DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes


I have another question that accured to me I have a small boy hydro logic filter system with kdf85 upgrade filter didn't have the money for an ro system but I bought this one cause I can upgrade it to an ro filter system will this work to make my first brew of tea ? Sorry for some many questions I will just start to have to make a list up then ask a bunch at once .I will finish reading the tread to day at like page 30 something.


Well-Known Member
the filter is good...depends on what is on your municipal water..is it chlorine.. then its easy..let it sit out overnight and most of it will off gas..or the carbon kdf filter will get it. Chloramines.. that is a bigger issue. Chloramine is chlorine bonded to amonia...you need several carbon filters..I use the crushed carbon, not the kdf block. I have one prefilter and the three sepereate carbon filters in a row. I also dispense the water very slowly to increase the water/carbon contact time. Something like 15 g/hour.

your nutes are fine, just never heard them described as vegan before. I'm a fan of organic nutes, even in dwc but people get fine results with both.


Well-Known Member
I have a bit of an issue arise from using bennies! I am running 4 plants in on DWC system thus they are all going to react a little different as they are from seed and different phenos. Well I started getting the claw on one plant due to nitrogen overdose. I started doing some research and folks were saying you can run in to this issues if you are adding any sort of humic acid or other things that will increase nute uptake and root growth.

Any suggestions on how I should help this one plant out since the others show no sign of Nitrogen overload...I should note I did a 24hr ph'd flush a few days ago and it didn't seem to help. Although I did the flush for other symptoms...the leaf edges were curled up and I wanted to take precaution against a possible salt build up. I believe the problem was actually low humidity. I'm already running low ppm's a week into flower, I'm at 230 down from 280 about 3 days ago.
IMO a plant will not get any sort of 'burn' simply from having it's root mass increased. If the PPMs and PH are set proper the plant isn't going to start taking up too much nitrogen because it has more roots. The tea itself should not contribute to any sort of burn, but if you are concerned with humic acid you can leave out the ancient forest. At 200ppm I imagine the plants are starving. First thing I always ask myslef when I see drooping or curling is, are they hungry or are they drowning.

Recently started using Xtreeme Tea blend that the hydro store gave me a sample of, it seemed to be a bit old seeing as the materials inside were falling apart (paper packaging) When i started using it this dark brown gunk started to form on the roots, so i tried a smaller dosage rinsed and cleaned each bucket for a new batch, but the same thing happened. The stuff comes off easy and seems organic in material but i cant say for sure, this is my first time using Dwc. Should i throw a new batch together and give it another go or just scrap it and test out the blend that was described in this topic.
That looks very similar to a gunk I get when I use roots excelurator in the res. It doesn't seem to stun the roots but it is messy, causes Ph issues, and can strangle the roots which will cause pythium. I would switch to another product for tea making if I were you.


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, from EasternEurope.

My problem is same and I appreciate all your help. But this tea making is complicated, because I have to improvise the components.

I can get next things:

Humus/Worm casting/Biohumus
Best thing to do is ask at the hydro store. If all else fails, you can just use EWC, you should still see significant improvement.

I am about to start using a foliar fungicide called SNS 244 as I have had some powdery mildew issues. Powdery mildew is a real bitch--once you have it, you can only control it. It looks like the main ingredient in this spray is thyme oil, and that seems pretty innocuous. I haven't been able to find any info on the web about it except from the manufacturer's website. Do you guys think if I am careful not to get any of the spray in the rez that my benes will be safe?
Yes, if you are careful not to contaminate the res your bennies should be just fine. Good luck.


Well I have done some research in to vegan flora blend it's derived from alfalfa meal,brewers yeast, cottonseed meal, potassium, sulfate,rock phosphate, sea kelp, soybean meal so my question is this going to feed the slime since it's made from organic things and should I leave it out of my nute line up. Another questions since I run a pump should I filter the tea or has any one ran it none filtered and been fine. has any one made a brew of tea just using the great white and if so what were the results. When I keep reading the tread Heisenberg you said that just adding the zho to Rez did nothing so is this the same with the great white. I cant get ewc or a week so should just brew up a tea of the great whit? Would the sweet that I have be better the say cane sugar or brown sugar. That's a other nute that I am using that after reading this tread has come into question for me should I keep using it or take out of the line up. And if I should take it out should I finish this bottle I have?


Active Member
Best thing to do is ask at the hydro store. If all else fails, you can just use EWC, you should still see significant improvement.

Yes, if you are careful not to contaminate the res your bennies should be just fine. Good luck.
No hydro store, in here :D

But I have powerzyme, can i use that with EWC(this is humus/worm casting, right?)?


Thanks for the reply Heiz...to clarify there isn't a burn on my leaves but I am getting "The Claw" and from what I understand this is usually too much nitrogen but can also be due to ph and possibly drowning I guess. If they are drowning then I supposed I don't have enough air pumping in the rez?


Well I just went ahead and started a brew of just the great white I be able to get the ewc on tues day. I will then make a brew with the right ingredients. So I just made a gallon of the great white and I was told to use 1tablespoon to a gallon but the scope they give you. it does ten gallons according to there directions and i would say is half a tablespoon. so I only used one scoope with there scooper and I was going to add sweet in as the sugar but it has magnesium and sulfur in it I didn't know if this would affect the tea at all so did not use instead I added a teaspoon of brown sugar will that work in place of the molasses? I have a 15 lpm air pump with 4 outlets on it and 3 are going to the tea with 3 air stones.

Adam & Cola

Well-Known Member
Wow this has been a very long thread, Amazing information. I've been reading this for hours on end. It's Amazing how many people just skip right on the the end and ask a question that has been asked and answered hundreds of times by now. lmao, even after saying what I have I am going to ask something I hope to god I didn't overlook or miss from the previous 129 pages of post after post.

I just bought some AN's B-52... is this safe to use in the Tea? I can't find anything on the bottle saying it's organic or anything so i assume it might be safe to use with this Tea.

Heisenberg, thx for this thread. It has probably been the best thing I could have ever learned since wanting to dive into the DWC world of growing. I believe I and many others will have success grow after grow cause of you.. thanks :)


Rebel From The North
Wow this has been a very long thread, Amazing information. I've been reading this for hours on end. It's Amazing how many people just skip right on the the end and ask a question that has been asked and answered hundreds of times by now. lmao, even after saying what I have I am going to ask something I hope to god I didn't overlook or miss from the previous 129 pages of post after post.

I just bought some AN's B-52... is this safe to use in the Tea? I can't find anything on the bottle saying it's organic or anything so i assume it might be safe to use with this Tea.

Heisenberg, thx for this thread. It has probably been the best thing I could have ever learned since wanting to dive into the DWC world of growing. I believe I and many others will have success grow after grow cause of you.. thanks :)
I use b52 with the tea all the time im my exp and opion its safe

Adam & Cola

Well-Known Member
Thx Raizer30, nice to know I didn't blow that little wad for nothing. I'm buying the stuff to brew the tea tomorrow. I hope my hydro store has most of the stuff. I just started my 3 gal buckets and this is more of a preventative measure i'm taking.
But my last attempt at DWC there was start of slime build up when I switched from Veg to Flower. Unfortunately that last attempt the strain had a defect anyway and they both had to be yanked. But not from the dreaded slime. I am so happy I stumbled across this topic somehow.. Hell, I have been reading this thread for so dang long i don't even remember what I originally searched for. But I know this is one headache I wont have to worry about trying to find a solution for down the road. :)


Rebel From The North
Thx Raizer30, nice to know I didn't blow that little wad for nothing. I'm buying the stuff to brew the tea tomorrow. I hope my hydro store has most of the stuff. I just started my 3 gal buckets and this is more of a preventative measure i'm taking.
But my last attempt at DWC there was start of slime build up when I switched from Veg to Flower. Unfortunately that last attempt the strain had a defect anyway and they both had to be yanked. But not from the dreaded slime. I am so happy I stumbled across this topic somehow.. Hell, I have been reading this thread for so dang long i don't even remember what I originally searched for. But I know this is one headache I wont have to worry about trying to find a solution for down the road. :)
Well if you run into any issue with brewing or what else is compatable just hit he up peace

Adam & Cola

Well-Known Member
One last question. I'm gona build me a mini Drain and Flood system. From everything I've read on this topic I don't see why this Tea wouldn't be beneficial to adding to the Res. Would anybody here not recommend adding this vital solution to a flood and Drain system?


Rebel From The North
One last question. I'm gona build me a mini Drain and Flood system. From everything I've read on this topic I don't see why this Tea wouldn't be beneficial to adding to the Res. Would anybody here not recommend adding this vital solution to a flood and Drain system?
I use it for drain to waist, flood and drain, and in soil. I never leave home without my tea lol


Well-Known Member
Hey there Heisenberg, I got a question. Advanced Nutes makes a product called Nirvana. Do you think this product is safe to use along with this tea, also do you think that this product is even useful? I'm trying to get more information or feed back about this product.


Well-Known Member
No hydro store, in here :D

But I have powerzyme, can i use that with EWC(this is humus/worm casting, right?)?
Leave out the enzyme product, it will only cause headaches. Just brew up some tea with only the EWC. You will get lots of good bacteria which will help keep slime away. In the meantime you can look for a fungal inoculant. Perhaps some euro users can suggest some products for us.

Thanks for the reply Heiz...to clarify there isn't a burn on my leaves but I am getting "The Claw" and from what I understand this is usually too much nitrogen but can also be due to ph and possibly drowning I guess. If they are drowning then I supposed I don't have enough air pumping in the rez?
Drowning looks more like wilting, underfeeding looks like drooping. Make sure all of your numbers are in check. Humidity, temps, ppm, ph, dissolved oxy levels, ect. Keep an eye on the new growth, that is the biggest indicator of current res conditions. I personally would ignore the claw and increase PPM, but you probably want to post some pics in the plant problems section to get more specific advice.

I just bought some AN's B-52... is this safe to use in the Tea? I can't find anything on the bottle saying it's organic or anything so i assume it might be safe to use with this Tea.
Thanks for taking the time to read the thread before asking questions. Early on B52 was suspected to trigger slime, but since then it has been all but ruled out. Use it along side the bennies and you shouldn't have any problems.

I was wondering can mr bond or the original poster maybe take a look at my questions?
Florablend is fine to use. I use it myself and notice a slight increase in plant vigor, however it's not enough for me to want to buy a second bottle. If I could not afford liquid light, I would definitely use florablend in the res and as a spray. In any case it is fully broken down already and will not cause any slime issues. Brown sugar is okay to use in the tea, and you were correct to not add anything with sulfur. Get some molasses for next time. The rest of your questions seemed to have been answered.

Hey there Heisenberg, I got a question. Advanced Nutes makes a product called Nirvana. Do you think this product is safe to use along with this tea, also do you think that this product is even useful? I'm trying to get more information or feed back about this product.
Nirvana is labeled 100% organic, which means it is likely to cause havoc in a DWC res. If you must use it be sure to have a large healthy roots system with microbial colonies before you add it. It's hard for me to comment on the usefulness of a product I haven't tried, but IMO pretty much anything AN sells is suspect. They tend to unnecessarily separate their products into components you have to buy individually, and throw in a bunch of redundant and unnecessary ones to boot. I prefer to use a nute system where everything (within reason) is already included. I like the DM gold line with add27 booster. Three bottles and I'm done. I like to add extra energy with foliar sprays, and I get great production without anything else. Unless a plant shows deficiencies, or a particular need, then there is no reason for other additives.


Thank you so much for getting back to me hisenbreg well I went my hydro store and got ewc ancient forest and black strapped molasses and started a new batch of tea this morning. I will keep the gallon of great white tea for my soil plants. I must say you really area genius! and hope this tea will save what I have left of hydro. I also wanted to ask if u can confirm leagly flying dose for the great whit he says use 1tablespoon per gallon but the scoope they give you is half that if not more and it says it does 10 gallons. So took back a liter of hygrozemy and it paid for the tea ingredients except for the great white. But would have bought the mycogrow. Last question for you hesinbreg have you redone your recipe for the tea at all ( dose/steps/ingredients)? My hydro store guy was asking about tea and if he could have the recipe. I was not sure how you felt about that so i thought I ask you? If so can it be called the hesinbreg tea. Or what would you like it called?


Well-Known Member
Thank you so much for getting back to me hisenbreg well I went my hydro store and got ewc ancient forest and black strapped molasses and started a new batch of tea this morning. I will keep the gallon of great white tea for my soil plants. I must say you really area genius! and hope this tea will save what I have left of hydro. I also wanted to ask if u can confirm leagly flying dose for the great whit he says use 1tablespoon per gallon but the scoope they give you is half that if not more and it says it does 10 gallons. So took back a liter of hygrozemy and it paid for the tea ingredients except for the great white. But would have bought the mycogrow. Last question for you hesinbreg have you redone your recipe for the tea at all ( dose/steps/ingredients)?
I use one teaspoon per gallon. The brew instructions have not changed except that if you have a product which contains ONLY fungi and nothing else, add it at the very end of the brew.