drinking alcohol while sick?


Ok, so the past 3days ive been sick with something, not sure what, but ive been coughing up black/brown stuff with a fever, i feel much better this morning, woke up, no fever and coughed up a lot of stuff and i can breath a lot better now. I'm certainly still sick, and im sure i need to keep hydrated and alcohol would do the exact opposite and probs lower my immune system, but tonight is a night ive been looking forward too with my friends for about a month now. So my question is.. would 3-4 beers (molson export) just make me more sick? if so would be a drastic? like would i get a fever again and everything?

thanks in advance! id like to hear what you guys think!


Well-Known Member
I didn't even read what you wrote jsut the thread title, I will say never venture beyond one oz of liquor when ill. It takes a special breed to add that gut enzyme killing liquid with discipline. Good luck, at the very least get some vitamin water and electrolytes. Real green tea and ginger all is good for taming a turbulent stomach.


thank you! :) so by that limit i shouldnt exceed a shot of beer xD lol
anyone able to help that read my post? :)


Well-Known Member
Nah, I drink just the same when sick, and don't notice a thing.
I drink Crown Royal or Jack though, beer infrequently.
A lot of times even forget about the aches and pains for a bit if I'm chattin it up with friends.


yeah i hear yaaa, might aswell grab a few beers then, ill just drink a shit load of water before bed aswell :) i need some releif anyway. :) Thank you!


Well-Known Member
Drink you ass off, have fun with your friends! Worst thing to happen health wise is a hangover, so you feel like shit one more day.


Well-Known Member
Take some vitamin c and stay hydrated with water while drinking and you should be fine. It sounds like you've turned the corner, if anything alcohol will just slow down the recovery process.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't drink if I felt nauseous. I'll drink if I'm sick sometimes... but not if nausea is a symptom. the alcohol will just make you puke then.


Well-Known Member
I like how he noted the Molson export! Beer connoisseur over here! lol go out and get sicker...Hell get your whole crew sick...


Well-Known Member
Sick or not when you drink you need to stay hydrated in between. For every alcoholic drink you have drink a glass of water. If you do this I doubt you'll get worse. If you drink and don't rehydrate you'll get sicker and it will last longer. Also don't be a dick and smoke or drink after any of your friends. Good luck!


I'd go a head & drink! Getting out & enjoying yourself with friends will probably be the best medicine of all! Have fun!!:cool:

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Switch to whiskey. Add honey and lemon. You will have a hot toddy. It's medicinal. But, still, drink a lot of water.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
It sounds to me that you had/have a chest infection... having a few drinks would be fine for you, I've been there many times before...


Well-Known Member
You have what I've had, are you near philly? Drinking on it was fine alcohol will kill bacteria in your throat but don't expect it to cure you :bigjoint:

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i wouldn't do it. i had a bad experience during the absolute best party during my senior year of high school.

it was a 3 decker party in a 3 decker that was set for demolition the next month. kegs on every floor, drugs everywhere, mass destruction of property, and over 300 people.

long story short i came down with something and it hit me right in the middle of the party after about 2 cups of beer. i was half conscious in a corner and people kept opening a door into me and spilling shit on me and i couldn't do anything about it and i wasn't even drunk. people just thought i was REALLY fucked up and tried to decorate me. i actually had to call my fucking MOM to come pick me up because i thought i was going to die and had no other way home. my friends had to help me down 3 flights of stairs and down the street (this way my mother wouldn't know where the party was. never mind the fact that the noise could be heard for blocks) because i was too dizzy to walk. it turned out i had a fever of 103 and puked my guts up for the rest of the night. at least i got to see some tweaked out kid rip down a drop ceiling and get knocked out by the ceiling fan, and some kid i played little league with who turned out to be a total junkie.

if i just stayed home i don't think my fever would have spiked that high, and i don't think i'd have puked so much if i didn't have the beer. alcohol + fever is MISERABLE.


Well-Known Member
I read that they use alcohol to kill virus's and bacteria.. it only stands to reason that if your sick.. you need MORE alcohol in your system to kill any and all bacteria/virus.. + the effects of the alcohol is said to make some people feel better..