Ever wondered why you are alive?

Yeh... I sorta realised my self when I was? um?.... probably 6 or 7 :)

Back in the day....... Smoking a ton of weed for long periods of time and losing touch of reality, I came to the conclusion that I should stop smoking weed because I had smoked too much and as a result I wasn't enjoying it anymore. (and stuff)
Everyday was just the same thing over and over... Smoke weed, be stoned.. It got boring!
So then I stopped smoking it and for the next long period of time I was weed free, and during that period, my life was like a journey where each day I became more and more sober, and slowly I got back into touch with reality as each day passed.
The feeling of being more and more sober each day was so profound compared to just being stoned everyday, that becoming sober it self felt like I was tripping out!...Really, I was tripping out on soberness!!! just the same way people trip out on getting high.
can you imagine that?
I even had a short but intense trip after downing a shot glass full of ALOEVERA JUICE! (though, weed wasn't actually the only drug I took back then, so? yeh, who know's wtf was up with me back then..lol)

You guys wan't a test of self realisation? Ask your selves this: "WHY AM I ASKING MY SELF THIS?" Ask your self that question over and over before you go to bed. Drink some olive oil while you're at it too!


Well-Known Member
Wait so you were smoking everyday when you were 6 or 7 and gave it up because it was boring!? wtf?
Wait so you were smoking everyday when you were 6 or 7 and gave it up because it was boring!? wtf?

lololol.. No no.. that first line in my post above is unrelated to the rest of the post. I began smoking weed at around 17.

as for why we are alive?.. We are alive because it is possible for us to be alive.


Active Member
Big bang + star dust + evolution + sex = me. No soul, no reason, no purpose. "I" don't even exist, my actions are controlled by thoughts that take place right between the left and right hemispheres of the brain in my skull. I'm very much like a robot and my death simply means those two hemispheres stop communicating with each other.


Well-Known Member
We are but a hive, a collective of individual minds coming together on mass to create a reality in which to sustain our shared belief/s that this existence has meaning or worth, that there's something on the other side... beyond our senses.

Either that or I smoked too much dope this morning :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Very interesting, I think we are a miracle of manifested energy.
I've often pondered on the existence of subatomic consciousness, where the universe converses or resonates with thought on a very different level...perhaps the meaning behind dark matter/energy, consciousness as the cohesive energy between all matter.

But that was when I dropping LSD as if it were a vitamin :o

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
Yeh... I sorta realised my self when I was? um?.... probably 6 or 7 :)

Back in the day....... Smoking a ton of weed for long periods of time and losing touch of reality, I came to the conclusion that I should stop smoking weed because I had smoked too much and as a result I wasn't enjoying it anymore. (and stuff)
Everyday was just the same thing over and over... Smoke weed, be stoned.. It got boring!
So then I stopped smoking it and for the next long period of time I was weed free, and during that period, my life was like a journey where each day I became more and more sober, and slowly I got back into touch with reality as each day passed.
The feeling of being more and more sober each day was so profound compared to just being stoned everyday, that becoming sober it self felt like I was tripping out!...Really, I was tripping out on soberness!!! just the same way people trip out on getting high.
can you imagine that?
I even had a short but intense trip after downing a shot glass full of ALOEVERA JUICE! (though, weed wasn't actually the only drug I took back then, so? yeh, who know's wtf was up with me back then..lol)

You guys wan't a test of self realisation? Ask your selves this: "WHY AM I ASKING MY SELF THIS?" Ask your self that question over and over before you go to bed. Drink some olive oil while you're at it too!
I have the exact same thing!! If I smoke for ages then take a brake being sober is like be high, but better! Cleaner and more fresh. Nice one debbie.


Active Member
I've often pondered on the existence of subatomic consciousness, where the universe converses or resonates with thought on a very different level...perhaps the meaning behind dark matter/energy, consciousness as the cohesive energy between all matter.

But that was when I dropping LSD as if it were a vitamin :o

[h=1] “Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Heres Tom with the Weather.” -Bill Hicks[/h][video=youtube_share;7zV78IgXzB0]http://youtu.be/7zV78IgXzB0[/video]

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
True skunk. We are in a waking dream. We are just an intelligence experiencing itself. Death as an end is false. No energy can disappear it merely changes form. Our consciousness remains conscious, it is the one formless energy. Without intelligence nothing would exist, for I need to be present for something to exist, otherwise my imagination would be real, and that most certainly is not. For I knew of no such thing as death when I was born, I was only aware of what was before me, something true. Until I experienced the ignorance of mankind which is so fixated on the physical world he becomes part of it and is afraid to 'lose' it.

When you realise you are eternal and death as an end does not exist that is the most splendid realisation I've ever had in my entire life.

I have thought of countless ways of deconstructing the ignorance of man and his attachment to 'death' For example, sicience is something we like to trust because we can relate to it. We are only interested in something that we can relate too. For example, people are't interested in weed because they can't relate to it, we can, so we are interested in it. Since we can't really 'relate' as such we tend not to push it aside, pah, it's only death. Although it is the only inevitable thing to happen! Out of all the trillions and trillions, infinite ways on planet Earth death is the only one that is destined. Death is just another world for evolution. It is the way our planet evolves and since we don't truly die it is just a big game, like Grand Theft Auto.

For example, DMT. The two biggest doses of DMT are before birth and death. This is the physical symbol of the soul (your true self) entering the body. DMT as you may know is realised during sleep, dreaming is one big trip guys, now that's some drug. Waking life, DMT is present. It is no different from a dream other than I am aware. I have had lucid dreams were I am aware that I am dreaming, I can walk around freely. My brain is making up this world? This is incredible.

Only what someone experiences can be true. Not one person has ever proved death as an end, in the scientists mind this makes it not valid.

I am life. I am death. If I am life now then I have the ability to be life, this is obvious. So death is the other half of the cycle. I am this cycle of life and death.


Well-Known Member
I am alive because I am conscious of my surroundings, and I have senses. I am alive because I have electrical synapses firing in my brain that create and transport what amounts to nothing more than a bunch of 0's and 1's that other parts of my brain, via neuron collection "stations", if you will, gather these firings and do something with them to form thought and memory. Visit a brain doc for more information on that.

I am happy to say that some dude that died 2000 years ago or his invisible daddy in the sky had nothing to do with me being alive. My father's sperm and my mothers ovary, and cell division had everything to do with me being "alive". Oh and evolution.

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
The physical world is just full of symbols, as you know symbols are not actually what they truly are. For when you take for example a drug like LSD or shrooms things can distort and I can see the inside of a tree glowing with magical colours and tunnels. So if this was the normal state of humanity, like sap and wood is to us now my scientific mind would record this as being normal. Any change from this would need to be taken notice or studied. So if the colours and tunnels turned to wood and sap everyone would be amazed, just as if a tree turned yellow today in the park.

The ignorance of us now is that all of what you can see, hear and sense is one giant trip, we see it as everlasting but it is only temporary. It changes due to the intelligence observing it, for example a particular sea creature (can't remember it's name) that apparently see's in loads of colours, so if it became self conscious that would be it's norm, if we experienced that it would scare us. All of science is ignorance because they forget to consider that themselves are a limiting factor to all there experiments. So whatever triggers our evolution does it with great direction. It's clear that creation goes at it's own pace and we are with that pace.

Ask yourself. Which one did your awareness come from, the sperm or the egg? Your awareness is what brings you from the waking world to the dream world, dreamless sleep and unconsciousness. This awareness has no form, it's just here, right now, always present. You were aware when you were born, and for the years you can't remember until your first memory, you were there, you witnessed it. So awareness has no memory. So you were aware 8months in your mothers tummy? 3 months? Conseption? Or are you the sperm or the egg? And if you're one of them then you were amde from a piece of food that was converted into energy. And if you are that piece of food... you see where this is going?

The physical symbol for where our awareness enter's is the pinel gland, located at the center of the brain it is what we dream through, our brains are twice as active during the night. Your pinel gland starts to form in the womb at I think, 56 days, funny enough the ancient monks use to say 56 days until reincarnation.

So we are this eternal awareness. Jesus only realised this, just as buddah did and the other spiritual masters. They realised that they are one with life. God is the unkown. The creator which makes everything happen. We can not know God but we can know of god. And rest with him in the moment of eternity, which is now. Now is eternal. I must be present for now to exist. I am eternal.

Be easy

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
I've often pondered on the existence of subatomic consciousness, where the universe converses or resonates with thought on a very different level...perhaps the meaning behind dark matter/energy, consciousness as the cohesive energy between all matter.

But that was when I dropping LSD as if it were a vitamin :o
...see, you're that quiet guy that laughs at us in SS&P :razz:


Well-Known Member
photo and period 2 words that I am petitioning congress to have outlawed next to each other..
I wouldn't be surprised if periods become outlawed, our government is already screwing women at any opportunity they can.

See what I did there?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't be surprised if periods become outlawed, our government is already screwing women at any opportunity they can.

See what I did there?
Funny how the same people that say big government doesn't belong in peoples* lives are the same ones really trying to rule over a womens body.

*Corporations are people now too remember. That's must be who they really mean by "people"


Well-Known Member
guy if u knew the whole truth u would want to eat a gun with in the first 40 secs

old saying there is much more in heaven and hell then man has dreamed of ...................but u got it right here is the secret of life ready it is so simple it drives sane ppl crazy ...............the whole meaning of life is 3 Ls to live to love to learn .......that is it nothing else to it .......live as long as u can .......love as many and who u can ...........and learn all u can

and as for being a seeker of truth no u are not truth is from the eye of the beholder ........your tring to see tho other ppls prespectives to understand them better .....make sence out of the disorder around u and figure out the patterns

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
No man can know the whole truth. Although he can reflect on a great deal of it, 80 years is not enough to spew out all the knowledge of the universe, that's crazy. Hell is man's creation, only the idea of pain and suffering is within man, ultimately because man has forgot his origins that he is part of the eart and the universe and not just mankind itself.

The meaning of life is a mystery. The meaning of mans living right now is to come back to now, to be still in the mind and have no aimless thought, become one with now.

You are right saying truth is in the eye of the beholder but there only is the beholder. I am only me. I am alone in this world. We are all alone together. I do not feel your experience, my experience is totally unique to me. But the truth is that everyone has there own experience, which is the same in the sense that we are all experiencing the unknown. Right now.

We are all here in this moment, now. A moment that I can't remember being without. I've never been without now.

I only need to make sense of myself. So does everyone. They need to take responsibility for themselves, give up their unhappiness. My true self is nature and Earth and the universe. I am the centre of the universe and of my creation. I am God experiencing himself. We are all God. For we are all life.