First grow, T5 fluorescents


I have always wanted to try t5's! I want to see the flower outcome. They look great so far!

Thanks Estesj, I'm hopin they do good in flowering. I'm skeptical but I've looked at other and it doesn't seem to bad. I'm gonna flower all the way through with these t5's so there's an actual straight T5 thread all the way through with the end dry weight. I have alot of trouble finding a T5 grow where they actually mention the end dry weight.

Happy Growin:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Thanks Estesj, I'm hopin they do good in flowering. I'm skeptical but I've looked at other and it doesn't seem to bad. I'm gonna flower all the way through with these t5's so there's an actual straight T5 thread all the way through with the end dry weight. I have alot of trouble finding a T5 grow where they actually mention the end dry weight.

Happy Growin:leaf:
I have been waiting for a long time for a t5 all the way through out a grow thread! Good luck and I will be waiting on a dry yield weight. How many bulb and how long is your t5 light?


I'm waiting to bro haha. I have a 4 bulb 4' set up, with 3 of the bulbs at 3000k and 1 and 6500k. I should have gotten a 6 bulb because it would fit in my closet perfectly. It's to late for that tho, after I move I'll probably use the t5 for veg and the an HPS for flowering.

Happy Growin :leaf:


Active Member
Whats up Diesel,
I would take my friends HPS but I think its gonna get way to hot in my closet. Its already a steady 78, and I'm in an Apt so I dont wanna have to get a noisy ass vent system.

What was your final weight on the whole plant just not that main cola. Did you top your plants?

It does look like that REVERSE stuff I used worked because i see no signs of new pollen sacks. I'll wish for the best and expect the worst. Then i wont be let down haha.
Sounds like you're in about the same situation i am as far no HPS because of a small closet setup in an apt. I did not top these but the clones that will be starting to be the focus of my thread have been topped multiple times. The final weight dry should be just over a 1/2 oz on the one plus there is another one that still has a couple weeks. Glad to hear the reverse got rid of your hermi problem...that's good to know. Your girls should start to put weight on soon.


Hey diesel,
Thanks for gettin back at me so fast bro. It does seem that we're in the same boat with the HPS. I understand how you can be disappointed with a 1/2 Oz, I would be too. You did pull the plant quite early though. I'm excited to see what the other plant pulls and what happens with the clones. I can't wait to see them to start putting on weight. This is my first grow so imma be stoked. I dont wanna speak to soon about the hermie's being completely cured, its only been one day. I'll give it a few days and update the progress on them. Here's a few pics of them from this morning after I looked at your thread bro.

Happy Growin:leaf:



Well-Known Member
Hey diesel,
Thanks for gettin back at me so fast bro. It does seem that we're in the same boat with the HPS. I understand how you can be disappointed with a 1/2 Oz, I would be too. You did pull the plant quite early though. I'm excited to see what the other plant pulls and what happens with the clones. I can't wait to see them to start putting on weight. This is my first grow so imma be stoked. I dont wanna speak to soon about the hermie's being completely cured, its only been one day. I'll give it a few days and update the progress on them. Here's a few pics of them from this morning after I looked at your thread bro.

Happy Growin:leaf:
How them t5 flowers doing?


Active Member
Hey diesel,
I understand how you can be disappointed with a 1/2 Oz, I would be too. You did pull the plant quite early though. I'm excited to see what the other plant pulls and what happens with the clones. I can't wait to see them to start putting on weight. This is my first grow so imma be stoked.
Well it was probably more like 17.5g so an extra eighth which goes for $65 around here. I did pull it a little early but I don't think by too much, the high is great and long lasting. Everyone that has tried it loves it. The main issue that limited my yield was the lower buds were very fluffy while the top buds were rock hard so i have high hopes for my clones. Unfortunately the plant they are off of is taking forever to finish.

Hope to see some pics/updates from you soon B


Hey there. Subscribed, by the way.

This thread really gives me hope for my own setup. Plants are looking fantastic! Keep up the good work. Can't wait for final numbers on bud weight :D


Well-Known Member
Hey there. Subscribed, by the way.

This thread really gives me hope for my own setup. Plants are looking fantastic! Keep up the good work. Can't wait for final numbers on bud weight :D
Yea me neither. I have always wanted to do a t5 set up all the way through.


Hey Diesel and estesj
Thanks for the support and P4CM4 thanks for scribin bruh. The plants are doing good, finally gettin alot thicker. I'll have some pic's up tonight, I'm getting a camera instead of my iphone, it just doesn't cut it. I'll also have pictures of my clones. I didn't put any pic's of them because they were doing so badly but I've worked around that and now they are on their way. I've also started a few AK-47, my friend was growing and ended up quitting (its sad I know) so I got a couple seeds from him. The smaller out of the 3 plants flowering has some kind of deficiency, I haven't figured it out yet but I'm going to flush it so I can balance the Ph. I had a problem with my Indica plant and flushing it and adding nutes again fixed the problem, so imma go with that. I'll have pic's up soon!

Happy Growin:leaf:


Alright guys, and girls. I finally got some pics to show ya. I got a camera from my work that actually ended up sucking more donkey dick then my Iphone, so I just used my phone.... anyway, looks like they're finally thickening up.

I'm not sure how long my clones have been going, they almost died and i brought them back to life. The one big one has been going for like 3 weeks i think. I'm gonna top her soon. She was badly burnt so I hope she doesn't herm on me. I'm gonna start foliar feeding them. See if it works as great as people say. The last pic is a lemon skunk baby. After buying multiple bags of the tasty goodness I found a seed :)

Happy Growin :leaf:



So today is day 48 of flowering. They don't seem even close to being done, but i heard it takes a couple weeks longer when your using fluorescent lights. I also think i have been stressing them out a little bit, with my water schedule. So i switched that up today. I wanna switch to an HPS so badly, just like a 250w but I can't let other T5 growers down, they need to see the power of the T5's :lol:. The middle plant, the one i normally have pics of is leaning really bad so I've had to tie her down on all 4 sides to keep here from leaning. I prolly need to get like a stake or something tho. This first grow has been very.....educational i guess. I know things that are better for the plants, i can read them better and I know what will stress them and what wont. Besides that I think everything is going good with them. Some of the hairs are starting to turn on me but the plants prolly have another 5 weeks or so.

So i started to LST the bigger one of the clones. It's coming nicely. I'm going in a circle around the pot, and the plant is getting really really bushy. Tho I'm worried what to do when i gotta transplant it soon. I'm also running out of room and need to construct something in the next week or two. Maybe ill roll with a rubbermaid for my clones lol. I stopped foliar feeding because i noticed the smaller clones couldn't take it yet. Ak's are doing well, a little stretched but Im just gonna let them do their thing. Just can't wait till harvest, and then through curing. I can wait tho, It's gonna be worth the green dank goodness I can bring to myself and all my bro's.

Happy Growin:leaf:



Well-Known Member
woot hella excited to watch this one play out bud

iam using almost the exact same lighting as you for my first run coming up here soon (temp and finances forced me to have to stick with fluros for now). iam using the 6 tube HO t5's rated at like 25k lumens or something, thinking about 2 girls under it as well! gotta grab like 3-4 of those 3500k bulbs for flower though

anyways ive also been waiting to see someone post a dry weight after a successful run with t5's, maybe get an idea of how well they CAN work (i know they have to work at least a little better than most think) ill be watchin!


Well-Known Member
So today is day 48 of flowering. They don't seem even close to being done, but i heard it takes a couple weeks longer when your using fluorescent lights. I also think i have been stressing them out a little bit, with my water schedule. So i switched that up today. I wanna switch to an HPS so badly, just like a 250w but I can't let other T5 growers down, they need to see the power of the T5's :lol:. The middle plant, the one i normally have pics of is leaning really bad so I've had to tie her down on all 4 sides to keep here from leaning. I prolly need to get like a stake or something tho. This first grow has been very.....educational i guess. I know things that are better for the plants, i can read them better and I know what will stress them and what wont. Besides that I think everything is going good with them. Some of the hairs are starting to turn on me but the plants prolly have another 5 weeks or so.

So i started to LST the bigger one of the clones. It's coming nicely. I'm going in a circle around the pot, and the plant is getting really really bushy. Tho I'm worried what to do when i gotta transplant it soon. I'm also running out of room and need to construct something in the next week or two. Maybe ill roll with a rubbermaid for my clones lol. I stopped foliar feeding because i noticed the smaller clones couldn't take it yet. Ak's are doing well, a little stretched but Im just gonna let them do their thing. Just can't wait till harvest, and then through curing. I can wait tho, It's gonna be worth the green dank goodness I can bring to myself and all my bro's.

Happy Growin:leaf:
Plus rep granted you don't switch to hps. T5 start to finish is the whole reason I'm scribed. hps/mh grows are a dime a dozen. Looken good bro.


Well-Known Member
been a bit since an update, how things goin now? your on what day 57 now? they gettin any closer? cant wait to see what something taken from start to finish on t5's are capable of being. still waiting on my Black Jack fems to start it myself.


Well-Known Member
been a bit since an update, how things goin now? your on what day 57 now? they gettin any closer? cant wait to see what something taken from start to finish on t5's are capable of being. still waiting on my Black Jack fems to start it myself.
Me too bro. I'm stayen scribed.


Well-Known Member
I actually swtiched from two 4 bulb 2' T5 light fixtures with about the same wattage CFL side lighting to two 150 HPS a couple of weeks ago. I like the resuslts of the HPS better and im using less power. I had a harvest from the T5s and the buds were pretty small and fluffly.

Thats just my 2 cents. Your stuff looks good. Good luck with it.


Well-Known Member
well tbh though greensister, thats less light than my 4' 6 tube setup, and i used a slightly smaller one that i would have liked. from what iam seeing on Bezz's grow is that he is doing more than fine and doesnt look like his buds are going to come out light or fluffy at all, but we all know that its hard to see that before its actually harvested and dried, so again i say iam excited to see how it pans out!


Well-Known Member
HEY MAN WHAT HAPPEN!!!! PLS FINISH!!! DON'T DESERT THE T5 grow like me!!! hahaha LETS SEE DRY WEIGHT!!! check out my grow I got the exact lights and but added a 400w HPS!!!