Evidence of Deity! Comfort for the Christian, Proof for the Atheist


Well-Known Member
I like the fact that you can't respond to anything I say. I win tiny man. You have trouble understanding the nature if your ignorance, much like a persons inability to discern their own scent. You stink. You just can't smell it.

You thought to engage your better in a battle of wits and came up lacking. No amount of vague presumptions as to the depth of your character are going to counter balance your complete inability to formulate intelligent thoughts and/or cogent statements.

Stop while you're losing. Your hole only gets deeper.


Active Member
You are like an oxymoron to a moron. You visit my thread and tell me what a jerk I am being.... but in the process you are an even bigger jerk. Blind hypocrite. First control your own childish behavior, then you can become the guide for somebody else.


Well-Known Member
Totally inaccurate statement. It was you who came out swinging insults. I just showed you that you are no where near as smart as you thought you were. A fact you've yet to address.

Re-read all my posts. I was never childish in my speech or overly insulting.

Why is it that your rep is so low when you've made hundreds of posts? Nothing useful to say huh? Just arrogance, and pseudo intellectual babble? Yeah... just like this thread.


Well-Known Member
And yet you begin a thread to debate, only to dis anyone who happens to debete. You might as well of title you thread, "Anyone who comments is an idiot". No, truely your looking for a discussion that only you can win, not by facts or faith, but do to your own inability to accept other people. If you truely want to debate, or have an intelligent conversation, open your mind to the idea that maybe you could be wrong. Otherwise, I'll have more effect speaking to my bathroom wall.


Well-Known Member
by the way.. I only keep posting here because it's funny. It's like holding a little kids head while he swings wildly at you. No challenge... but kind of funny to watch.

keep swinging kid.


Active Member
JealousGreen I like that you use the words inaccurate, arrogance, and pseudo intellectual babble.
They all relate to you.

Seriously dude, you must be so stupid it takes you an hour to make minute rice.



Well-Known Member
Our main difference is that I can command the English language. You are working to comprehend it.

I can explain why you're a fool. You respond with petty insults that make no sense. "an hour to make minute rice" that was weak. "An oxymoron to a moron" ironically closer to the mark. but only regarding the fact that continue to engage you while its clear you have nothing of substance to say in return. thus giving you the debate you thought you were well equipped to win, but appearantly were not. the irony amplified by the proclamations of all our collective hypocrisy. how you only started this thread to play your games with our tiny minds. when in reality it was you who displayed your ignorance while we laughed at you. you wanted to inflame people. but you weren't granted that satisfaction by your own inability to come off as anything more than a petty little child with a bullshit agenda.

oxymoron to a moron.... you.


Well-Known Member
You are like an oxymoron to a moron. You visit my thread and tell me what a jerk I am being.... but in the process you are an even bigger jerk. Blind hypocrite. First control your own childish behavior, then you can become the guide for somebody else.


Active Member
sorry JealousGreen, you have used up all your lame ass answer tokens. I bet you have sent me more messages then your girlfriend gets all week. Oh wait, that's impossible. You need a girl friend first.

Why don't you try public transportation tomorrow. When the bus leaves, be under it.


Well-Known Member
Why don't you try public transportation tomorrow. When the bus leaves, be under it.
Here you go folks, what a positive example, a great role model for one of god's followers. Let's all strive to be like w4c dripping with tolerance and love for his fellow man. :roll:

I guess w4c thinks that just believing in a god is enough because he doesn't seem to care if he is judged on how he treats others... while spreading the word no less.


Well-Known Member
I'm happily married. My wife is smoking hot and gives amazing head. I own 2 businesses, a house, 3 cars, a boat and an rv. no bus for me.

The only one with lame answers is you, clearly you won't run out of your lame answer tokens. You seem to have an endless supply.

Keep swinging kid.... ;)

Green Inferno

Active Member
This thread is for my own amusement. Indeed you who enter are a parody of the human progress.

First the would be Christian.

What did you hope to find here? Proof of God? You seek a testimony of God but if it is build on the words of a man how will that testimony stand?

Truly you are like the house built upon the sand, and the winds blew and the waves crashed and that house fell, and great was the fall there of.
You hypocrite. You seek the spirit but by the tongue of flesh.

Or did you come to correct the writer?. Doesn't your bible teach you to cast not your pearls before swine, or to give not that which is holy to the dogs?
You insult Christianity with your actions. What measure of your worthless intellect will feed one starving person tonight?

To you atheist, what did you come here to read? An intellectual attempt to convert you? More proof you can disprove? You are even more worthless then the would be Christian dogs. At least they had good intentions. What are your intentions? To go looking for faith and destroy it? A babe on the beach wrecking sand castles is more productive then you are. At least sand castles are real.

You insult humanity with your idle worthless drivel. Every sentence you spew forth is like an ever growing stain of idiocy on the progress of intellectual evolution.

You reek of hypocrisy. You seek to free humanity of the boundaries of religion, yet you your self threaten your own freedom by indulging in your own illegal activities! Hypocrites! Which is worse, spiritual boundaries or steel bars? A man can choose to be free of spiritual boundaries but a man behind bars will remain until he has served his time in full.
Again, you picking on Atheists. Are you that insecure in your own faith?