
guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Anyone else love dragonforce? I haven't listened to them regularly in awhile, but I used to listen to them nonstop.

It blew my mind the first time I heard valley of the damned. I was baked out of my mind and was instantly hooked on the intense guitar. I listened to that album like a hundred times before I moved on to their other albums. I got the same mind blowing experience with sonic firestorm and inhuman rampage. Spent many hours learning and playing their songs (only managed to learn one complete song in that whole time!).

I never got into their latest album too much, and haven't been into them much at all lately. Still they hold a special place in my heart forever.

I saw them in concert several times. A couple times they seemed drunk, and out of tune, and didn't replicate the albums that well. The other couple times they were spot on and it blew my fucking mind. It was insane hearing them rip that shit up live.

Any other fans out there?



Well-Known Member
I listened to these guys pretty regularly about 2 or 3 years ago, but it's been at least two years since i've even heard their name brought up much less heard their music haha


Active Member
Band is awful. Nerd metal at it worst.
you people with your fucking categories, for metal. gez can't people just listen to metal, if people like it ,they like it. As if the only metal your allowed to listen to has to come from Sweden from some thoroughbred death doom ect metal group ect. some people can be so close minded, not just with metal but all genres of music. ther are far worse music than "nerd" metal out there.

I've heard them before, I liked one of ther songs for while, they arn't realy my cup of tea tho. no doubt tho they are talented.