Does old school marijuana still exist?


Well-Known Member
something I found... another interesting article.

here's an exerpt from the article: "While it may be true that sinsemilla is more widely available than 10 or 15
years ago, its potency has not changed significantly from the 2.4 to 9.5 percent
THC materials available in 1873-1974, or the five to 14 percent sinsemilla of
1975. The range of potencies available then (marijuana at 0.1% to 7.8% THC,
averaging 2.0% to 5.0% THC by 19750 was approximately the same as reported now.
With such a range, the evidence simply cannot support the argument by Cohen that
marijuana is "ten or more times more potent than the product smoked ten years
ago." And to say that marijuana potency has increased 1,400 percent since any
date in history is patent nonsense."

stay high


New Member
so what we are saying is back in the day you were smoking weed that was malnourished. the pot has not gotten better its the growers. light and air can degrade pot so you can change the thc to a cbn. Or dunk some but in alcohol and let it dry that should do it.


Well-Known Member
potency is genetic, growing conditions will effect final quality, but thc content is genetic
if weed from the past was not potent, how can we possibly have potent strains today lol ?

the hippies of today are still chasing the leather haze and thai holy grail from the 70s lol

the very fact that over many generations all over the world folk selected potent phenotypes outdoors,
that preceded the indoor strains and cultivation
these old outdoor genetics gave birth to the indoor strains we have today over time and selection and breeding etc etc
potency and indoor hybrids have become more prevalent because of modern technology

if it wasn't for those third world farmers selecting good potent strains hundreds of years ago, all the weed growing today would be shwag or hemp

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
grow some hemp and you can have your good old low thc.

i say all breeders should continue to create the most potent they can and get them out to as many people as they can before the government has their way and puts a limit on the amount of potency of a product that can be distributed.


bud bootlegger
here's something i just thought about too to prove this is bs for the most part...

think about this.. where do most of today's strains come from?? are they just pulled out of thin air, or are 90% or more of today's strains just hybrids of shit years ago?? skunk number one, northern lights, haze, not to mention any of the landraces that have been the same genetics for centuries upon centuries...
if those strains were only low thc strains, how do today's strains have such high potency if they're mostly all just hybrids of old stuff??
things that make you go hmmmm... :D


Active Member
Like somebody else said, just get some reggies and plant the seeds...but why would you even wanna do that? If you can't handle the high potency strains, just smoke less at a'll still be a smoother high..


New Member
who started that shitty rumor anyway my mother was saying the same thing. she said we didn't have pot like that back when i was a kid we got lids of good mexican for ten bucks .


Well-Known Member
Im telling you, they still sell those classic strains at dispensaries. In hollywood they have the 3 most famous strains, Panama Red, Acapulco Gold, and Jamaican..

Guerilla Kush

Active Member
Modern day weed is more potent due to selective breeding.
The breeders were selecting only the most potent plants for hundreds of generations and were using only the most potent ones for creating the new strains.
The offspring of those potent fuckers is what is now known as 20%-27% THC pot.
OG Kush was introduced in 1994 and back in the day it was the most potent, artificially crated, new and unseen type of weed. It is to this day one of the strongest. It doesn't matter if OG Kush's genes come form the mild and consumer friendly weed of the 70's - it's still a selectively bred hybrid that will blaze you the fuck out.
So it is indeed true that modern strains have been artificially bred for potency and don't have much in common with old school, natural weed.


bud bootlegger
Modern day weed is more potent due to selective breeding.
The breeders were selecting only the most potent plants for hundreds of generations and were using only the most potent ones for creating the new strains.
The offspring of those potent fuckers is what is now known as 20%-27% THC pot.
OG Kush was introduced in 1994 and back in the day it was the most potent, artificially crated, new and unseen type of weed. It is to this day one of the strongest. It doesn't matter if OG Kush's genes come form the mild and consumer friendly weed of the 70's - it's still a selectively bred hybrid that will blaze you the fuck out.
So it is indeed true that modern strains have been artificially bred for potency and don't have much in common with old school, natural weed.
i don't buy this.. even with selective breeding, you're still using old world genetics.. you're just selecting the greatest out of the lot. that's not saying where it came from was less potent.. how can this be so.. all selective breeding does is isolate what is already there, it's not creating anything new..


Active Member
Potent weed has always been aroul=nd but like what was stated before its more abundant.. and properly grown now.. I heard Jorge Cervantes talking about a strain called Panama Red that he smoked back in the woodstock days.. and apparently it hasnt changed much, its probly more potent that 3% though..

Maybe buy some hemp :)


Active Member
OG Kush, as well as deisel, btw came from a random seed at a Grateful Dead concert back in the day.. Theres nothing artificial about it.. Its just plain awesome..


Well-Known Member
here's something i just thought about too to prove this is bs for the most part...

think about this.. where do most of today's strains come from?? are they just pulled out of thin air, or are 90% or more of today's strains just hybrids of shit years ago?? skunk number one, northern lights, haze, not to mention any of the landraces that have been the same genetics for centuries upon centuries...
if those strains were only low thc strains, how do today's strains have such high potency if they're mostly all just hybrids of old stuff??
things that make you go hmmmm... :D
yep m8 .. they were growing and selecting potent pheno's since the beginning of time
if each culture/civilization had not done this through out the history of weed, then the genetic gene pool today
would of reverted back to hemp ,
since the only genetic material available to create future strains are the plants that would be growing at that specific time in the world, and any seeds that may of been stored from previous times .. as you say you can't create a 25% thc strain out of thin air by breeding low 3% thc strains or non-selected wild land races

it would of only taken a few decades maybe of non selection to wipe most of the good genetics around the world out, it is lucky that throughout time people have been around to make sure good weed is preserved

since all plants left unselected over time will continue to self pollinate and become hemp

peace :)

Guerilla Kush

Active Member
i don't buy this.. even with selective breeding, you're still using old world genetics.. you're just selecting the greatest out of the lot. that's not saying where it came from was less potent.. how can this be so.. all selective breeding does is isolate what is already there, it's not creating anything new..
You don't buy this because you don't know what selective breeding is and how it works. Also, any nutcase conspiracy theorist would doubt and argue any statement that comes from government officials. Well, this time the government are right - modern day weed IS indeed way more potent than the weed of the 70's. I'm not saying that strong weed did not exist in the 70's, it sure did, but it was a rare thing to find a 10%+ THC strain.
Today 15% THC strains are considered weak.

The genes of the modern strains do not only come from the old school strains. Today we have a lot more Afghan and Pakistani Indicas than we had in the 70's. So potency did not increase only because of the selective breeding, but also because of the constant introduction of all sorts of newly imported landrace Indicas and Sativas.
All bullsiht aside, I know it for a FACT that the weed I used to smoke in the early 90's had nothing to do with the new, hardcore, selectively bred shit that is flooding the market today.


Well-Known Member
I remember in the late 80's early 90's smoking bomb... shit that would make my eyes cross. We used to smoke what we would call "parental" my buddies dad was a hell's angel and he would steal bud from him and this shit was full of crystal and almost flouresent green, the shit would probably still knock me on my ass to this day... good bud has always been out there, it just wasn't as readily available. If you want a strain that won't mess you up too bad go find yourself some nexican dirt weed (brown in color) you can smoke a lot and not get nearly as high as some on the one hit quit shit... stay high


Ursus marijanus
You don't buy this because you don't know what selective breeding is and how it works. Also, any nutcase conspiracy theorist would doubt and argue any statement that comes from government officials. Well, this time the government are right - modern day weed IS indeed way more potent than the weed of the 70's. I'm not saying that strong weed did not exist in the 70's, it sure did, but it was a rare thing to find a 10%+ THC strain.
Today 15% THC strains are considered weak.

The genes of the modern strains do not only come from the old school strains. Today we have a lot more Afghan and Pakistani Indicas than we had in the 70's. So potency did not increase only because of the selective breeding, but also because of the constant introduction of all sorts of newly imported landrace Indicas and Sativas.
All bullsiht aside, I know it for a FACT that the weed I used to smoke in the early 90's had nothing to do with the new, hardcore, selectively bred shit that is flooding the market today.
Not necessarily. i see Racerboy's point. Consider that ten thousand years ago, all modern dogs were wild-type wolves. All that variation was teased out of the wolf genome. So while the introduction of traits from new landraces undoubtedly played a part ... imo the bigger factor was teasing out all the hidden phenotypic features from the wild-type cannabis we've had until maybe fifty or more years ago when people began to systematize breeding drug strains. Current weed is like poodles and Labradors and German Shepherds. Folks are working toward shar-peis and Dachshunds and St. Bernards ... cn

Guerilla Kush

Active Member
Not necessarily. i see Racerboy's point. Consider that ten thousand years ago, all modern dogs were wild-type wolves. All that variation was teased out of the wolf genome. So while the introduction of traits from new landraces undoubtedly played a part ... imo the bigger factor was teasing out all the hidden phenotypic features from the wild-type cannabis we've had until maybe fifty or more years ago when people began to systematize breeding drug strains. Current weed is like poodles and Labradors and German Shepherds. Folks are working toward shar-peis and Dachshunds and St. Bernards ... cn
My point exactly. Selective breeding can do that. And with plants like Cannabis that can have up to 4 generations in just one year, the process becomes really fast.