Drying Bubble Hash


Well-Known Member
I've read about making Bubble Hash and I understand most of it. I'm not clear on what the best method is to dry it after you have collected it and put it on the pressing screen. They talk about pressing it to remove some of the moisture but some say to be very careful with this to avoid damaging trichomes. They also say you shouldn't dry it on the pressing screen.

From what I've read I'm thinking I should press it very gently on the pressing screen and then drop it on some cardboard to let it sit until most of the moisture evaporates. What do you think?

Return of the Spork

Well-Known Member
I haven't done so myself but I recently read up on it a lot and from what I have seen you put it in a safe place and chop it up into small little pieces on cardboard which helps pull moisture out. After a while it drys and then you can press it into whatever you need without fear of mold.


Well-Known Member
yup cardboard is what i use..... cardboards what bubble man uses, cardboards what almost everyone on the vids in ma sig use..... so id say cardboard is a good answer lol

its perfect because it sucks the water up :)
now if your in a hurry to smoke some put the oven on a low heat and leave the door open.... but i preffer just to leave it on cardboard in the sun... i dont mind the wait :)

as for pressing if ya dont have a presse just put the hash in some cling wrap or a doily bag.... it will hold it together while you compress it... for lesser grade hash a hair straitener/ iron and a wet towl may be usefull. helps it all stick together