Fox Farms product mixtures


Active Member
Hey guys. Just have a few questions about Fox Farm Grow Big. So currently my plants are 2 weeks old and seems if though they are not getting enough food. The bottle says 2-3 teaspoons per gallon. Anyone else use this product and what mixture do you use per/gallon.


Well-Known Member
If it's two weeks from seed and you used fox farm soil I would hold off on feeding. If you really think they need the nutes, go onto fox farms website and follow their feeding schedule. I would only give half of what is recomended for the first couple of feedings and then gradually increase.


Well-Known Member
If your using also Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil , hold off on adding more fertilizer in the begining . And water with the correct ph balance . I agree with mimmen .


Active Member
yes i am using ocean forest and only fed 1 time with 1 teaspoon/gallon. Some plants, the leafs are curling which is underwatering i would imagine correct? So they recommend 2-3 teaspoons/gal. So i should use about 1.5 teaspoons/gallon?


Well-Known Member
i use this product and love it. i use ffof soil and dont start feeding until the seedling leaves have yellowed and fallen off and then i feed at half strength for what they say is a general feeding on the bottle. then i feed every other watering slowly upping the dose. you must be careful to watch your plants for nute burn when upping the dose. some plants can take full strength others are more sensitive. i like to let the plant tell me what she needs rather than trying to tell her what she needs. women always hate to be told what to do.


Well-Known Member
ye i always mix with perlite. usually about 30-40%. i like the added aeration and drainage it gives me, also perlite is cheaper than just using all soil.


Active Member
but Fox Farms Ocean Forest has perlite in it, so your saying you add 40% more perlite and 60% soil? I haven't transplanted into 3 gallons yet so when i do so ill most def. do that!


Active Member
Well seeds are hatched. How often do you guys water. Not feed but water, every time the soil looses moisture? And i have like 5 humidfiers , should i use them? The grow space is a 6 1/2 feet wide, 9 feet tall 4 foot deep closet completely sealed off with 270 watt lighting with 2 "cool blue" and 2 "red" holligen bulbs for 6 plants fyi. First grow btw lol.

Reason i ask is, buddy went outta town and didn't water for 3 days. Some are a few inches taller then others but leafs are curling up aswell. I would assume lack of water. Just want to make sure im doing everything right.


Well-Known Member
I dont add perlite . 40 % seams like a lot though . I do water threw occasionally and always with the correct ph in the H2o .


Active Member
I always mix perlite into my soil mix no matter what kind im using. I mix it somewhere around 2 parts soil 1 part perlite. Also i use the whole Fox Farm Line Liquids and Solubles, I love the stuff. When Im feeding mine for the first 3 weeks I give them FoxFarm BigBloom @ 2 TBL/Gal til about week 3-4. After that I switch to GrowBig: Start out mixing the liquid @ about 1/3 strength (1TSP/Gal) for the first 1-2 feedings, then step it up to half strength (1.5-2 TSP/Gal) for the 3-5 feedings, then after that I mix my solution
@ full strength or a little under like (2.5 TSP/Gal) for the rest of the Vegitative schedule unitl the lights are turned back to 12/12. Remember per my FoxFarm feeding schedule in weeks 3&4 of flowering you give your plants a shot of GrowBig @ 2 TSP/Gal to help get them the needed nitrogen they need to flower. I recommend getting FF TigerBloom &
FF BigBloom also if you dont have them, they work great or at least they do for me. And if money is not an issue Id also advise getting there soluble line up (FF OpenSesame, BeastieBloomz, ChaChing) they also work great, you mix them inconjunction with the liquids. The solubles run around $93-$103 for the three depending on what hydro stores you buy them from, on the internet you can get the 3 cheaper. I think on you can get the tri pack for around $75 w/ S&H and on the tri pack is around $83 w/ S&H. That just my two cents on the conversation, hopefully this helps.

*Disclaimer* All statements made above are purely fictional and hypothetically what I may do were I in that situation.


Active Member
it actually does help alot. I am going to try to get some pictures up and maybe tell me whats going on. Some of their leafs are curling and 1 has a little hint of yellow so maybe its time to start feeding. We are 2 1/2 weeks in.


Active Member
Wait you meant GrowBig for the first 4 weeks? Because during the seedling and veg state the plant needs high in nitrogen correct? Doesn't Growbig have more nitro?


Active Member
Ive used the FF line with great success. Their feeding schedule shows that you use both grow big and big bloom together for veg. When i use them in veg i start off with 1/4 strength, then increase it gradually every week.

The one time i used full strength was in about wk 4/5 of veg, and my plants were slightly burned...Its strong stuff, beware.


Active Member
Thats exactly what im doing right now. Im doing 2 1/2 teaspoons grow big 3 tablespoons big bloom and next week im going to up it to 3 teaspoons grow big 4 tablespoons big bloom. Seems to be reacting pretty good except for 1 of the plants is growing red stems, burnt tips and some dead leafs. Any suggestions? I used Big bloom for the first time today in the feeding with grow big so i'm thinking it was low on potassium/potash. Any suggestions would be great!

What i don't get is, the rest look really good, and don't carry these symptoms. They are all different strands and i don't know what they are exactly yet. I got free seeds wtih a purchase of some low riders and the low riders didn't turn out so we used the free ones. Kind of sucks. But at the moment we have 5 plants under a 216 watt holegen lamp, and tomorrow making another room and getting another light so maybe its lack of light?
