First grow- 16 plant White Berry sog


Well-Known Member
Ide like to thank everybody for all the motivation and kind words. It turns out losing my job may have been a good thing, now I will be getting a job with my brother (in 30 days when I can piss) and its better money, alot better money. My father has calmed down, and insists on getting me the best lawyer in the area. At least im not locked up yet and im just letting my body clean out so I can get back to work, I cant stand just sitting around doing nothing. :wall:

I know how that is man, I take a week off work and 3 days into in I a bored and wish I was back at work.....:wall: Hope things look up for ya soon man, keep ur head up. peace


i havent had a job since february im very sorry to hear what happened, im very close to you so the same thing could happen, fingers crossed and best of luck to you, just remember the risk is worth every penny, and if its not then whyd u do it