Florida Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
The issue is that we can not get pipes. the issue is that we can only legally get them from shitty hatian gas stations.

gay ass lawmakers said:

It is unlawful for any person to offer for sale at

retail any of the items listed in subsection (2) unless such
(a) Has a retail tobacco products dealer permit under s.
569.003. The provisions of this chapter apply to any person that
offers for retail sale any of the items listed in subsection
(2); and
(b) 1. Derives at least 75 percent of its annual gross
revenues from the retail sale of cigarettes, cigars, and other
tobacco products; or
2. Derives no more than 25 percent of its annual gross
revenues from the retail sale of the items listed in subsection

tl;dr You must have tobacco product dealer permit, your revenues must be 75% from tobacco sales, and your revenue for smoking items can't exceed 25%.

I'm sure there's a way around this. Set up stands outside of head shops, and trade american money for metal ball bearings, each bearing being the equivlent of 1 american dollar. Then you take the ball bearings into the head shop, and trade glass pieces for ball bearings. then the cashier goes outside, and exchanges the ball bearings for american money! They're not selling the glass pieces. they're exchanging glass for ball bearings, which in turn are exchanged for american currency!

That's how the people in china do it with gambling at least...


Well-Known Member
You are reading it wrong. Look at the last two again.... it is not a double requirement, it is an either or...... The keyword is the word "OR"

(b) 1. Derives at least 75 percent of its annual gross
revenues from the retail sale of cigarettes, cigars, and other
tobacco products;or
2. Derives no more than 25 percent of its annual gross
revenues from the retail sale of the items listed in subsection

As you can see, a store that sells only 25% is lawful


Well-Known Member
its the damn good ole boy system in florida politics that fucked it up. i was thinking about starting a petition or whatever to create a law that keeps law enforcement from pulling people over or stopping them based on profiling or stereotyping. just last week we were pulled over at a canal cuz we looked suspicious. its not like the fishing rods or us fishing the canal wasnt a dead giveaway. anyways after an illegal search which didnt turn up anything. the cops let us go. his reason is we looked suspicious fishing. which was a total lie. we should get a petition together that states something like. law enforcement cannot pull people over for driving through a "black" neighborhood or you cant pull people over based on their appearance. and law enforcement can only ask questions about the reason they got pulled over. and with a few more details it could happen. my friends wife got pulled over down the road from me she brought me money that was owed to me. on the way out the cop pulled her over asking if she was a prostitute and stuff like what was she doing there and where is she going and the cop asked her if she knew she was in a bad neighborhood. then they searched her. she turned the guy in with badge number and all but cops abuse their priviledge


All you boys and girls need to replace state Rep. Darryl Rouson, D-St. Petersburg he is the fuckin ring leader who thinks because he is a recovering Crack addict that all head shops leads to everybody becoming a fucked up Crack addict like himself....and to think he was voted in to begin with....Voting counts, do a little research on these fucks and then VOTE!!!


Active Member
hey dudes in the dirtty south with this beautiful gal. 9 weeks old, no sign of preflower yet and wondering if it was normal. any feed back would be cool thanks



Well-Known Member
If it's an outdoor plant, it will start to flower sometime in mid September as the days become noticeably shorter. You'll be able to harvest, dry and cure in time for Christmas.


Active Member
I've got three new plants growing. About 2-3 weeks old (not really keeping track) and they're sitting outside behind my AC unit so nobody sees them :)

I'm not sure if I want to shove them into flowering when they're bigger or just plant them in the ground and wait until they naturally do it with the sun here.

The problem with the latter is that I don't want it getting too stinky in my backyard as my neighbors seem snoopy to me. Of course that could just be paranoia due to the fact that there's a HUGE hole in my privacy fence.


Active Member
Mine started about 3 weeks ago, but I think its been tricked by my side of house, gets direct sun till about 3 pm..Im not complaining one bit though!:hump:
damn, thats a nice healthy lookin plant. i have a hawaiian snow plant outside that has the same kind of bud formation. putting it on the side of a house or under a large shade tree does help it go into early blooming, but just be careful with hermies. i put mine under a tree to do that and one became a shemale.