First time grower, any tips/comments GREATLY appreciated


Active Member
For me so far germinating has been the hardest, lol. I used paper towel method but maybe ive always had it in too cold of an area, i always looked for something warm but there never was a place like that, something like close to heater or DVD player or such. Next time i will plopp them righ into soil or those moss cubes and give right under light. Thats probably the warmest place and theres lots of people wo do great with soil from the start.
Same Problem Man...


Well-Known Member
I heard here sumwhere that the colder it is the more females you will have but i dont really believe that myself,i think its all in the seed. are you sure your not getting them too wet if oxygen cant get to them they wont crack.if you want to start them strait from soil you should let them float in a cup af distilled water over night first. i always use either this method or a damp not drenched paper towel. cold doesnt really matter cause if you put your paper towel in a ziplock and leave that in the fridge they will still germ fine.


Well-Known Member
i was in a doctors office once that i had to go to alot too get free condoms and they had a plant growing in the window sill that they watered every single day and kept the soil perfect but there were a few weeds sprouted in the pot so they obviosly never pruned it. just for laughs i put a single seed in the pot about an inch deep and it germed perfect was standin tall and proud two days later.they finally noticed and removed it after it had about five node spacings and started having five points. i laughed my ass off cause e veryone in the lobby besides the actual nurse knew it was weed!


Well-Known Member
Ok anyway back on topic :leaf::leaf::leaf:

I went to Sams club today and I was gonna buy some CFL's there but all they had were 8 23W for like $12..I was gonna get them but the wattage is really low..anyone know where to get higher watt lights for a decent price?


Well-Known Member
ace hardware four dollars a bulb they guarentee the bulbs for like a year too so you can bring em back and get new ones.


Well-Known Member
the 8 23watt lights would put out more light than U have right now, only problem would be the temps inside the box. Id say go for em bcuz the more light the better, and 8 for $12 is a deal, get 2 of em so U can have 16 of them, 16 lights x 23watts each = 368 watts total, probably close to 17,000 lumens which would be great for growing. If U can, get half of them in cool white, and the other half in warm white. Warm white is usually used for flowering, and cool white for veg, but if U use both cool white and warm white you'll see better results.

Cool white gives off more blue spectrum, which helps plants stay nice and short during veg and keeps the stretching to a minimum, Warm white gives off the red spectrum which works best in flowering but I've used it in veg for a while and it worked fine, I kept it right at the tops of my plants and I didnt see as much stretching as I thought I would.

U need to lower that light u have to within 2-4inches of the plants or else they're gonna keep stretching really bad like they are.

also those spots that you see are from the Miracle gro. I use the exact same Miracle gro potting mix, and I can tell U from experience U are looking at the classic miracle gro Nute Burn. That happens when U put the seedling into miracle gro before it is mature enough to handle it.

Next time U use it, start off in rockwool cubes or use jiffy cubes, its the exact same germination method but neither the rockwool cubes nor the jiffy cubes contain any nutrients in them and they are perfect for starting seeds in.

When the seedlings have roots coming from the bottom of the cubes, then you can transplant into the miracle gro.

Im just guessing but Im sure U probably didnt do much reading before U started this grow. If U did then U would know what happens when U start with bagseed, why you shouldnt use a "standard houselight" to grow, why U shouldnt start ur seedlings in miracle gro, how close to put ur lights, never use aluminum foil,light spectrums and germination troubleshooting.

good job so far but there is still much reading for you to do.


Well-Known Member
This man knows his lights.and 8 for telve dollares is a fuckin deal i would think of it like this you need three or for bulbs for each plant! bagseed can be fuckin good atfter a couple generations,and if grown and tinkered with right. ive found some great qualities of of seeds from a bag of shake that didnt even get me high before.i grew them under the cali sun and they were just fuckin covered in resin i had people pay me 20$ per clone after i harvested a 1 and a qurter ounce off of each plant in big colas and it did its trick fine for me, didnt find any part of the plant that even resembled what it did when i bought the was half an ounce for thirty and i sold half ounces at seventy!


Well-Known Member
This man knows his lights.and 8 for telve dollares is a fuckin deal i would think of it like this you need three or for bulbs for each plant! bagseed can be fuckin good atfter a couple generations,and if grown and tinkered with right. ive found some great qualities of of seeds from a bag of shake that didnt even get me high before.i grew them under the cali sun and they were just fuckin covered in resin i had people pay me 20$ per clone after i harvested a 1 and a qurter ounce off of each plant in big colas and it did its trick fine for me, didnt find any part of the plant that even resembled what it did when i bought the was half an ounce for thirty and i sold half ounces at seventy!
hell yea, Ive been messin around with bagseed since I began and everytime its like playin roulette, its hit n miss. I like to grow different seeds bcuz U get a different strain each time.

$20 per clone is a ridiculous price, most clones around here sell for no less than the price of an oz (depends on the strain), simply bcuz U can get an endless amount of weed from a clone.

oops! sorry, didnt mean to hijack the thread for a minute.:spew:


Active Member
I heard here sumwhere that the colder it is the more females you will have but i dont really believe that myself,i think its all in the seed. are you sure your not getting them too wet if oxygen cant get to them they wont crack.if you want to start them strait from soil you should let them float in a cup af distilled water over night first. i always use either this method or a damp not drenched paper towel. cold doesnt really matter cause if you put your paper towel in a ziplock and leave that in the fridge they will still germ fine.
Maybe I Might Be Getting The A Little To Wet But I Dont Know My Seeds Still Have Not Germinated,I Could Take Rule Out The Cold I Know That...Yeah.Well I Have Them In Jiffy Pellets Alot Of Peolple Say Not To Put Them There Cause Of Various Reasons And Others Say They Work Just Fine But I Dont Know Or Maybe Its Just The Seed.And Like I Said This Is My First Time Growing Very New To All Of This Such As What Nutreints,Light,Water,Air ect. And Stuff Like That, But Right Now Im Just Focusing On Getting My Seeds To Germinate.


Well-Known Member
UPDATE :: Day 23

Heres pics as of today (day 23)

Plants are looking much better, and within the next week or so I am trying to move them into 3-5 gallon buckets. I want to grow them in a large closet where our washer and dryer used to be. All I need is a way to hang my lights and its ready :mrgreen: Its like the room was made for growing weed..



Well-Known Member
How soon will I be able to sex them? Im 23 days into the veg state..

Also, I want to switch them to 3-5 gallon buckets..When I do this I also want to change my soil from miracle gro to something organic. Will changing soil this late be too much of a shock and kill them?


Well-Known Member
One plant finally started to sprout 5-prong leaves too :mrgreen: All of the leaves have a prickly surface on them, what is that all about?


Well-Known Member
hi, surprised only one person has mentioned abut the silver foil? from what i know silver foil is really bad because the crinkles & creases cause more light to reflect in some parts than others and could end up burning your plant. I could be wrong but thats what ive been told by many people.

I started germing 4 seeds on the 12th by the 14th one of em had about a half inch root so i put her in soil, by the 15th another one also had a big root so i planted her, by the 16th the firt one io planted was about 2cm tall and the other one about 1cm, other 2 seeds were also ready so they got planted on the 17th.
I desperatly need some more lights and im going to get them today...well im going to go now actually lol no time like the present...let me finish the post first tho lol

im pretty much finished lol, good luck mate, check out my thread, its called my first semi serious grow


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks for the comment..I had the aluminum foil in my old grow box before my plants grew out of it. After I switched growing spots and setups, i found out foil is bad to use. As of right now theres no foil, white paint, or mylar being used to reflect the light.

I put a flood light on the side of them yesterday so hopefully that will help. I put it about 4-5 inches away from most plants, but the farther back ones are almost 12in away. Im scared to put it closer because it produces a decent amount of heat..
Ill make sure to check out your grow journal then..I gotta get back to writing this paper at 8am instead of sleeping. heh :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
No one has comments? They are growing like CRAZY right now i dont know what started it..i also just watered them alot so i think they might grow even faster :mrgreen:, the soil was rather dry

I checked them before class today at 10 and again at like 2:30..i can definitely see a progress since 4.5 hrs ago


Well-Known Member
your center plant has a really nice thick stem for being so young but the others are still kinda you have a fan directly on them litten them sway in the breeze?you should!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the center plant and middle right ones are my 2 babies :mrgreen:
I dont know what the deal is w/ the others, I wanna just get rid of them but Ill wait til i can sex them just to be safe..the fans not blowing directly on them but its blowing air around the stalks

thanks for the long do you think til i can sex? Im on day 24 now:blsmoke: