First Grow! : CFL/HPS 8 Plants


Well-Known Member
Well, I have the door open 12 hours a day. With three fans and a humidifier. The temp sits right about 78 all day. But then I have to close the door since I have two plants flowering right now. And I have to turn off one of the fans and humidifier then. Average temp at night is like 86. It was 90 this morning. Too hot. Oh and I got 15 pucks. 30 bucks on ebay.


Well-Known Member
Just got my third and final order from the doc, 5 feminized Skywalker, 10 Nirvana Bubblelicious, and 10 Nirvana White Widow. I'll only be growing two of the Skywalker's for now and save the Nirvana's for my next grow.:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
And what do you know, I just opened up the Skywalker and seeds went flying everywhere lol. Not to mention I could only find 4 of the 5. :sad: Oh well. I just put two of them in to germinate. Both of my Cali Indica's have sprouted and been repotted, still waiting on the Purple Wreck. I'll post pics later, I'm off to go look for some sort of A/C unit.


Well-Known Member
I am jealous! :mrgreen:
As well you should be lol. Well, apparantly I missed the summer supply of fans since home depot didn't have shit. Guess I'll have to find one online. I didn't really want to have to wait for it to be delivered but oh well what can you do.


Well-Known Member
cool i just placed my Big Bang,Aussie Blue and Caramelious. got a new grow house in the mist:D.

As long as you can cool the room.
are you getting fresh air in there tho?


Well-Known Member
Oh no it's cool. I found the other seed. Was just hard to find in the carpet lol.

Yeah, I got plenty of fresh air during the day while the door's open, temp sits at 78. But at night the door has to be closed so no, there won't be any fresh air coming into the room. Will that thing be usless then and just circulate shitty air or will it still cool the room?


Well-Known Member
whats the BTU on that thing? Oh yea when u talk about the heat issue is that in the direct light or the room temp? Im still new and my temps are not perfect eithere. 73-86. my in direct light temp getts up to 86 but the tent temp is 83 . Should i raise the light.


Well-Known Member
2100 BTU's, 600 CFM. The temp I'm talking about is in the tent. Mainly becasue it has to be zipped up and it's not that big inside, making it so hot. There's no heat from the lights in the tent, they're just CFLs


Well-Known Member
whats the BTU on that thing? Oh yea when u talk about the heat issue is that in the direct light or the room temp? Im still new and my temps are not perfect eithere. 73-86. my in direct light temp getts up to 86 but the tent temp is 83 . Should i raise the light.
how close is ya light?


Well-Known Member
2100 BTU's, 600 CFM. The temp I'm talking about is in the tent. Mainly becasue it has to be zipped up and it's not that big inside, making it so hot. There's no heat from the lights in the tent, they're just CFLs

I had the same prob in my veg room. its in a small 3x3 closet. I had to leave the door open and im in a apartment too. Talk about being paranoid. LOL That why i had to ivest in a tent


Well-Known Member
No worries, write whatever you want. I already got 10 pages on day 10 lol. Where does it say it drops by 12 mane? And what watt light are you using sty? I got a chart I can check.


Well-Known Member
600w MH Dont know any thing else cuz my hydro store didnt ethr. Its was in a plane white box. They said it has like 55k lumens and a 6kelvin good for VEG


Well-Known Member
Nah if you raise it anymore the plants aren't going to get enough lumens. It should be anywhere from 6-22 inches away. I would actually lower it lol.