Ever wondered why you are alive?


Well-Known Member
man someone has done a number on your head

wipe out everything u think u know and start over ..............everything in the universe comes from star dust .........break it all down it is all the same thing u are me i am u we are we and cok cok a chu ................now start from the begiining of history learn eveything u can and then add in all reiglions to that and combine it finally with the patterns u see repeating in nature than times that by well just to be safe 1 trillion years ..................then u will start to gain what u want

and yes yes u can know the whole truth all humans can for the simple fact we are a bit speical in the universe ............as of now most ppl use 2 to 4% of the mind the smartest person ever enstine was 9% ............given this fact we can do a shit load including access to dna memery ( dna is just a huge chain of program code u only need 3% of that whole code to make a human the rest is well knowagle and gentic memoeries from the blood line from the start of your first gentic relation) now if u go by the bible and the tora and korran we are all from adam and eve and then again we are all from noah family

guy/gal u are heading down the wrong path the info u think u are collecting is nothing but what they want u to see ............the answers are out there but they are hidden it takes years of reading history books and culture studies to peice it all together i been doing this since i was 8 and the idea hit me

u just need to look at the begining and learn from there once u get the real facts the picture forms.............here is something that will mess with u the old romens were only one step away from the steam engine now can u really say all their tales of creatures battles and gods were just simple minded stories


Active Member
I love the topic , it always amuses me.
To think this isnt the first time in human history that mankind truly believed they do not need to recognize a creator.
Not so long ago man thought the earth was flat, knew it without a doubt and yet the book of Proverbs referred to the circle of the earth thousands of years ago , the greeks , romans, etc, very advanced in so many ways, knowledge grows in leaps just like as we continue to learn we all the sudden put things together, only on a much grander scale.

Most of our problems stem not from what we know, but from what we dont know, or are so convinced we know, ya know?