foliar feeding experiment results (my outdoor crop this year)


ive decided to experiment with foliar feeding this year, and think i actually have decent results from it, i planted in april with clones that were not only in flower at the time but the back 3 or 4 were nearly killed when the fucking wind blew them off of the table i had them sitting on.

the first pic was taken april 24th, no foliar feeding just some fish emulsion and they arent doing shit.

the second pic is june 13th not alot of growth at all, by this time in the year usually my plants are in full bush mode but these all are in the process of re-vegging still. desperate for some growth i decide to try foliar feeding to stay a couple steps ahead of my competition (my friends dad has decided to try and out grow me)

the last 7 pics are from today june 27th... just two weeks after begging a foliar feeding regiment my plants have doubled in size and are back to their usual size for this time of the year



defiantly worth it, i think alot of people assume its doing nothing just because if you look at the same plant day after day you dont notice any change.. i didnt notice it til i looked at the pictures on my phone. in that 2 week gap they blew the fuck up though...

i was only using alaska fish emulsion nothing fancy

looking back i realize i posted some doubles.. please ignore them im still learning this sites uploading system...


just dont spray the plant down with fish crap during flower.... nobody wants bud that smells like infected vagina