finally diagnosed my problem (bad ph pen) NOW 4th/5th week of flower and plant needs a miracle.


New Member
Ok so ive done a run of autos in canna coco with the full line of canna and loved it before. I started two dina fem white cheese autos in a new cabinet that is sealed and dialed in with temps maxing at 83f.

Space is 2x4 with a 2x4 8 bulb 400watt t5 with red bulbs.

Nutes are canna line without cannazyme fed at 13 ml per gallon for the base. Feed every watering with runoff and feed twice a day in 2 gallon pots.

Fixed an early cal issue with cal mag but dont use it now that nutes are full strength or close.

ph has been at 5.8 (I thought!!!! )
Turns out the pen was bad and reading at least 1.3 high meaning I was dropping my ph to at least 4.5! For how long? I dont know at least 3 freaking weeks.

I got a new pen my question now is should I keep nutes at 850ppm or drop them? So far ive run 3 gallons of correctly ph'd water with the same strength nutes through my coco. Should I run a little superthrive this late in flower?
How bad is this going to hurt my yield? It would of pulled 3oz easy based on my last run but it looks like it has stalled on bud development. Leaves have been curling up and down, rust spots, falling off, black edges.... I was in getting depressed before I figured out it was a faulty ph pen.

Sorry if my questions are all over the place. Thank for any help.


New Member
I tried flushing it once previously, and have done half strength for a day (2 waterings) and worked the ppm back up to around 900 over two days. This was when I first saw the bad problems and was my attempt to fix them. I was using ml/gal only measurement because I didnt have a tds pen. So I bought one and when I calibrated it I went to recalibrate my ph pen too. Thats when it threw up an error code I realized it had been way off probably for several weeks based on how much ph down I was adding. I thought I had to use more ph down as my nute ppm went up. Always test your equipment regularly! !!! Its costing me big time. How much can they recover with a multiple lockout mid flower?


New Member
No one can answer questions that require predicting the future of your plants.
Then ill rephrase.

Do plants that suffer ph related nutrient lockout, during early to mid flower, stand any chance at recovering and producing a usable yield? Can the plant recover in the time needed to add mass to the buds before the stunted buds and plant mature (autoflower). OR am I wasting a full line of canna nutes, drain to waste, twice daily feedings on a plant that will mature with only popcorn buds. Thanks


Active Member
As you grow it to maturity, harvest and dry correctly the plant will have usable yield. It will not be the maximum it could of done is all. It will try it's hardest to do what it can, it's what it does. Not any different than running it on a CFL for first 4 weeks, then giving it a real light. We can not predict how much, you had problems before, so further problems will lower. You ask us something that is un-answerable. Grow it out and see, I personally don't think anything but a male is not worth growing out to finish to see what it does. Unless of course you have something to go right in and start flowering, if not you are at least 3 weeks from having another plant viable to flower. This one could be done in 4-6. Get your next plant ready and finish this one out as learning experience.