Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
Remember Pie, The left has already used every page of their democratic Klan play book. They are powerless in the media and the forums thanks to Trump. imo

I was beginning to wonder if common sense was ever going to sink in with the american people. Thank god we have a voice again. TRUMP!
You right. The uneducated cavemen have a voice again.


Well-Known Member
You are just a typical middle of the road LOSER american that suffers from a mental disease called LIBERALISM!
Your the same kind of person that makes someone like Jerry Sienfeld sick to his stomach because he cant perform his comedy routine at colleges because it has become so politically correct. So dont tell me who I am you liberal MORON!
and stick your Political correctness up YOUR ASS! maybe one day you'll get a sense of humor.
ooooh, nice caps lock.

none of what you said is true, nor does it change the fact that you are an anti-semite, a racist, and a misogynist.


Well-Known Member
Your goal is trolling.
I can understand coming from you.
Your unattractive, insecure, fat, your husband is making bank and you know he will leave you in a heart beat. Probably getting some on the side right now.
Well good luck to you.
her hubby makes $12 an hour. that is their only income besides the welfare they suck up.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
@nitro harley 's own family doesn't like him either.

yes, i found all of his personal information, so i know this to be fact. his own family hates him. it's hilarious.

i would doxx but but rolli asked me not to doxx the morons anymore.
poopy pants , did rolli put a leash bucky boy? You must have the wrong info because I just talked to most my family today and they seem really excited and happy. How's the crooked bitch's numbers holding up for you? TRUMP!

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
The cartoonist forgot to include wishful thinking, deceit, bald face lies. 'cuz, Trump did have many bankruptcies, he has made mysogynistic statements, too many to count, he is a fascist a racist and a bigot. The record is there for all to read. Denying any of it doesn't change the facts.
That was a great cartoon. It even had the part where you pop like a zit. That was some funny stuff. TRUMP!
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