

Well-Known Member
Just wondering on how much EC/PPM you are using for different stages of growth,we all no temp plays a part in changing your ph an ec/ppm either up or down in our hydro systems,we have to mess about intill we get to know our systems an how quick our lights can change the temp of our water an that can be come a problem with our nutes an additives.this how i do it

Seedlings and clones 300-400ppm 5.3-5.5 ph
early vegg 500-600ppm 5.3-5.6 ph
middle vegg 600-800ppm 5.4-5.6 ph
late vegg 800-1000ppm 5.5-5.7 ph
early flower 1000-1300ppm 5.5-5.7 ph
middle flower 1400-1600ppm 5.5-5.8 ph
late flower 1000-1100ppm 5.5-5.7 ph
ripening 300-500ppm 5.4-5.6 ph

seedlings and clones 250-350ppm 5.3-5.5 ph
early vegg 300-500ppm 5.3-5.6 ph
middle vegg 500-700ppm 5.4-5.6 ph
late vegg 700-900ppm 5.5-5.7 ph
early flower 1000-1100ppm 5.5-5.7 ph
middle flower 1100-1300ppm 5.5-5.8 ph
late flower 800-1000ppm 5.5-5.7 ph
ripening 300-500ppm 5.4-5.6 ph



Well-Known Member
This is the chart I use and adjust according to the strain, I always keep my ph at 5.8,seems to me that that's too much trouble to go through the veg and bloom cycle, I would assume it would stress the plant.....just my opinion.

PPM for Hanna Chart PPM

Seedlings, Early Sprouts ..100 to 250
Early Vegging ......................300 to 400
Full Vegetation ....................450 to 700
Early Blooming ...................750 to 950
Full Mature Blooms ...........1000 to 1600


Well-Known Member
Well, I don't know. It is difficult to communicate in TDS. Different conversion factors vary by almost 50%. 700 or 980 is a big difference for 1.4 EC.

EC, I'm trying to teach myself EC thinking. I can't remember what CF is off hand.

And I'm working on keeping it low nutes overall. No more that 1.2 EC max. It's an exact number where TDS isn't.

I use a calibration solution in a small bottle. I just put that in the res and let it get to the water temp.

Then I know exactly on the chart to adjust the device since I can measure the temp of the reservoir and so the temp of the calibration fluid also.

This might also be helpful.

About pH, I read that different nutes are absorbed best at slightly differernt pH.
There are range charts here somewhere. But, we know that 5.2 is a lockout.

But, there are nutes absorbed into the 6s as well. So instead chasing to a exact pH, I let it drift around on it's own and I stay at 5.8 nominal. 5.5 - 6.2.


Well-Known Member
I have a PPM-to-EC chart and it lists 3 different meters/manufacturers. The PPM range is very wide on these meters in comparison to the EC. I use an HM PPM meter and calibrate it easily with 1000 PPM calibration solution. When compared to my Hannah Primo 4 the PPM runs on the middle column in comparison. I then used the chart to get a feel of the proper EC range I was working toward. I love this Primo 4 with the cable probe and highly recommend it.


Well-Known Member
i need to know hot to adjust the EC, i mean what do i have to do when my EC is under or over the limit
If your EC is below your desired level then add more nutes.

If its above your desired level add plain water to decrease it.

When I used a recirculating hydro system i would allow the plants to tell me what feed they wanted based on the EC reading after 24hours.

If I mixed up a batch at EC1.3 and after 24hours it was 1.0 then I would increase EC next full up.

I tried to find the sweet spot where it was mixed at a level and returned back to the res at that level.

Never followed a chart.
