Finish the sentence above you!

mr west

Well-Known Member
worse i could of been stung by a hornet, im lergic to them and ill die lol.

too many clones...................

mr west

Well-Known Member
dont give it to me i just got rid of it lol.

I like getting sticky finger when i.................................


Well-Known Member
the hell you like rice pudding lol

Once I had some particularly bad rice pudding at my grandmas as a kid, and when your there you HAVE to finished your food, there was no option. I ended up throwing up all over:spew:. Then I had to clean it up lol. Im traumatized for life and will never be able to eat it agian :mrgreen: lol

The first time I...

mr west

Well-Known Member
i told that story my dad made me eat 3 bowls of ambrosia on the trot.

My dad was so pissed when i.....................
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mr west

Well-Known Member
He pulled the chcken head clean off and ran off with the chicknes body still attatched to him flapping and dripping blood every where.

I never did see.................