First time grow (UK) HELP :)


Gonna start my first grow soon, I've done some reading and research but am still a little unsure on a couple of things so just wondering if anyone could give me a few direct answers/opinions...

General info
All autoflowers; 1x barneys critical rapido, 1x auto seeds candy kush, 1x lowryder #2, 1x easyryder.
Growing in a farmers field which gets muck spreading each year and has plenty growing in it (so I figure the soil will be fairly good quality)
Gonna try some nettles and put them around the plants just to blend them in a bit, but im confident they wont be spotted..

Recommendations? I'm intending on buying some organic compost and mixing it with the soil from the field
2. Will this be suitable for my seedlings? Or will it mean the plants get nutrients too early??

Any other general advice or tips you can give me will be greatly appreciated :D Thanks!!


Well-Known Member
I'm also in the UK, and doing an all auto out door. I personally am start ing my seeds indoors for a week maybe two, so they get a good enough root system to stand them a better chance at survival when planted in the ground. I just put regular seedling starter soil and added perlite and lime into the holes i have pre-dug. Seedling starter mix wont have nutes in it so you are in control of feeding.

Good observation on the nettles too. I also noticed they kinda have a weed plant'ish look to them and plan on planting next to them lol
If you dig the holes now like closetgardner probably has already and mix your compost with the top soil or 'black earth' then plant in mid june you should be good. I use store bought soil as well tho, but its a lot more of a hassle to bring out there.
Also, if you research those strains specifically you may be able to find positive experiences with vegging indoors first like cg said but under 24 hrs constant light and get those solid root systems and healthy strong stalks before you plant. If not, they will yield much less than a typical outdoor plant and possibly be only 3 - 4 ft tall, kind of like what I like to call lil jamaician style bushes. Same smoke though, if yield is not a concern then no worries you sound good to go.
Hope you get some top shelf smoke!


Cheers guys,
@closetgardner where do you get your seedling mix from? had a look in some shops today but couldn't find any :-| yeah the nettles will be good to keep away any animals looking for some munch as well as camo.

@stay brewin Forgot to mention probably the most important part - still living with my mum & dad, so indoor set ups would be a problem as I dont imagine they'd like it in their house ha.. But instead of starting indoors I plan on leaving them outside during the day then bringing them into a nice warm cupboard in my room at night. The idea is that they are all small little bushes that I can hide.. non of them should grow over 70/80cm, yield doesn't matter so much will just be nice not to get ripped off & know what im actually smoking :bigjoint: .. a big yield would just be a massive bonus!!


Well-Known Member
Planting in a field will make it easy to spot from the sky. You will have much better odds if you plant around trees and shrubs and only planting 1-3 plants per location. If you do grow in a field you should LST your plant... also be careful not to make a trail going to your plants... police and farmers would checkout trails going into a farm field. also be careful not to park your car anywhere suspicious.. farmers lookout for one another and are aware of vehicles that don't belong in the area.


@Beastgrow. Thanks for the heads up, but I think I should be fine. The field is just behind my garden so even if I leave a trail it would be small and the only person who's likely to see it is me as the farmer never comes close to the bottom of the field. Theres a couple of spots close by on the outskirts with good coverage from some little trees. Im gonna plant 2 around each tree, and also plant nettles around them as well. I think that should do the trick nicely, especially as I've chosen some of the smallest, stealthy plants I could find. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Cheers guys,
@closetgardner where do you get your seedling mix from? had a look in some shops today but couldn't find any :-| yeah the nettles will be good to keep away any animals looking for some munch as well as camo!
Just from my local b&q ir garden centre. I bought a 10kg bag of westland seed/cutting starter mix. It was £4.50. Keep us updated plz mate. I'm following every UK outdoor that i can.
I will be doing a journal when i start my grow


New Member
Hey guys this is my fist time growing and my seeds are Afghani gold. also i have a good place to grow but it dosnt get that much sun and whats the best thing to get the most buds out of my plats. and how long will it take for the plants to get to were they would get good bud? can any one help im new.


@optic start your own thread mate haha..

@CG Cheers buddy. I think I'll start a grow journal myself as I'll need as much help as I can get through out the grow. Im planning to germinate them pretty soon, around a week or so as good weather is forecast where I am for the last week in april. I'll start it then so look out for my thread!! :peace:


Well-Known Member
I will keep an eye out for the journal mate. Or put a link to it in your sig so it's easy found:).

@ optic, its bad etiquette to jack someones thread man
Sambo: I dont think you need to bring them indoors at night bud.... unless there is a security reason? The auto's should just do their thing no matter what light conditions, even in 24hr light with some strains. I feel you on the parent situation... it makes having your own set up all that much more sweet when the times comes however, so there is light at the end of that tunnel.. I remember cutting down some beauties at 5/8 wks bloom because my parents were coming to visit in college.. painful to this day to think of lol. Best to save yourself the agony and just keep it o.d. like you're doing. All the best, Peace.


Yeah all I'm thinking is if the weather at night is getting too cold they would be better off brought inside, but I'll judge it at the time. From what I could find out about each plant, they all seem to cope well with both changes in temperature and low temperatures, so either way it should be fine. Yeah that does sound pretty painful haha! Hopefully outdoors will do the job. Cheers SB.