Easy way to own a house ???


Well-Known Member
Actually that IS the IRS's business. If you have a enough cash to buy a house, but no source of income that they know about they will investigate. There are only 2 ways to get money: legally (you pay taxes on), or illegally. So if they don't have a record of where the money came from and the taxes you paid on it they will check into and fuck you big time.
Not if you pay the taxes on what you're buying then they have no reason to wonder where the money came from in the first place.

It's the same thing as trying to bust people on here for growing. It won't happen unless you draw attention to yourself.


Well-Known Member
Not totally true. You can't just have a million dollars "appear" with no explanation of how it got there. If you have a million unaccounted dollars and have no record of paying tax on it that itself will be proof enough to nail you on something.
Never have a million dollars sitting in one account without proof of how it got there. Multiple accounts and only used cashiers checks and money orders as it draws less attention as cash.


Well-Known Member
lol sorry, but money orders and cashier's checks will draw lots of suspicion. they (esp moneygram and western union) have been taking more and more steps to prevent fraud, fake checks, etc. and require two forms of id, employers name, address, and phone number and various other things to cash it. not sure about issuing them, but probably some pretty strict shit on that end too. you cannot just have money appear out of nowhere and expect to go buy a house.

in my theoretical future ;) i will have a full time job and cash every paycheck i get. then, separate my earnings from my legit job from any income from the L's i'm pulling in every month. with the dirty money, pay for all your day-to-day stuff (restaurants, cheap used cars, electronics, entertainment, etc.) with that dirty cash. pay it IN CASH. i know when i bought my first car, paid with $4500 in cash to a used car dealer. they didn't say a word about it. next, after a few months, begin redepositing your cash. mix a fair amount of your dirty cash (20-40% of your clean money) in with ALL of your clean money from one paycheck. do this for a year and you've SOMEWHAT cleaned a lot of your ill-gotten gains.

NOW you can go buy that fixer-upper you've always dreamed of. once you do this, stop mixing dirty cash in with your clean deposits. pick up a list of foreclosures up for sale or auction from your local banks or foreclosure brokers. find a nice one under $100k, preferably in a middle to low-middle income neighborhood (read suburb). if it's not habitable, make it decently habitable and then move into it. this will be both an excellent investment as well as a learning experience for you. instead of wasting all your money on contractors, LEARN THINGS. go to the library (nvm, fuck that no one goes to the library anymore) go online and hit up howstuffworks.com and diy.com and start watching hgtv and tlc. you'll start picking up crazy DIY skills. begin rehabbing your house. make fake receipts for independent contractors ("they're just friends of mine uncle sam"). by now, you've probably accumulated a lot more dirty cash. while you're rehabbing the house, rock a sweet garden in your basement. not only will this provide you with cash for renovations, but even more laundry to do! hooray! when it's all said and done, you'll have a sweet house, awesome grow in the basement and will have cleaned a couple hundred k. go you! now sell that hardwood floor havin, granite countertop lookin, cherry maple cabinet wearing, home theater ass house of yours for triple what you paid. BAM! not only have you cleaned all your money, but you just made the best investment of your lifetime.

now do it again.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Not if you pay the taxes on what you're buying then they have no reason to wonder where the money came from in the first place.

It's the same thing as trying to bust people on here for growing. It won't happen unless you draw attention to yourself.
You are wrong. You pay taxes when spend money AND when you EARN money. They want BOTH and WILL come after you.

By your logic you could make whatever amount of money you want illegally and then NOT have to explain where it came from. The practice of money laundering wouldn't exist if you were right.


Well-Known Member
You are wrong. You pay taxes when spend money AND when you EARN money. They want BOTH and WILL come after you.

By your logic you could make whatever amount of money you want illegally and then NOT have to explain where it came from. The practice of money laundering wouldn't exist if you were right.
Whatever dude, think what you will. I own a business and rental properties so I think I know a little about the way things work.


Well-Known Member
What if you were to make a purchase that would normally be out of price range with your legal income say 100k car, would they question you, and what could you say? Could you say its a gift?


you HAVE to justify where all this income is coming from. Its actually a felony to posess over 10k in cash without the feds knowing about it. They got Al Capone for tax evasion for these same reasons since they couldnt link him to all the illegal booze this is how they got him.


Well-Known Member
Ok lets say you are getting 2 lbs every 3 weeks. Depending what strain and where you live thats 6-9 thousand every 3 weeks. 2-3 thousand a week. This next step is shitty, but it works and it works well. Start some kind of business, but something that doesnt have too many moving parts that can be traced. Any business involving labour is good because they cannot physically track labor. So say you charge 76.80 per labor hour, idno say you mow lawns or something, bam you just counted your 3k a week. But its going to involve alot of paper work, filling out your tex returns correctly, paying tax on your money from the weed, and you have to be smart about it. I did it for 3 years back and owned a hair saloon, i had 8 stylist working there (they just pay me for the space i dont get their money from their haircuts), and i made up 3 stylist who i wrote off as paying 300 a week for the space. So i was able to successfully hide 3300 a week which i had to pay taxes on, howevery i had an income of about 4-5 grand a week back then and i literally just blew the overflow on any and everything.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Whatever dude, think what you will. I own a business and rental properties so I think I know a little about the way things work.
What you are suggesting is simply staying within your income, or making purchases relative to your income level. If you own a house, and several rental properties AND a business and make lots of money it does not seem that suspicious that you have enough money to purchase a house, even if the house was bought with illegal monies. You could just be very frugal. If however the op makes 200k in illegal funds and pays off his 100k house, and the irs looks at his income for the past 10 years and it totals 120k they are going to investigate. How did someone that has only earned 120k in his entire professional career (at least as its reported to the irs) have enough money to live, have a car, eat, AND purchase a 100k house? His expenditures exceed his income, both of which the irs has access to and the math simply doesn't add up.


Well-Known Member
Ok lets say you are getting 2 lbs every 3 weeks. Depending what strain and where you live thats 6-9 thousand every 3 weeks. 2-3 thousand a week. This next step is shitty, but it works and it works well. Start some kind of business, but something that doesnt have too many moving parts that can be traced. Any business involving labour is good because they cannot physically track labor. So say you charge 76.80 per labor hour, idno say you mow lawns or something, bam you just counted your 3k a week. But its going to involve alot of paper work, filling out your tex returns correctly, paying tax on your money from the weed, and you have to be smart about it. I did it for 3 years back and owned a hair saloon, i had 8 stylist working there (they just pay me for the space i dont get their money from their haircuts), and i made up 3 stylist who i wrote off as paying 300 a week for the space. So i was able to successfully hide 3300 a week which i had to pay taxes on, howevery i had an income of about 4-5 grand a week back then and i literally just blew the overflow on any and everything.
That's ridiculous, I would love to know how to pull that kind of jack shit in this economy.

I'm doing research for a crime fiction book right now, as I have been for over a year now, and business fronts are a major interest of mine. It seems to me you would want to have a business front that satisfies you. In my case, I love art and the art scene, so if I were to own a business front it would most likely be an art gallery. However there's lots of fronts that it seems could be easily justified... Small café's/bars, nightclubs, etc...
In Mexico bribery is a LOT more viable, so you'll see "businesses" with shady guys in nice clothes with no customers and really weird hours all the time. But if you're going to do a business front in the US, you need to be smart about it. What exactly would you have done if you got audited, and you had some mother fucker asking, where are these 3 guys? I guess that's why I like art; you can justify any prices on your own terms. Nice fronts related to that involve interior design, and of course the old classic-- construction.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Start an LLC, figure out a way to launder the money via a "service" where cash is exchanged for essentially nothing and there's not an opportunity for customer record keeping. Tarot readings... Street music... Automotive body work... Maybe you buy and sell crap on Craigslist... whatever... Just make it look mostly legit, and a cash based "as is" business to avoid receipts.

I know more than 1 person who has been caught trying to buy things like houses and cars with drug money. You need to be VERY, VERY careful. Work slow, claim only what you need to, and go to great lengths to appear legitimate. 50% of your profits might be lost just to cover the other 50%. It's the game we play.

Don't buy the house outright, very few people do this. Borrow the money, allow the value of the house to increase, then sell when you can turn a profit. Then buy yourself a bigger house with that money. The longer the paper trail the better, so start slow and let that early investment grow over time. If I could start all over at 18 knowing what I know now... Well... Let's just say I wouldn't be looking for a job.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Spray foam insulation business would be a good business to use as a way to clean your money.
Except you have to prove that you own all the equipment.
And you have to show the purchases of foam, and you would also have to keep records of what addresses were spray foamed.

Any business that deals with merchandise or a product. Any business that provides something to a customer that is tactile, physically present, will require a greater deal of over head.

Even an artist would have to provide receipts for paint supplies and canvases. As business expenses they would be written off at the end of the year against the taxes. To not write off these expenses would draw attention to ones self.

Again, it needs to be 100% completely service based.

Use what you have to, to cover business expenses to create a legitimate front. Take the rest of the skrilla and drop it in an off shore high interest savings account (or even better, several accounts). That way even if the tax man does get suspicious you can have a relief fund to save your ass.

oOBe RyeOo

Active Member
Except you have to prove that you own all the equipment.
And you have to show the purchases of foam, and you would also have to keep records of what addresses were spray foamed.

Any business that deals with merchandise or a product. Any business that provides something to a customer that is tactile, physically present, will require a greater deal of over head.

Even an artist would have to provide receipts for paint supplies and canvases. As business expenses they would be written off at the end of the year against the taxes. To not write off these expenses would draw attention to ones self.

Again, it needs to be 100% completely service based.

Use what you have to, to cover business expenses to create a legitimate front. Take the rest of the skrilla and drop it in an off shore high interest savings account (or even better, several accounts). That way even if the tax man does get suspicious you can have a relief fund to save your ass.
I was thinking it would be a good business because you could actually still make money with it. But you are probably right, to much over head.


Active Member
What you need to do is get a job. Use the money from the job to pay for the house via a loan. A cash job would let you add a few extra dollars here and there, but nothing extreme so as not to raise any red flags, cause your employer has to match the same amount of taxes that are taken out of your paycheck and pay them out of his check-book. Use the rest from your "operation" to re-supply your grow, purchase small ticket items (food, window shades, hardwood floors, granite counter-tops, a few t.v's spread out throughout a year or two, etc.), used vehicles that aren't tricked out with sub-woofers and 22" rims that spin, and small bills like a cell phone. If you have more money than that, take your girl out more often. Otherwise just save the extra until a rainy day or give to a bum in need. Bottom line is you don't want to attract any attention from the government. They have assholes who only job is to fuck people over. Some people deserve it, and others don't. Don't fall into the prior.

Oh, and I've done granite counter-tops for seven years. That is definately not a handy-man, do-it-yourself operation. Hire a professional. It could potentially save your life. Granite weighs 25 lbs. per square ft. Lots of people die every year because they don't know what the "F" they are doing. Public service announcement over. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
What you need to do is get a job. Use the money from the job to pay for the house via a loan. A cash job would let you add a few extra dollars here and there, but nothing extreme so as not to raise any red flags, cause your employer has to match the same amount of taxes that are taken out of your paycheck and pay them out of his check-book. Use the rest from your "operation" to re-supply your grow, purchase small ticket items (food, window shades, hardwood floors, granite counter-tops, a few t.v's spread out throughout a year or two, etc.), used vehicles that aren't tricked out with sub-woofers and 22" rims that spin, and small bills like a cell phone. If you have more money than that, take your girl out more often. Otherwise just save the extra until a rainy day or give to a bum in need. Bottom line is you don't want to attract any attention from the government. They have assholes who only job is to fuck people over. Some people deserve it, and others don't. Don't fall into the prior.

Oh, and I've done granite counter-tops for seven years. That is definately not a handy-man, do-it-yourself operation. Hire a professional. It could potentially save your life. Granite weighs 25 lbs. per square ft. Lots of people die every year because they don't know what the "F" they are doing. Public service announcement over. Thank you.

^^^^^What he said - you don't want the gov't in your life EVER - once you've raised those red flags and they investigate, even if they don't nab you on anything the first time, they're going to be bosom buddies with your name and information for a while. Just stay low key.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
^^^^^What he said - you don't want the gov't in your life EVER - once you've raised those red flags and they investigate, even if they don't nab you on anything the first time, they're going to be bosom buddies with your name and information for a while. Just stay low key.
LOL! Working... :finger: That.


Owning an LLC is a job... You are your own employee. Death and taxes, the Gov't is going to be in your life whether you want them to be or not. You have to clean the cash if you're going to be pulling in mucho denero.


Well-Known Member
How about using Paypal to exchange funds made by your buyers and prepaid credit cards.

I'm know for a fact you can get away with depositing large sums of money daily on those prepaid cards if you do it at different locations, strippers do it everyday.

Money laundering isn't as hard as it used to be with everything being electronic transferred now, you guys are over thinking it.