Flying with coke


Well-Known Member
does anyone remember sherbet fountains? Theyre basically a tube of white sherbet with a liquorice stick to dip in it. Think it would work to fill that bad boy up with cocaine and get on a flight, plain as day? Seriously considering trying it out!


Well-Known Member
You might be getting a serious felony charge, but tell us how it works out! haha


Well-Known Member
they wouldn't let you on a plane with sherbet fountains anyway so you will lose one way or the other


Well-Known Member
You must not fly often. Before you get on a commercial flight you must go through TSA security. All food and drinks are prohibited. Even a bottle of water. No exceptions. If you need to get "it" somewhere, just ship it. Good ol' usps. GL
does anyone remember sherbet fountains? Theyre basically a tube of white sherbet with a liquorice stick to dip in it. Think it would work to fill that bad boy up with cocaine and get on a flight, plain as day? Seriously considering trying it out!


Active Member
Wouldn't sherbert melt?
Just stick the bag of coke up your ass like a regular person.
ya really bro.. dont know if you been to airport recently but if you wanna get through airport security without spending some friendly time behind bars you gotta do what most people do who transfer goods on planes.... KESTER IT. Ur gonna have be a mule bro. Thats the safest way to go.. Stick it in a ziplock baggie depending on size make it just enough to fill the bag out.. then stick that into a condom lube it up and then for the fun part.. stick it up ur kester bro.. Safest and only way to fly broskie.


Paranoia is everywhere. I've flown with weed, very good weed, multiple times. I've taken anything from an eight up to an ounce. There are multiple methods: boxer brief pocket, inside of deodorant, remove you cell phone battery. As far as coke goes, I've never done it, but I've had a good friend fly out of Vegas, only to arrive in Nashville with two grams in his pocket, he'd forgotten about.


Well-Known Member
or u can just not stick it in your ass and just mail it to urself and just get drunk until then. Makers Mark will kill sum serious time if u drink enough. haha


Well-Known Member
i value all this anus really i do haha. was just tryin to think of a less invasive technique!

to the guys who're saying security is massive, this is true and i know it, but i'll be flying between two very small airports both in the EU (i'm in the uk) so checks are minimal. i've taken weed through these places a few times with absolutely no bother.

to ghb and mountainfarmer, i'm gna look into this lack of food chat cause i kinda feel like i've taken snacks onto planes in the not-too-long-ago but then this ink cartridge bomb thing may have changed things.

dammit i hate the feel of a lubed up ass!
yeah just dont sneeze, whatever you do just
ya really bro.. dont know if you been to airport recently but if you wanna get through airport security without spending some friendly time behind bars you gotta do what most people do who transfer goods on planes.... KESTER IT. Ur gonna have be a mule bro. Thats the safest way to go.. Stick it in a ziplock baggie depending on size make it just enough to fill the bag out.. then stick that into a condom lube it up and then for the fun part.. stick it up ur kester bro.. Safest and only way to fly broskie.