flora nova nutes any good?


Well-Known Member
I don't understand why ur PH changed like that it is crazy! Like I said I use RO with IONIC and it is doing great PH is very stable with the hydrotron, And the only time they get cleaned is when I harvest and then I clean them for the next use. My buddy that is using the flora series is having the same problems u are, but thing's are doing better since I gave him RO (but that is what we have seen in his plant's, might not be the same for u!)! He is fishing up his floa nuts and gonna change to the IONIC!

as i said earlier ppm is at 660 and im using hydroton, i washed them with distilled water. i read on another sire that was the thing to do, but like i said its up again at 7.3 now like wtf from 5.2 to 7.3 in less than 12 hours???

trains strain

Well-Known Member
by the sounds of it ionic must be the way to go, besides fox farms and all. well im gonna have to make the switch, luckily im using two plants i had in soil, i cleaned the roots off and put the in the res, these girls were just a test to get me going in the dwc system. thanks again to everyone for all their input, i tell ya, without this site i think a lot of us would be screwed. so thanks again


Well-Known Member
Not A problem but with the IONIC u also want to use the green fuse line with them! If u swich use the concentrate'd green fuse it really help's and save's u money!

trains strain

Well-Known Member
sweet, well right now im letting my male grow out, i want some more seeds since im running out and too cheap to buy any more then once i harvest the seeds im a kill him off and start fresh, i already have some feminized seeds waiting to start germ process but im going to hold off, i wanna figure out this dwc system before i screw any more plants up...i guess the only way to find out is to try


Well-Known Member
trust me I have messed everything up before! When I made the switch the stress had caused me to get hermaphadites and then pollenated everything else, It sucked!

sweet, well right now im letting my male grow out, i want some more seeds since im running out and too cheap to buy any more then once i harvest the seeds im a kill him off and start fresh, i already have some feminized seeds waiting to start germ process but im going to hold off, i wanna figure out this dwc system before i screw any more plants up...i guess the only way to find out is to try

trains strain

Well-Known Member
ok so im still having this issue with ph levels rising, i use aquarium grade ph down to get it around 5.2 or approx around there, then hours later a huge 2.0 rise, jmps all the way to 7.1!!!! please help someone, ive never seen anything like this before

trains strain

Well-Known Member
I also ph adjusted all my rockwool, and hydroton before adding it to the res but still going up, should i be trying different ph down?


Well-Known Member
I don't see why u would have to change! i use aquarium grade up and down and have never had a problem like that! Have u clean'd ur res.?

I also ph adjusted all my rockwool, and hydroton before adding it to the res but still going up, should i be trying different ph down?

trains strain

Well-Known Member
i before i added the new water to it, i cleaned it with rubbng alcohol then h202 then ran phd adjusted water through it to wash all chems out then added my water, adjusted the ph to 6.5, added my nutes, then adjusted ph again to go to 5.5


New Member
Train Stain,

Relax!! I had the same problem until recently. Personally I think it was the SH nutes but it would very likely have been a tank with too much shit in it ( undesolved nutes, dead roots from PH wings, etc.) . I asked a fellow Grower, Roseman, for some help and he advised me to dump the water, clean the tank (don't use any chemicals like H2O2 - just water and a good hard scrub. I used a hand scrub brush). Rinse the roots under tepid water ( I massaged the roots to make such all the dead shit was washed away - roots felt squeeky clean when I was done) Rinse well and pretend like you are starting over. 1/4 nutes, test it, a day later add 1/4 more nutes, test it, add 1/4 nutes next day. test it and hold there. With the PH up and down like that the plants are probably locked up nute wise. Give them a break and don't count this week on your grow cycle. I'm now using GH Flora nutes and cleaned as indicated and all has been good for the last 10 days. PH staying at 5-6 to 5-8


Well-Known Member
im experimenting with the flora nova for my hydro unit grow too.......one more week in veg to go and ill be flowering next saturday
ill keep u guys posted on the outcome.........i use to use the gh 3 part with success in the past.........


Well-Known Member
I'm using Flora Nova for my soil grow and it goes to 7.3 after I test the run off water as well. Kinda weird ehh? On the bottle it says "PH stabilized" :hump:

trains strain

Well-Known Member
well i went out and actually bought hydroponics ph down, its 85% phosphoric acid. also i went out and spent a few extra $$ on some RO water, now when i go refill my 5gallon jug its only gonna cost me 5 bucks, so 5 bucks every week as opposed to stress and tons of work in getting tap water dechlorinated and all that crap, is definitly worth it. now im sitting at a comfy ph of 5.6. i transplanted my soil grow to dwc by cleaning the roots first, with my tds readin of 350ppm.
if they survive the next few weeks and progress, im gonna start my last 2 seeds ( kind of takin a chance that theyre fems) but theyll be in seperate 3 gallon res.
thanks to those who helped me with my flora nova nutes question and all the advice that came along with it.


Well-Known Member
Good luck buddy, just wish we could figure out the Flora Nova ph mystery out. Wheres Scooby Doo when ya need em? :roll:

trains strain

Well-Known Member
haha smoke some more he might come, i swear i saw him in my dreams last night haha
well i did do a lil research into the floranova and since it is a ph buffering organic nutrient, no ph down should be used. except organic ph ups/downs. but i wasnt in the mood for finding organic haha just went and got what i knew would work.
weird thing though when i switched to RO did a ph reading of RO and read 6.8
after i added the nutes when way down to 4.8, again i was boggled by the ph dropping so significantly, added a lil baking soda (my "organic" ph up, actually cheap mans way lol) and got it sitting at 5.6 now. i was messing around with the ph down in my other 3 gallon tub and added, kid you not, 2 drops and the ph went down to 3.5 when it was originally 6.8. so i figured when adding ph down only one drop is suffice, but i dont think ill be using tht for a while unless i do get a ph fluctuation again.


Well-Known Member
We are using GH Flora Nova and are having good success, but we are beginners.

I test every 3-4 days and the ppm/ph seem stable.

If my water is low, I'll add a gal of tap water and not bother with ph until test time.

As far as cost goes, I found that GH FN use 10ml/gal, most of the others (all the one that I checked) needed 15-30 ml/gal, that means 50 -300% more nutes needed per gal (more $/Gal)... i.e. the way I read the charts for week 9, GH FN Bloom 10ml/gal equals FF Grow 10ml+Tiger Bloom 5ml+ Big Bloom 15ml.


-I'm using rockwool in hydroton with 5" net baskits in a 10 gal Rubber Maid wick system.
-(I think the wick system does great as far as growth and is less expensive than Ebb and Flow.)
--(Of course I am a non-qual-dink-puke-newbie, what the hell do i know)
-FloraNova nutes, ph is 5.8, ppm is 1500
-24 plants (6 per 2 week phase) under 2x400 HPS and 1x400 MH
-6 active mothers with 5 new mothers coming along (at different ages) under 4x4' floros and some CFLs.

trains strain

Well-Known Member
very nice setup regionaldragon, right now im running 6 42w cfls 4 26w cfls
2 3gallon ruber maid containers
3" net pots, 2 in each tub (total 4)
floranova grow and will be using flora nova bloom for flower
GH ph down
good ol bakin soda for ph up and some RO to help the plants
so far, after transfering my 2 soil grows to dwc, not going so great just yet, but i think its because my net pots dont have holes in the bottom just everywhere else and it was damn near impossible to get the roots through the side holes. i will be starting a few more seeds( northenr lights x Skunk) in rockwool then in hydroton in my tubs.
keep in touch to let me know how yours is going
also im a complete newb myself, ive done a few succesful soil grows before i found this site, but now that i found RIU, its been my bible.