Do you think weed should be legal?


New Member
completely and absolutely legalized. on par with basil or broccoli. not decriminalized, not medical use only - just plain fucking legal period.
well said email, i couldnt have put it better myself. make it completely legal, no ifs, no buts.



Well-Known Member
And I will leave you with this...I am enjoying our banter and mean no offense to you personally. I'm sure we have plenty of common ground in other interests, concerns and of course ... hobbies and recreation! :joint:

No offense taken, it is nice to converse with you. You are a highly intelligent individual and I only hope that someone such as yourself (or alike) spends their times attempting to decriminalize the herb we all know and love. :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
I think there should be regulation with regards to the harder drugs if not for the lethal potential that some have.

As for the herb, I mourn the fate which has befallen it. It should of course be legal as it is far less damaging than most mood altering substances including alcohol.

I mock the governments brash certainty that the herb is somehow harmful, and despise their efforts to dictate not only what happens in the U.S. with regards to the herb but other parts of the world as well.


Well-Known Member
if nicotine and alcohol r considered drugs and legal, so should ganga.everybody should be able to pick there own poison.


Well-Known Member
exactly, most people think it would ruin the fun because companies like philip morris might take it and make it all commercialized, and mainstream. Plus add bad stuff in it like tobacco, and make it sucky weed. Yeah true, but you can also now grow your own SUPER JUICY buds. LOL Let alone, besides tokin it up man. Its good for fuels, fibers, rope, clothing, and PAPER!! A BIGGIE!! so why is it so discriminated? Lies lies lies, and propaganda of global business men who want to rule the world. We are industrialzed and heartless and want everyone else to be that way too. Which to me is really unfortunate and sad. LOL just some of what im feeling...peace guys take it easy


Well-Known Member
I think all states should at least approve Medical Marijuana. It's proven there really is something to this plant which the good outways the bad. Let's be realistic though. Maybe within the next 10 years this is possible but for full legalization at least to me seems far-fetched. But what do i know. Small steps and patience play a key factor here. Over time it could happen.



Well-Known Member
does the pope got a balcony?, does pinnochio got wooden balls? like this is an awful debate we know the effects of marijuana and the effects of other legal drugs (alcohol) and i think even marijuana haters would agree that alcohol abuse is a bigger issue then ANY weed epidemic. comon tho people really its all you middle aged tax paying citizens that only talk about it in forums like these that need to speak up and tell the politicians that you need it to! not jus the stoner kids and pot head hippies.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I am a believer that it should be all decriminalized.yeah sounds fun and great but there are a lot of idiots out there they let drink alcohol and that same type of idiot if they have no fear will smoke weed and cause just as many issues. It should be legal at home and to grow a certain number of plants and if cited outside the home or licensed establishments it should be a minimal fine with no jail time. You also gotta figure it can be good with drastic price drops for some but that also could destroy other people. It need certain restraints but no 100% legal..alcohol could stand the harsher laws weed seems to attract. Drunkies should go to prison for as long as a guy with a bag of weed


Well-Known Member
=I mock the governments brash certainty that the herb is somehow harmful, and despise their efforts to dictate not only what happens in the U.S. with regards to the herb but other parts of the world as well.
Dam US government threatens to close the Canada/US border if Canada legalizes pot. If it wasn't for the American Gov. pot would be legal everywhere. I personally would be all for building a wall across the border, but unfortunately too many Canadians would loose their jobs.


Well-Known Member
I think everyone here would like weed to be legal...thats a retorical question.

The US Government are such cockfaces they wont legalize it like other countries...i wish i lived somewhere it was legal. Damn the Man!

Either way, Obama says he would lower the restrictions on it if he were president....he doesnt mean make it legal, but lower the penalty if you get caught with it. Either way im planning on going to Amsterdam sometime soon...Vote Obama?


Well-Known Member
Dumb question, yes, obviously it should be but not even all here would agree to that idea, might impact how they make a living.

Take out all the fun if it were legal? If you want a thrill from danger go jump off a cliff, don't fuking keep me a criminal so you can have the thrill of being one.

fat sam

Well-Known Member
you know whats funny about this whole thing, i was talking about this with my dentist, and he said you know, if alcohol was a new drug there is no way it would be legal, it has no medical value, it has a high abuse potential and it makes people lose there fucking minds when they drink to much where pot you see is quite the opposite, truthfully i think its pretty good the way we have it here in S.F, the cops are not worried about it, if you have a med card or not your not going to jail for it and its on the edge of legality enough that its not commercialized and lots of people are making small fortunes selling to clubs and what not, i think full on commercial would screw it up in the sense that it would become bland like the difference between a can of budweiser and some micro brew, i would like to see all penalties taken away but keep corporate out