that because of the new health care laws that just now contraception will be free? I can go to just about any local clinic and get condoms or birth control for free


Well-Known Member
Nothing is free. Somewhere down the line, someone paid for it.

Thank your filthy rich taxpayer for your 'free' fuck pills...


Well-Known Member
I'm not against birth control, but I am against taking the property of one person and giving to another. If the drug companies were to give out those pills, that's one thing... Taking money from some and using it to buy pills for others is theft.

I just read the article... So this makes it a different case. They are forcing insurance carriers to cover birth control w/o requiring a copay. I'm willing to bet those insurance companies will have to implement a small rate increase to cover the cost of those copays.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
I'm not against birth control, but I am against taking the property of one person and giving to another. If the drug companies were to give out those pills, that's one thing... Taking money from some and using it to buy pills for others is theft.

I just read the article... So this makes it a different case. They are forcing insurance carriers to cover birth control w/o requiring a copay. I'm willing to bet those insurance companies will have to implement a small rate increase to cover the cost of those copays.
Yes, apparently $10-$20/month is too much to pay.


Well-Known Member
They FINALLY figured out it is cheaper to give out free birth control vs. giving live birth in a hospital.

I agree with NoDrama. Population control.


Well-Known Member
They FINALLY figured out it is cheaper to give out free birth control vs. giving live birth in a hospital.
Who are they? HHS or the insurance companies? The companies were forced into this.

The reasons copays, deductibles, and coinsurance exist is to keep the insured from abusing the policy. If the insured pays a token amount of the claim, they will not be as quick to file claims against thier policy. This also maintains a lower premium.


Well-Known Member
birth control is preventative care. preventative care is now covered by law, as it should be. it only make sense.

pay a little now or a lot more later? you tell me which one is wiser.

"a stitch in time saves nine"


Well-Known Member
Who are they? HHS or the insurance companies? The companies were forced into this.

The reasons copays, deductibles, and coinsurance exist is to keep the insured from abusing the policy. If the insured pays a token amount of the claim, they will not be as quick to file claims against thier policy. This also maintains a lower premium.
and seriously, how the fuck does one abuse birth control? you take one pill a day. they don't sell them on the streets for cash, you don't get high off them.


Well-Known Member
At least someone is trying to help prevent abortions. Righties just kill doctors. Can you imagine at how much money this would save?

And I do want to mention that this thread was started by a Libertarian who thinks he shouldn't have to pay for anything and is now complaining that others don't have to pay for something.

Pot, I would like to introduce you to kettle. Enjoy your date.


Well-Known Member
Who are they? HHS or the insurance companies? The companies were forced into this.

The reasons copays, deductibles, and coinsurance exist is to keep the insured from abusing the policy. If the insured pays a token amount of the claim, they will not be as quick to file claims against thier policy. This also maintains a lower premium.
I guess it depends on the "token" amount.

I'm self employed therefore I pay 100% of my insurance out of pocket. My family only goes to the doctor if absolutely necessary.

Now I have a buddy that has great insurance paid for by his employer. They take their girls to the doc for the slightest sniffle, headache, or ripped finger nail. It's fuckin rediculous. Talk about abuse. Everytime they see the doc, I see my premiums going up.

I feel like moving to Canada. So what if I have to wait 4 months to have surgery for an aortic aneurism.


Well-Known Member
I just read the article... So this makes it a different case. They are forcing insurance carriers to cover birth control w/o requiring a copay. I'm willing to bet those insurance companies will have to implement a small rate increase to cover the cost of those copays.
Or the savings obtained from less people getting knocked up offsets the costs for the insurance company?

You're only looking at one factor; Step back a moment and think about some other factors... With lower pregnancy rates you're going to have less pregnant ladies using their insurance for prenatal care, birth (I hear this can get expensive, $5k+?), etc - right? Less pregnant ladies means the insurance companies are paying less and then eventually pass the savings down (because presumably competition would force them to eventually)... So they raise rates to cover the cost of birth control and they lower them due to lower pregnancy rates... You think it'd cancel out at least? I'm willing to bet this move will actually drive insurance rates down, which is what it is designed to do in the first place.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
And I do want to mention that this thread was started by a Libertarian who thinks he shouldn't have to pay for anything and is now complaining that others don't have to pay for something.
LOL, I've paid for everything that I've got. Be careful, you're starting to sound like londonfog, he distorts and misrepresents everything I say to turn it into something perverse.
There's a difference between believing that government theft of private property is wrong and a bunch of irresponsible women saying they cannot afford 10 or 20 dollars a month.


Well-Known Member
...a bunch of irresponsible women saying they cannot afford 10 or 20 dollars a month.
talk about misrepresentation


a bunch of irresponsible women saying they cannot afford 10 or 20 dollars a month is not what brought this about at all. this is part of the PPACA, a component of which mandated that essential services, such as preventative care, not be subject to co-pays.

short-sighted ideologues who have never heard of a stitch in time saving nine will be quick to show their true, misogynistic colors.

i'll be sure to cry some crocodile tears for you tonight.


Well-Known Member
This includes the "morning after pill" so yes some will abuse it.

Why exactly can't people pay for their own? I bet they all have cell phones, cable, and big screen TVs, and yet others get to pay their bills.


Well-Known Member
This includes the "morning after pill" so yes some will abuse it.

Why exactly can't people pay for their own? I bet they all have cell phones, cable, and big screen TVs, and yet others get to pay their bills.
who pays their bills?

my wife pays for her own insurance to the tune of $300 or so a month.

this will change her birth control pills from a co-pay of $15 to an "essential service" of preventative care, meaning she saves $15.

i don't remember you footing any part of that bill since she was able to obtain insurance after the PPACA passed, thanks to the pre-existing conditions clause.

and would you rather someone have a morning after pill, an abortion, or an expensive fucking baby?

short-sighted ideologues. fuckin' a, man.