Drooping Plant!


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swampy they all survived. The fan leaves are just shit leaves, that the plant gets rid of shit it doesn't want in the good leaves through 'em, so I really say you're all good dude, your plant (which I wish you had a picture of the entire system & all plants you have!!! HINT!! XD) looks happy to say the least. I really really wouldn't worry about spots or nuteburn until it's getting to the point that the plant is having problems standing up or something as such. I use Miracle Grow man! I half ass the nute schedule - like I add 3 to 4 drops of MG to one cup of water, when the plant drinks the water up, and I add a cup, I repeat. My plant looks fine! Just a wee bit different and if I had money to buy $40 dollar nutes I would, I just use what's available and cheap lol >.<


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poly man, I read online that there are some autoflowering strains that grow in 70-90 days and produce some 400 - 600 grams per plant - if this is true and 1.) it's LOUD 2.) it's DRO...

1 plant = 400G
4 plants = 1600G
Max price for G = $20
$20 x 1600G = $32,000

And that's a lot of fucking money in 3-4 months nig, I donno though just some stoner thoughts with friend.


Active Member
QUOTE=ihavealotofquestions;7251577]swampy they all survived. The fan leaves are just shit leaves, that the plant gets rid of shit it doesn't want in the good leaves through 'em, so I really say you're all good dude, your plant (which I wish you had a picture of the entire system & all plants you have!!! HINT!! XD) looks happy to say the least. I really really wouldn't worry about spots or nuteburn until it's getting to the point that the plant is having problems standing up or something as such. I use Miracle Grow man! I half ass the nute schedule - like I add 3 to 4 drops of MG to one cup of water, when the plant drinks the water up, and I add a cup, I repeat. My plant looks fine! Just a wee bit different and if I had money to buy $40 dollar nutes I would, I just use what's available and cheap lol >.<[/QUOTE]

i removed the covers so u could see into the container and see the roots and all that junk. the new growths are now starting to get some spots on them as well, so again i dumped the res, put in 200ppm tap water, adjusted the ph to around 6,now im just praying for the best.


Active Member
Do you cover the rez? So light can't hit the roots? I love the size of the rez and the 6 netpots lid, I woulda done 6 plants! >.< good clean work on the system sir
yes i cover all the res completely, i just uncovered it so u could get a complete look at what was going on with the roots and such. i would have done 6, but i had no idea how my first grow would go, so i didnt wanna risk killing six instead of just one or two. but thanks for the approval of the system...i kinda thot it was to ghetto to work and that it was maybe what was causing my problems since it was basically just an idea i came up with when i was high as shit, but now i feel better about it :D


Active Member
It's simple bubbleponics and you did a good job dude! Ha. I really want to make a system like yours, my roots are almost too big for my plants rez. Then again the bigger the rez gets the bigger the cab has to be.. and mine is 2ft tall x 1ft x 1ft lol. Gotta keep it micro >.<

Sorry I ask a lot of questions but.... what is your rate of growth like? My plant was growing an internode every two days in hydro, compared to one every week or so in soil! My baby stopped producing three sets of three leaves and has made two sets of two leaves in two days, seems odd to me. I think it's because it is flowering and the internodes are now going to become colas. Not sure though lol.

Also sir we have pretty much the same light, except I use mine on my desk, and use three 2700k CFL's in the cab ha, I was using it for vegging because I think it's 6500k. Yours looks like it's 6500k aswell, are you vegging?


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(sorry double post)

Find a way to get that air stone to stay under the roots, they'll be less stressed if their oxygen is right under their roots!


Active Member
(sorry double post)

Find a way to get that air stone to stay under the roots, they'll be less stressed if their oxygen is right under their roots!
dude to be honest, i have no idea what an internode looks like, i go basically by height. Mine grew to 6 inches in about a week and a half the u started getting thos problems, which slowed progress basically to a stop. But yes they are 6500k and yes im still vegging.


Active Member
An internode is where the plant produces a new set of leaves - first set, 1st internode, second set - 2nd internode, etc you know? You have quite a few. I have 10 on my plant total and it's not making anymore.


Active Member
An internode is where the plant produces a new set of leaves - first set, 1st internode, second set - 2nd internode, etc you know? You have quite a few. I have 10 on my plant total and it's not making anymore.
oh those! if its what i think your talking about, mine now has 20+ i changed my res last night and added plain tap water set out all night witha bubbler in it and lowered the ph down to around 6. all my plants are starting to take off again. root growth is very good now, and theyre starting to get quite bushy. the bottom fan leaves are still kinda dying and turing brown and curling up, but that may very well be the nute burn running its course. i dont think imma nute again until signs of growing start to slow down.


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My fan leaves are yellowing pretty badly.. although I've been told this is normal in flowering. I was planning on clipping most of the off but really I don't think I want to shock the plant in any way when it is producing anything new.. and I think that's good decision lol.


Active Member
aye bro, my fan leaves are still shriveled and dying, and now the top growth is starting to turn light green/yellow, so i added half dose grow nutes last night since theyre starting to look hungry. Ill post more updated pics after work tonight.


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they dont look much better, but im defintely seeing some new growth, so im kind of ignoring the fan leaves for now...


Active Member
Theyre both white widow lol. the tops are looking pretty well indeed, but the fan leaves scare me. Idk when to up the nutes to full str...i dont wanna burn them, but i dont wanna starve them either...


View attachment 2112062 finishing seventh day of 12/12 no nuts or hairs still looking ominous two things are emerging from the 4th node that look too thin to be just a set of leaves but i cant tell just havent seen any balls so im still in the game


Active Member
dude, i now have a new enemy...ROOT ROT! i looked into my res today and saw that it was ultra cloudy, so i pulled up one of my net pots, and all the roots of all my plants were covered in slime. they are still growing great, but the slime worries me. i put some peroxcide in the res, and am now praying for the best. im waiting to see if the peroxcide will help. if it hasnt helped by tomorrow, then im going to change and scrub the hell out of the res. man...its always one problem after another. if the next res changes goes south, im just gonna transplant to soil and say fuck it.


Active Member
Be careful dude my girlfriend always says she's going to pour peroxide in my rez, to KILL my plant. I would be very careful as to what you do to your water - I've only ever added 7.0 nuetral pH tablets, pH down by API, and MG liquid plant food.. and nothing has gone wrong. Be careful! I would hate to see those babies die sir


Active Member
I DONT UNDERSTAND...its like even tho they ar growing, the bottom fan leaves are still dying slowly set by set...very unsettling.