

Undercover Mod
Has anyone here ever taken part in a fast?

If so how long?

Did you obtain from all food or just certain foods?

What liquids did you intake?


Undercover Mod
well to take it a bit further. I'm more interested in the Vision quests of my ancestors.

Lakota Sioux – Crying for a Dream

The Lakota Sioux word for Vision Quest is Hembleciya (ham-blay-che-ya). The word Hembleciya translates to “Crying for a Dream.” This refers to the “Quester” both physically and internally crying for a Vision or Sacred Dream. Sometimes this ceremony is called “going up on the hill,” because people would often go to a nearby mountain or butte to complete their Vision Quest.

Typically the quest is completed deep in nature, far away from civilization. At times it can be done closer to where people live, but located in a pit dug deep into the ground. The person on the Vision Quest either chooses or is told the location for their Quest. They are also instructed in all preparations and on how many days and nights the quest will last by a Medicine Person (aka Holy Person). This Medicine Person will guide the Quester in all aspects of the ceremony and provide spiritual support and guidance.

Before a Vision Quest is started the Quester is purified in a sweat lodge, often over many days. On the day of the quest they start their fast at sunrise. They also forgo sleep and food. They give up all that it takes to live in the physical world and rely on the strength of spirit to sustain them for the duration of the quest.

The Quester is purified one last time in a sweat lodge ceremony and then taken to the designated place of the quest. There they will stay without food, water or sleep for one to four nights. During this time the person focuses their heart, mind, body, and spirit on the guidance they are seeking. They must overcome their earthly wants and desires and face their human nature to fully receive the Vision.
Upon completion of the Quest they are brought back to a sweat lodge. There, the Quester speaks of his or her experience to a Medicine Person who provides spiritual guidance and interpretation of the Vision. The Medicine Person helps the Quester understand his or her experience.

The Vision that is received will provide guidance to the person for the rest of their life. Some people are called to do many Vision Quests over the course of their lifetime.
Hallucinogenic medicines (such as peyote) will sometimes be used to aid in the quest.


Undercover Mod
I would say I'm interested because I have lacked self control most of my life. Mostly involving food.

And I want to teach myself discipline in this way.


Undercover Mod
I did a juice fast for 15 days! Things got fast down there!
That is what I started doing two days ago. The second day seems worse than the first.

The only thing I didn't cut out is milk. I have been drinking a tall glass of milk as well as 2-3 juices a day.

Mainly to stop any kind of muscle loss as I am working out at the same time.


Well-Known Member
I think so, my goal is 30 days next time! I'm a big guy so at first it was rough on the body to adjust to the change, maybe 3-4 days for those main toxins to come out, but then it was energy city! No more of the initial headaches. I think I quit cause I was bored with my variety and tired of making juice 2-3 times a day! After you start considering your juice as nutrients rather than a meal it gets easy! Stay away from citrus fruits if it is for dietary reasons, the acid seems to stimulate appetite rather than suppress it!


Well-Known Member
Also a big benefit of juicing is giving your digestive system a break, I'm not so sure milk is great to mix in to the equation, maybe almond milk would be a better source of protein, without the work on your guts!


Well-Known Member
I don't know because I didn't weigh in, but it was a visual difference! Muscle loss? I think if you have extra weight on you, you could burn that into muscle if you are working out! I didn't work out, just normal daily work,dad, and gardening!


Undercover Mod
From what I have read protein can be turned into fat or muscle. But Fat can only be burned as energy not converted into muscle.

So if you break down muscle and consume no protein then there is a depletion of muscle mass.

Thanks for replying I appreciate it


Well-Known Member
Discussing this makes me think it is aBout time for that 30 day fast! It's been about a year since the last one! I need it


Well-Known Member
From what I have read protein can be turned into fat or muscle. But Fat can only be burned as energy not converted into muscle.

So if you break down muscle and consume no protein then there is a depletion of muscle mass.

Thanks for replying I appreciate it
You are absolutely right, I guess I was thinking about the fat to give you energy to work out to build muscle, lol guess you need something to add in there!


Undercover Mod
centrifugal it works okay, wish I had just spent a bit more on a masticating to get the little more juice out.


Well-Known Member
That is what I started doing two days ago. The second day seems worse than the first.

The only thing I didn't cut out is milk. I have been drinking a tall glass of milk as well as 2-3 juices a day.

Mainly to stop any kind of muscle loss as I am working out at the same time.

I've never fasted, always thought it was interesting though, and I'm interested in the possible health benefits, if any, from it. That's mainly what I've been kind of skeptical about. What are the benefits of fasting as opposed to eating a normal diet?

When I used to work out a lot, I found it nearly impossible if I hadn't eaten anything earlier, as I had no energy to do anything. How do you manage that?

Good luck, bro