first grow cfl/computer/scrog grow


Active Member
Lately there has been a supply drought here in my place so i decided to plant one for me and my buddy. after reading up for sometime. i decided to make a cpu/scrog grow.

i took seeds from my previous head high stash. i dont know what strain it is but from the looks of the leaves it looks like a sativa and here in my country mj grows along city highways on mountainous regions. so no genetic crossing and alterations are done by man yet..:fire: so im guessing that my plant is pure sativa! drug trade here usually is by harvesting wild weed and transporting them to the main land. thats why almost all the stuff they sell here contains seeds!! thats another reason why i decided to plant one.:bigjoint:

i planned to share my journal with you guys from seedling to stash but recently i encountered a problem...:wall:
i have been growing her inside a cpu for about a month now on 18/6 coolwhites and switched her to a warmwhite 12/12 schedule. after 3 weeks she still keeps on growing and she's beginning to crowd up the cpu and she doesnt even show signs of flowering! (well taken for granded that she's a she and not a he *crossfingers*) and soon she'll be reaching up to high into the scy and hit my cfls and sustain leaf burns! ill be expecting leaf burns soon if she doesnt stop growing and start flowering! and adjusting her in my scrog setup is becoming harder and harder everyday coz of the growth..:wall:

here's the link to see my plant. im just using a cp camera so it looks blurry.

padawanplanter/1st grow sativa - Page 1 - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

i transplanted her to a rectangular pot to maximize the space of the cpu grow.
if you have noticed i planted her on one side. thats to give way for my tiny screen.

i have read up on most scrogs. the principle of doing a scrog is to make an even canopy and maximize the light spread.

usually scrogs have spaces below them so you could easily adjust the height to make an even canopy.. well i cant afford that space so i just taped the screen into my rectangular pot haha :D only disadvantage is that.. its hard to reposition the plant to make an even canopy but its manageable :D

here are the stats to my setup

medium of growth: potty mix that prevents hyperchlorosis

1st month
high nitro 30 - 10 - 10 + an controlled released fertilizer 15 - 9 - 2 with trace elements

2nd month till now
9 - 45 - 15 blossom booster

temperature usually plays along 70-85F

1st month
2 36watt cool white cfl's on 18/6
2nd month
2 36watt warmwhite cfl's on 12/12 schedule

CPU: 20in x 24in
painted it flat white with one side on aluminum just to keep all those light outside from my plant when its 12/12night time
powersupply hacked and used to power up 3 fans on the sides of the cpu for a good air exchange

i was wondering will heat inhibit flowering?
does my wild wild strain affect flowering?
any suggestions? comments? thanks brothers