EasyRyder week 9 w/ Pics

So, this is under a 150 watt HPS and nothing else. Using GH 3 pack nutrients for my DWC. The plants are only in a 32 qt. reservoir filled with 4 gallons of nutrient solution. A 55 gallon airpump is used to aerate the water. Anyway, down to business. These are 2 joint doctors Easy Ryder and one Dinafem Roadrunner. To be honest, I am not sure which one is the roadrunner as things got a little mixed up during germination. Here are the pics. I only have pics from day 39, day 45 and day 59 which is today. Also these pictures are not very good but you can see my progress. Also, this is my first grow so sorry about all that shit. Anyway..

TLDR: EasyRyder 150 HPS DWC w/ GH Nutes.

Day 39:DSCF1009.jpgDSCF1008.jpgDSCF1010.jpgDSCF1011.jpgDSCF1012.jpgDSCF1013.jpgDSCF1014.jpgDSCF1015.jpg

Day 59:DSCF1024.jpgDSCF1020.jpgDSCF1019.jpgDSCF1022.jpgDSCF1023.jpgDSCF1026.jpgDSCF1017.jpgDSCF1018.jpgDSCF1027.jpgDSCF1025.jpgDSCF1021.jpg

So how they looking??


Well-Known Member
Look really good to me, i like that they look short and bushy, as opposed to tall and lanky.
Nice job with a 150w. It won't be long before you're baking down,
or if you're like me baking you and your friends down.
Thanks man. Yea I am purposely trying to keep them as short as possible because I am in a very small grow space. The tallest plant is about 16 inches and the other two are about 13 and 14 inches tall. I'm hoping for 2 dry ounces between all three plants. Also, does potency stay the same for the same strains though all grow environments or can someone grow strain A and get 20% thc and someone grow strain A differently and only get 12% thc?


these plants look nice for example your buds start growing from such a short way up the stem... whats your method of keeping them bushy???
these plants look nice for example your buds start growing from such a short way up the stem... whats your method of keeping them bushy???
As this is my first grow, I really didn't have any tried and true method but I did things that I thought would keep them short. First of all, I bought Joint Doctors Easy Ryder because they are generally short in nature. Secondly, I intentionally let the plants become root bound in 16oz Solo cups. Because my strain is auto-flowering, the plant continued to age while not growing and I think that this helped them. Other than that, I literally haven't done anything. The only interaction I really have with these plants is change the nutrient solution every other week. I don't trim, play with, or interfere in any way with these plants. They really pretty much grow themselves.

However, there are some problems that I noticed.

- My buds look very loose. This is in contrast to something like, say KB. Whenever I buy KB, it always looks very solid with lots and lots of red hairs. My bud looks very leafy and loose. Will these tighten during the last two weeks of flower and in the drying/curing process? IS there any micro/macro nutrients I should add that will tighten these buds up?

- Some leaves, more so towards the bottom of the plants, become dry, brittle, and/or yellow. Some of the upper leaves turn yellow/brown towards the middle of the leaf rather than at the ends. Is this due to a deficiency of some sort or is that because of the lack of light and/or the plant just draining any energy from those leaves before dropping them?



When you only have one light, you generally have one light angle and the most isolated spots are close to the sem at the bottom. This may be a reason, maybe not the only one, that i can assume because it happens too often; just like a light angle deficiency(One Light).

This could also possibly be due to them being unimportant to the plant because as you can see your plant is doing very well so i dont think it has anything to do with nutes


Well-Known Member
What i like to do is supercrop and lst.
I been buying bamboo sticks and sticking them in the pots to tie buds to, it
also helps later on in flowering to hold heavy buds up, and keep them
where you want them. It's been working pretty well.
Here's a few pics of what i mean.
I harvested 5.5oz off this plant. A lot of that
thanks to using the above methods.
I harvested this plant over a two week period which also helped add
a little extra weight. Once the tops were off, the bottom half, which was already
bush like, ripened up and loved all the new light hitting her.
I use a 400w light in my flower room.
^^ Thanks for this.. Does it work the same way in a hydro system? My girls are in a DWC. Can I just add the molasses to that?


Well-Known Member
About your thc question, with auto flowering(and all plants really) you just have to consider each mate(male+female plants) will produce slightly different offspring, So it should be close, but not often exactly what the descriptions say.
Here are some Halloween pics. I'd say I'm gonna chop them on or around Nov. 15th. I don't really want to invest in a microscope right now so I am going on the 10 week mark plus 1 because I neglected a nitrogen deficiency for about a week early on and I'll compensate by adding a week on now.
