Don't sleep on Ron Paul


New Member
I'm predicting right now that he will win the California primary. People out here love him. Ron Paul signs outnumber the signs of every other candidate combined by at least 20 to 1. If he can keep up putting solid 2nd and 3rd place finishes until CA and then win CA he will be right back in the race. Discuss:blsmoke:
Welcome to every state, there is not such thing as enthusiastic Santorum/Romney/Gingrich support, this is make believe. I predict the GOP will again do everything in their power to rob Ron Paul blind. I hope your right though, but I have been following the campaign for over a year now and theres is A LOT of organizations running against Paul, the other campaigns team up agaist him, and much much worse. Its Ron Paul vs every corrupt mother fucker out there tag teaming against him.

really comfy slippers

Active Member
I'm predicting right now that he will win the California primary. People out here love him. Ron Paul signs outnumber the signs of every other candidate combined by at least 20 to 1. If he can keep up putting solid 2nd and 3rd place finishes until CA and then win CA he will be right back in the race. Discuss:blsmoke:
His presence is like that in every state..


Well-Known Member
lol, dumbasses back then just like today.

i just got back from california, drove there. i saw two ron paul signs on the side of the highway and one ron paul bumper sticker. one of the signs was in oregon and was a ron paul 2008 sign.

on the contrary, i lost count of obama 2012 bumper stickers after about a dozen and a half.

lawn signs do not an election win or a turtle unfuck.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to every state, there is not such thing as enthusiastic Santorum/Romney/Gingrich support, this is make believe. I predict the GOP will again do everything in their power to rob Ron Paul blind. I hope your right though, but I have been following the campaign for over a year now and theres is A LOT of organizations running against Paul, the other campaigns team up agaist him, and much much worse. Its Ron Paul vs every corrupt mother fucker out there tag teaming against him.
lol, no.

romney has been sucking old ronnie's dick to keep him from running third party. old racist ronnie has even been able to kick the turtle fucking habit temporarily thanks to the skilled oratory of one willard mittens.

lol @ your silly conspiracy. old racist ronnie is just unpopular, deal with it.


Well-Known Member
I'm predicting right now that he will win the California primary. People out here love him. Ron Paul signs outnumber the signs of every other candidate combined by at least 20 to 1. If he can keep up putting solid 2nd and 3rd place finishes until CA and then win CA he will be right back in the race. Discuss:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
lol, dumbasses back then just like today.

i just got back from california, drove there. i saw two ron paul signs on the side of the highway and one ron paul bumper sticker. one of the signs was in oregon and was a ron paul 2008 sign.

on the contrary, i lost count of obama 2012 bumper stickers after about a dozen and a half.

lawn signs do not an election win or a turtle unfuck.
Where did you go in Cali?


Well-Known Member
Where did you go in Cali?
to LA via oregon. got there in 13 hours and 30 minutes, a record time, only to miss my exit off the 101 and end up right smack in the center of the known universe, hollywood boulevard on a friday night.

going from 13+ hours of passing by farms to being surrounded by the douchiest douches in the entire universe was an unexpected shock, really jarred my system.


Well-Known Member
lol, dumbasses back then just like today.

i just got back from california, drove there. i saw two ron paul signs on the side of the highway and one ron paul bumper sticker. one of the signs was in oregon and was a ron paul 2008 sign.

on the contrary, i lost count of obama 2012 bumper stickers after about a dozen and a half.

lawn signs do not an election win or a turtle unfuck.
You DO realize this thread is 4 years old right? And that all the signage was probably removed FOUR FUCKING YEARS AGO?


Well-Known Member
You DO realize this thread is 4 years old right? And that all the signage was probably removed FOUR FUCKING YEARS AGO?
isn't he having another one of those revolution thingies? did all of california give up on ron paul between 2008 and 2012?


Well-Known Member
to LA via oregon. got there in 13 hours and 30 minutes, a record time, only to miss my exit off the 101 and end up right smack in the center of the known universe, hollywood boulevard on a friday night.

going from 13+ hours of passing by farms to being surrounded by the douchiest douches in the entire universe was an unexpected shock, really jarred my system.
Yeah that's a bummer. Me and LA never really got along. I've been to some cool festivals in the region (Lightning in a Bottle being my favorite), but I've always preferred the North Coast or San Francisco/Oakland if I want to be in a city. I also really like Oregon's southern Coast and the area right around Shasta in Oregon/NorCal.


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's a bummer. Me and LA never really got along. I've been to some cool festivals in the region (Lightning in a Bottle being my favorite), but I've always preferred the North Coast or San Francisco/Oakland if I want to be in a city. I also really like Oregon's southern Coast and the area right around Shasta in Oregon/NorCal.
weed is often a good stopping point on the way back from LA, we stay there a lot. nothing beats making bad jokes all night about smoking weed in a town named the same.


Well-Known Member
I'm predicting right now that he will win the California primary. People out here love him. Ron Paul signs outnumber the signs of every other candidate combined by at least 20 to 1. If he can keep up putting solid 2nd and 3rd place finishes until CA and then win CA he will be right back in the race. Discuss:blsmoke:
that is how it has been in every state yet Romney shoves boxes with dollars that have peoples names on it calling it a vote.