Flushing/ fan leave pruning

We've all heard the flushing/ removing fan leaves debate. What are you're preferences?

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Well-Known Member
I normally don't take sides on this debate. I'm going to admit it though. When I first started growing in my closet at my mom's house as a kid, I flushed. There I said it. My herb tasted good too. But it wasn't because I flushed. A plant that is fed will produce more weight than a plant that is hungry. There's my vote. Never pulled any leaves off a plant that weren't dead. But maybe I should give it a go just to be sure they actually need those things.


Well-Known Member
No to defoliation,
lots of good techniques to use instead.
I grow Hempy and I am using 5 gallon buckets, I use Rock wool 4"x4" and plant them in the bucket filled with clay pellets.

My buckets are designed to hold 1 gal of water below the overflow holes.
I flush every 2 weeks till runoff is under 250PPM.
I run my FF hydro nutes at 850-1000 PPM during feeding in Flower.



Well-Known Member
Right because In nature when growing outdoors in the plants natural life cycle the rain already comes pre mixed with mineral salt based nutrients which is why u want to feed all the way to harvest....
You're doing it wrong....

Not enough water.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Right because In nature when growing outdoors in the plants natural life cycle the rain already comes pre mixed with mineral salt based nutrients which is why u want to feed all the way to harvest....
right, because in indoor growing, we control the environment, which is totally different from outdoor growing.