Finger Count

Black Light

Well-Known Member
Ya, 8 that's ok, i've had that it's just a small extra leaf that grows on it? But now if you have alot of leaves with 8 fingers then that's some weird shit haha.


Active Member

At the stems and stuff, I see little long hairs but I think that's the plant growing new leaves and stems.
If you see hairs, its fem. Just watch out for very small penis looking things protruding from some of those areas. If it looks like a penis its a male part, then you might have a hermi but odds are if u have hairs it all fem. If it looks like a bud with hairs coming out, that is a calyx. SENSI!


Active Member
oh and the plant only shows these little things once its old enough, urs is plenty old if u already see hairs. the fact that it shows those little calyx's or male parts once it gets old enough its called preflowering. All that happens when it flowers is that a huge amount of stems and intersections begin to grow causing a huge amount of those little calyx's at each intersection. Just because there are soo many intersections and the buds swell when mature, all you see is a mass of collected calyx's= denznug!

HOPE I HELPED! love teaching people things!
you can pm me with any other weird ass questions, i have done lots of experiments and with many a strain too. I have noone to tell around here though or ill get put away or something


Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
If your looking for "penis things" growing from your plants, you'll be waiting a long long time and eventually your plant will's an example of male and female plants.

If you see hairs, its fem. Just watch out for very small penis looking things protruding from some of those areas. If it looks like a penis its a male part, then you might have a hermi but odds are if u have hairs it all fem. If it looks like a bud with hairs coming out, that is a calyx. SENSI!