First time grower, any tips/comments GREATLY appreciated


Well-Known Member
UPDATE :: Day 51
Flowering Day 21

So I havent updated in awhile and since then my plants have shown sex. I had 2 males and 5 females..Heres some pics of the buds forming :blsmoke::mrgreen:

pretty happy right now!



Well-Known Member
5/7 females, nice!

do you have any pictures of them or know roughly how many nodes they had/ how tall they were...basically some indication of size before you started flowering?

mine are currently vegging and just trying to get a general idea of how big most plants are just before flowering starts.

thanks :)

EDIT: No worries, didnt realise this was a full grow log. Your plants looked they had about the same ammount of nodes as me except mine are shorter...


Well-Known Member
Looking pretty good, damn you got lucky gettin 5 females out of seven, I got two girls out of six and I recently tried my hand at cloning (hope they take) I would like to get cloning down because this is my only chance, I haven't got anymore seeds.

Keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
I just moved the 5 females to a new room and got some spot gro lights..a 120W and 65W..also put them into 5 gallon buckets..hopefully they blow up now :blsmoke:



Active Member
Nice big updated pics! Good luck, looks good. I would get more light in there if you can.

+rep on the 5 gallon buckets, good size for nice big plants!:hump: