Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
That was a great cartoon. It even had the part where you pop like a zit. That was some funny stuff. TRUMP!
It was a cartoon. Funny stuff in there. Especially, I like the need for the artist to very carefully and obviously name the jabs that popped the bubbles. He did that because nobody would think Trump had those characteristics. Its like repeating you are smart again and again and again. Nobody believed it the first time, maybe repetition will make it believable. This tactic works on the less educated and unintelligent.
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Well-Known Member
poopy pants , did rolli put a leash bucky boy? You must have the wrong info because I just talked to most my family today and they seem really excited and happy. How's the crooked bitch's numbers holding up for you? TRUMP!
why do you worry about your family putting you in prison?

its kinda scary thinking about grand kids coming over and then there parents get mad at you, then bamm, jail time.
is it because you are a racist who hates your mudshark daughter's black husband? and they only let you see the grandkids every once in a while, and even then only because they want grandma to see them, and not you?

yep, that seems like the case to me from what i saw.

not even your own family likes you. no wonder you sit here all day spamming trump.


Well-Known Member
It makes sense. It is a political marriage.

She plays defense for him and he plays defense for her. They have a powerful network that is able to get them out of any jam. We probably won't learn about all their intimidation, rapes, pedophilia, law breaking until after they die in their cushy hospital beds.

I have no problem with her being a lesbian. I have a problem with her covering up sexual assault and rape for her husband. I have a problem with the policies she has supported. I have a problem with the people she works for.
Wow, gone off the rails haven't you? Once you let go of the need to be rational, it's easy to say anything.


Well-Known Member
for the record, that is also why nitro stopped growing and moved far, far away from the mainland.

his own mudshark daughter hates him because nitro is openly racist to her black husband. doesn't even want the grandkids seeing their own grandpa.

now that is fucking sad.


Well-Known Member
It was very funny, right down to the popping part. London likes it when I call him a smart fucker. I bet you would like to be called a smart fucker too. I under stand what you mean about saying it over and over, that you two are smart fuckers. I will break it to you as softly as I can. Its not true, but I don't want to break you like a little twig. So if it would boost your confidence just a tad I will call you both smart fuckers. TRUMP!
do you have gay sex with men on the boat you inherited from your daddy to make yourself feel better about how much your own family hates you?

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
It was very funny, right down to the popping part. London likes it when I call him a smart fucker. I bet you would like to be called a smart fucker too. I under stand what you mean about saying it over and over, that you two are smart fuckers. I will break it to you as softly as I can. Its not true, but I don't want to break you like a little twig. So if it would boost your confidence just a tad I will call you both smart fuckers. TRUMP!
Well, my wife is pretty smart. So maybe I am a smart fucker. Is that woman in the photo, excuse me, that cow in the photo Buck keeps posting really your wife. No, dude, you are not one smart fucker.


Well-Known Member
Poopy pants, You should think about rolling the floor shitter out into the front yard before you go to work. Thats an idea , fuck then you could just hose her off out side when you get back home. Its almost summer so she won't frost up on you. Just trying to help you dude. Fuck I just couldn't imagine having to deal with that nightmare. Good luck with the stink and maybe your neighbors will not complain, You know how those liberals like to complain. TRUMP!
your wife shits on the floor?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for posting it nitro.
I tried watching it . It started out good but then he starts talking about himself and how wonderful he is and i just get so bored with his narcissism, its really repulsive. I wish he would just stay talking about the important issues. jeez.
Most times lately I think, what a jerk when i read your posts. But this time, you seem coherent. How many people are rattling about in that head of yours?

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Well, my wife is pretty smart. So maybe I am a smart fucker. Is that woman in the photo, excuse me, that cow in the photo Buck keeps posting really your wife. No, dude, you are not one smart fucker.
That woman in the photo is a 20 something year old from Chicago that was on a charter boat out of Kona. Her husband was three times bigger than her, you couldn't see him because he was hugging a bucket along side the wheel house. OK so you like the smart fucker handle? I can do that for you. TRUMP!

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
your wife shits on the floor?
Poopy pants, You are getting confused, but I can understand that your abuse would fuck anybody up, so it will get better. Just roll her outside on your way out the door in the mornings. You can use your truck and a rope until you can afford to fix the fork lift.

The clean up would be much quicker. TRUMP!


Well-Known Member
That woman in the photo is a 20 something year old from Chicago that was on a charter boat out of Kona. Her husband was three times bigger than her, you couldn't see him because he was hugging a bucket along side the wheel house. OK so you like the smart fucker handle? I can do that for you. TRUMP!
You can call me a dumb shit too. It doesn't really matter what somebody I don't respect says.


Well-Known Member
That woman in the photo is a 20 something year old from Chicago that was on a charter boat out of Kona. Her husband was three times bigger than her, you couldn't see him because he was hugging a bucket along side the wheel house. OK so you like the smart fucker handle? I can do that for you. TRUMP!
Oh, OK, so, you seem like somebody who I can believe.:roll:


Well-Known Member
"I just got a call from my father’s auto insurer, telling me he’s behind on his payment. I explained he died in February.
“He still needs to pay for the last two months,” said the man from the insurance company.
“But he can’t pay. He’s deceased,” I said.
“He owes $348.62, for the period April 24 to June 24,” he said.
“But he didn’t drive then. He died in February. No one has driven his car since he died.”
“Well, someone has to pay or his insurance will be cancelled, and it will hurt his credit rating.”
“I’m sure he’d be okay if it’s cancelled,” I said. “And I don’t think he cares about his credit rating.”
“Are you trying to be smart with me?” asked the man from the insurance company.
“No, I’m just trying to tell you that my father is deceased and he doesn’t need car insurance.”
“Have you cancelled his car registration?”
“No, I haven’t got around to that.”
“Well, you should. If he’s deceased, he shouldn’t have a registration.”
“I understand.”
“Nobody’s supposed to have a registration if they’re not paying their auto insurance.”
“So, are you going to pay the insurance that’s due?”
“I wasn’t planning to.”
“Then it’s an illegal car.”
“But it won’t be on the road.”
“Still illegal.”
“That could be a problem for him.”
“He’s no longer with us.”
“I know. You made that clear. I’m referring to his estate.”
“I don’t see how.”
“Well, let’s say the state of Florida imposes a penalty for having a car registered in his name but no insurance. And let’s say that penalty holds up any legal proceedings in resolving …”
“May I ask you a personal question?”
“Who do you support for President?
“For President?”
“I don’t mean to pry.”
[chuckling] “Oh, no problem,” he said.
“You have a favorite candidate?” I asked.
“As a matter of fact, I do,” he said.
“And who is it?”
“That Trump fella.”
“Yeah, Trump. Good man. No bullshit.”"


Well-Known Member
Poopy pants, I just gave you some good pointers in my last post that could change your life. If you continue to live in a shit pile environment like you have been with your wife spreading fecal matter all over the fucking house, you could get sick and or maybe die from it. Don't piss away your youth being abused like that. Seek help. TRUMP!
you got sick from your wife shitting on the floor?


Well-Known Member
Poopy pants, You are getting confused, but I can understand that your abuse would fuck anybody up, so it will get better. Just roll her outside on your way out the door in the mornings. You can use your truck and a rope until you can afford to fix the fork lift.

The clean up would be much quicker. TRUMP!
you need a forklift to move your wife?


Well-Known Member
I'll be dammed, if we just didn't agree on something. You wrote that like I would of wrote it. right fucking on dude. TRUMP!
Ohhhh, that stung. Have you really lost it to the point where all you can say is "I know you are but what am I"? What are you doing anyway? Trying to get an award? I don't think they have one for "most pointless posts about an unimportant subject".
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