Floramicro,Gro and Bloom with Dark energy

Hi all new here and starting a grow I have purchased Floramicro,Gro and Bloom, Dark energy, supernova and liquid Karma however I am confused about when to add these and such. I found this schedule but not sure when to add the Dark energy, supernova or Liquid Karma and how much of it if any one could help I would greatly appreciate it. Week 1 (rooted clones or 3 leaf-sets on seedlings) : 2.5 ml EACH Grow, Micro & Bloom Week 2: 5ml Grow + 2.5ml Micro + 2.5ml Bloom Week 3: 10ml Grow + 5ml Micro + 3ml Bloom Week 4 until 12/12 : 12ml Grow + 6ml Micro + 3ml Bloom Week 1 of 12/12 : 6ml Grow + 6mil Micro+10ml Bloom Week 2 of 12/12: 3ml Grow + 7ml Miccro + 12ml Bloom Week 3: 3ml Grow + 8ml Micro + 14ml Bloom Week 4: 3ml Grow + 8ml Micro + 16ml Bloom Week 5: 2..5 Grow + 7ml Micro + 18ml Bloom Week 6: NO GROW + 6ml Micro + 20ml Bloom USE UNTIL FLUSH! Flush 10-14 days before harvesting