First Florida Outdoor Grow


Active Member
your lookin good man... give them some nutes...water... kill bugs! Good Luck
I fed them advanced nutrients micro and grow.. and I think the big one started having problems when I accidently I burned her with too much grow.

lookin good man, ive wanted to grow himalya gold for a while now. did u top the big plant? if so how many times? IT IS HUGE!
I only topped her once, i put up a pic to show exactly where... Himalaya Gold is supposed to be a very sturdy outdoor plant with huge colas. So im hoping for the best.

aw your doggy is cute mman! im in south fl too!!
Thank you she enjoys walking with me :hump:
And now for some more pictures :twisted:

My big one :
(i had some branches tied up because they were bending to low,
i stretched out some plastic wrap and used them as ties.
I took them off because maybe thats what is killing her :cry: )

#1 :

#1 Tops :

deep inside #1 :

#2 :

#2 Tops :
This one shows them all but kind of blurry

This one shows 1 top in macro mode

#3 :

#3 Tops :

any suggestions on how to revive my big one??


Well-Known Member
I'm doing my first outdoor grow this year too, and my girls only reached ~2.5ft before flowering (current stage)...How the hell is your main stem so thick?! How old is your plant?

The way the yellowing only occurs between veins leads me to believe that you may have either a mild K or Fe first I was thinking Mg, but the leaves don't seem to be curling upward/"praying for magnesium", so I'd check your potassium and iron levels if I were you...but please read up a bit on it first! I'd hate to see those plants die :(

I've learned a lot about nutrient deficiencies in the past few months, so maybe you can get something useful out of the links in my signature.

Best of luck,
-WPB area grower
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Active Member
I started the first ones around beginning of may, as soon as they starting growing branches they all flowered(go back in the thread for pics) and now they revegged and will flower a second time.

I sprouted 4 seeds april 10th and moved them to there location april 20th(420)....from there 3 of them drowned by excessive rain. The surviver is having trouble and I don't think its a Deficiency. It might be over fertilizing or it could be because im using Miracle Gro. I really need to bring her back she was so healthy i cant believe this is happening...... She was so healthy. help me rollitup!


Active Member
All plants still alive, and flowering.:hump:

I really need all you guys help!! I already had one plant lose all its leaves....and i think another plant might be starting to!!!:cry:

I have pics of everything! Bugs, leaves, branches! HELP ME KEEP HER ALIVE!!

My other plants are showing the same signs as the plant that lost all its leaves. (brown areas with white dots or just white dots)

and another little thing is that some of my pistils are already turning brown/amber! Is this normal? Its very early!!



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Active Member
You need some pesticide. Since your in FL like me don't make the mistake of spraying it during the heat of the day it will ruin your plants.

You probably have spider mites.


Active Member
yes i give them advanced nutrients micro grow and bloom about ????10ml/gal??? of each every 2 or 3 waterings. they are all in miracle grow soil.

I dont really measure how much nute solution i put in a gallon..... just a slight pour of each bottle into their own milk jug.

I have been told it could be over water, under water, over fert, under fert...or root rot. I am now sure bugs also played a part in killing my biggest plant !

from the pictures what can you tell ?? I would really like some responses on the brown w/ white dots!
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Well-Known Member
I have heard too many things about miracle grow to ever use it (particularly its reactions to random ferts/nutes at random times). Looks like wind, or bugs, maybe, or if you treated it with a spray, it could be that... could be the MG... but yeah it doesn't look good... good luck with it!


Active Member
Do you think they might just look beat up because they revegged?
They looked like this:

I snipped some buds off:

and then they all started growing :D


Well-Known Member
those things look crazy, i think ur big one died of a nitrogen def, mine kinda looked like that when it killed over, how did u reveg them tho?


New Member
I've used advanced nutrients mixing grow, micro, bloom at 1:1;1 with great success.

That being said i've had same success using Osmocote PRO and adding Ironite as a kick now and again.

The home depot style "miracle gro" is junky. There is a professional label which i would consider only as a minimum.

Alot of folks get all worked up about fertilizer and PH and water, but mostly its just about paying attention and finding your crops rhythm. Once you get the feel of it down, everything else will follow.


Active Member
Ugh, Miracle grow is bad. It DOES react really badly when adding other nutes, but i noticed that the Miracle Grow "Organic Potting Mix" is so much better, hold more liquid and does not come premixed with harsh fertilizers. Hey Crusso, since your big girl is "dead" why dont you try this, I suggest you carefully lay her sideways pot and all and unpot her, then use some water to carefully get rid of any potting mix on the roots, do this till there is only VERRY little Miracle Grow on her roots. Dig a big hole and transplant her into the very earth (without any Miracle Grow ofcourse. Just use the local dirt) , and water her. She doesnt look over watered btw. And I lived in Florida for a while and i dont think anything outdoors there could be over watered (expept if its raining outside, man it rains in Florida) anyways if you are lucky she will pick up again soon, stop feeding her nutes for a week though, then start her up again slowly. I bet you might save her. And if not, cant hurt if shes already dead in your mind. Really hope this helps.
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Active Member
Well they had all flowered and there was buds all over the plants

I simply cut all the buds off.....without harming the main stem. Then they all started growing new branches, single, double, and triple bladed leaves.
