feminized seeds


Active Member
Probably tastes a bit on the raw side... What seasoning did you use? Because ive been trying to get that bastard for a while... Hope you didnt just waste his meat with no spices man...


Well-Known Member
what did he taste like?

Just like Chicken!!!!

I am a retailer, and am seeing a trend in consumers. They want it cheap, they want it NOW, and they want it to be perfect. Some peoples expectations are set so high. I have to remind people constantly that there is NO SUCH THING AS PERFECTION!! Some people come into the store with the mindset that my sole purpose in life is to get their money anyway I can. And they are not one bit shy about screaming RAPE as loudly as possible if things don't go perfectly.
Nobody stops to think anymore before they start crying. Very few businesses out there deliberately TRY and screw you. We are only fuckin human, and believe it or not, we Small Business Owners do fuck up from time to time! (I know...Hard to believe, but it's true!) And if you happen to be a one or two man show, things can get really hairy.
I commend dude for showing SOME restraint and not naming the seedbank, but it doesn't always work like that. Customers have a great deal of power, especially in "Niche" market businesses. ONE POST on a forum could spell financial ruin to someone. I wish that people would wait until any dispute is resolved (or not resolved timely) before crying RAPE.
As for them not getting back to you in within a time frame that YOU think is reasonable, well you gotta give someone TIME. Remember, it's on YOUR mind, not so much on theirs. We try and do the best we can to serve our customers, and occasionally shit happens. What separates a good business is just how quickly they wipe after shit does happen.
I'm sure that if this is a reputable business, they'll accommodate you within a reasonable time. If NOT, you should have done your homework better. I get that ALOT. I am one of the most expensive shops in my area, and people price shop and go with the cheapest price, but what really fucks me up is when they come to me, hat in hand, asking me to fix what the CHEAP shop fucked up!!! And STILL don't want to pay my price, like I'm supposed to feel sorry that they got screwed by someone else.

WHEW!!! Rant over.



Active Member
what site then man i need to know. i was just getting ready to spend alot of money i dont really have. I cant aford to buy these seeds, grow them , and not be females.
i dont care about the pics, i just wanna know where not to go. and if ANYONE knows a good site they Used before. please let me kjow, thanx


Well-Known Member
dr chronic has given me bunk seeds twice... i guess first time is ok but the second was my fault for trusting again...


Active Member
my apologies,,mistype,,,i got 5 females out of 9 but i thought the company would've replied.
is 5 out of 9 about right from feminized seeds??
the thing is,,,the seeds were only £10 for 20 so i shouldn't moan really.


Well-Known Member
what? where the hell r u getting 20 fem seeds for a tenner.

U certainly 'mistyped' that a few times aswell


Active Member
yeah, and its not a fem seeds if you got 5 out of 9. because they should be 99.98 female all the time. im waiting to someone tells me where i can get female seeds that they have tried, not heard about, thanx


Active Member
20 for a tenner, 100% not fem seeds, first off they be a lot mor expensive than a tenner, second I got pack of 5 dutch passion fem the first time, and I got no male. but no where near as cheap, €50 for 5 seeds, thats like £35?

so where did you get them from?

nirvana headshop do a lot of different branded seeds guys, fem or reg.


Well-Known Member
think about it: a gram of dank would be $20 rite? so do u really think that u r gonna get dank, something that produces over an ounce is going 2 be fem, get more than 5 and only 10 bucks?

i feel like my time was just wasted................


Well-Known Member
You're an azzhole. Whoops, sorry - I mistyped. I meant you're an asshole. WAIT! I apologize - It still didn't come out right. I MEANT you're a nice guy and everyone likes you. DAMNIT!! Oh, you want me to prove to you I'm not lying about you being a nice guy? I'll take a picture of myself saying you're a nice guy....

2 weeks later....

Well, I tried taking the picture of myself with the camera on my phone calling you a nice guy but it seems my phone was exposed to a fungus that penetrates through plastic and silicone, operating almost like an acid. To kill the fungus, I thought it necessary to submerge the device in my brother's sink water full of spit and listerine. Terrible decision on my part. It seems everything on the phone works now EXCEPT for the bloody camera.

Oh well, so is life!


Well-Known Member
just thought i'd let you all know about fem seeds.
i just bought and planted 9 fem seeds and so far 7 have come up male :cuss:i want to name the site on here but not sure if i can.
any advice would be appreciated,,just don't want other people to get ripped off.
you know why???Fem. seeds is mutant plant.Thats why.