Figure This Led Haters


Well-Known Member

"People thought they needed fallout shelters too!"

I posted pics on your journal and all you could reply with was some tech bullshit. You seen in my pics that LED's were superior especially to tour t5 grow.


Well-Known Member
I posted pics on your journal and all you could reply with was some tech bullshit. You seen in my pics that LED's were superior especially to tour t5 grow.
"Tech Bullshit"

His words are so deep...

Preach on!

And once again...Growth is not an accurate measurement.

Just look at the mystery strain...It's twice as big! Same light...

Don't get so defensive tiger!

And that "Tech Bullshit" is what I'm ALL about...So, there...


Well-Known Member

I will follow you stuff, but it says in your journal

"I will keep u all posted, my plants will recieve 12 hours of sun since its spring and hot, than 12 of 600 watts Led and 90 watts Cfl. That way i get more growth in my plants and Cut dowm my electric bill in half :smile: my grow tent is near my window so its convient."

I am still looking for an all LED grow :blsmoke:
HaHAHAaaHA!! soooooooooo YOUR NOT using ALL LED??

I posted pics on your journal and all you could reply with was some tech bullshit. You seen in my pics that LED's were superior especially to tour t5 grow.
T5???? OR HID??

"Tech Bullshit"

His words are so deep...

Preach on!

And once again...Growth is not an accurate measurement.

Just look at the mystery strain...It's twice as big! Same light...

Don't get so defensive tiger!

And that "Tech Bullshit" is what I'm ALL about...So, there...
Hey "tech BULLSHIT" must be short for real facts.:o I GET IT! lol.


Well-Known Member
The UV thing is totally correct!

I want to add a UVB to my current LED

I found this from a post

"Make up of an ideal led panel:
2% UVB Leds for resin and tric production. 380mn
6% Royal Blue Leds 455mn
12% Blue Leds 470mn
30% Red Leds 627mn
50% Far Red leds 660mn"

However this ratio seems to be a "general" mix. I'm sure one could fine tune the ratios for flowering and for veg.

As we are LED growers, we need a UVB panel or something to add to our grows. Lets get some!

UVB IS dangerous and cancer causing etc. Don't look at plants with UVB light without sunglasses!

For reference:
UVB 315 nm–280 nm

We need some 310nm LED ( thats the closest I could find any mention of online ) and make a panel of it. It would be dangerous and cancer causing, but produce more quality buds! Supposedly they are expensive too.


Well-Known Member
The UV thing is totally correct!

I want to add a UVB to my current LED

I found this from a post

"Make up of an ideal led panel:
2% UVB Leds for resin and tric production. 380mn
6% Royal Blue Leds 455mn
12% Blue Leds 470mn
30% Red Leds 627mn
50% Far Red leds 660mn"

However this ratio seems to be a "general" mix. I'm sure one could fine tune the ratios for flowering and for veg.

As we are LED growers, we need a full UV panel or something to add to our grows. Lets get some!
While this info is not usefull, you seem to know related facts to LED's. I know supplemental light is needed...that's ok...But how do the lumens degrade? And what about light loss? I'm not shooting down LED's at all, I just want to collect information, that's ALL...


Well-Known Member
heres my problem.....

The UV thing is totally correct!

I want to add a UVB to my current LED

I found this from a post

"Make up of an ideal led panel:
2% UVB Leds for resin and tric production. 380mn
6% Royal Blue Leds 455mn
12% Blue Leds 470mn
30% Red Leds 627mn
50% Far Red leds 660mn"

However this ratio seems to be a "general" mix. I'm sure one could fine tune the ratios for flowering and for veg.

As we are LED growers, we need a UVB panel or something to add to our grows. Lets get some!

UVB IS dangerous and cancer causing etc. Don't look at plants with UVB light without sunglasses!

For reference:
UVB 315 nm–280 nm

We need some 310nm LED ( thats the closest I could find any mention of online ) and make a panel of it. It would be dangerous and cancer causing, but produce more quality buds! Supposedly they are expensive too.

EXACTLY!! NOT for me. HID=MORE BANG For your BUCK!!!!


Well-Known Member
afrawfraw, you're kind of a troll dude. while this thread title was a bit trollish as well, i'm just stating what I see

you post that fact sheet about LED lifetimes..."bearer of bad news" etc whatever

If you don't think 70% quality of light after 30,000 hours ( 3.5 years of 24/0, 7 years at 12/12 ) is a deal killer, then please go troll somewhere else, because all lights degrade significantly at first, and then slowly degrade. LED still are far far far ahead of anything else. If anything, the power supply or something will fail before the LED fail.

secondly, how in all that is holy can you say what i posted is not useful.

finally, lumens life etc would be the same as any other LED, or close enough it doesn't even merit discussion.

Fuzzy: notice how I said supposedly? I was reading something from 2007. Also, not that many UVB LED are even needed, only 2% of total light! An expensive LED is like $1/each. Also, don't forget about exhaust fans, and all the wasted heat energy from HID.


That's why I think they need to be positioned much closer to the plant...If you played it right, you could make little LED trench coates for your girls and use 'em for Christmas tree decorations...Sorry, I'm lit!

wow you are onto something there ,lit or not.its the only way to simulate light penetration.or maybe its just that i am lit too?nah, i say its the right idea even tho i laughed my ass off.


Well-Known Member
afrawfraw, you're kind of a troll dude. while this thread title was a bit trollish as well, i'm just stating what I see

you post that fact sheet about LED lifetimes..."bearer of bad news" etc whatever

If you don't think 70% quality of light after 30,000 hours ( 3.5 years of 24/0, 7 years at 12/12 ) is a deal killer, then please go troll somewhere else, because all lights degrade significantly at first, and then slowly degrade. LED still are far far far ahead of anything else. If anything, the power supply or something will fail before the LED fail.

secondly, how in all that is holy can you say what i posted is not useful.

finally, lumens life etc would be the same as any other LED, or close enough it doesn't even merit discussion.

Fuzzy: notice how I said supposedly? Also, not that many UV LED are even needed, only 2% of total light!

Propaganda. at its finest.

wat about digital bulbs fer digital ballist, or mayb CMH, ur light years ahead dood, im telling u.


Well-Known Member
LED light degradation and lifetime ranks much better than HPS or MH.

Fuzzy, instead of saying I'm spreading propaganda, what is the light degradation and total lifetime of "digital bulbs fer digital ballist, or mayb CMH"

If you can show documents showing they are better, awesome!

Otherwise you're just trolling.


Active Member
Man its like all hps farmers like to troll around as soon as they see led. go back to growing your schwag you dirt farmers lol


Well-Known Member
its actually natural

people hate ANYTHING that is different or new

its like magic....don't investigate it, just hate it, its the devil!

or being racist and prejudice